Some of these committees meet quite regularly and others meet only as needed. The membership on these committees is exclusively BOG members. A senior staff member is assigned to assist each committee.
Develops and monitors the governing rules and policies relating to the structure and organization of the bar; ensures that all bar programs and services are in compliance with organizational mandates and are achieving desired outcomes. Identifies and brings emerging issues to the BOG for discussion and action.
Myah Kehoe, Chair
Gabe Chase, Vice Chair
Candace Clarke
Tomás Hernandez
Joseph Hesbrook
Megan Houlihan
Matt McKean
John Marandas
Robert Welsh
Nik Yanchar
Staff: Helen Hierschbiel
Oversees the bar's government relations program, keeps the BOG abreast of legislative developments, makes recommendations regarding legislative priorities and actions.
Curtis Peterson, Chair
Apolinar Montero-Sánchez, Vice Chair
Chris Cauble
Stephanie Engelsman
Kellie Furr
Elizabeth Inayoshi
Eddie Passadore
Kyle Sciuchetti
Staff: Susan Grabe
Identifies desired skills and attributes for the BOG and searches for individuals who have an interest in serving and possess the requisite criteria. Reviews applications, conducts interviews, and recommends candidates for public member positions. Identifies training needs for the board. May recruit candidates for other governance positions.
Chris Cauble, Chair
Stephanie Engelsman, Vice Chair
Kellie Furr
Jospeh Hesbrook
Elizabeth Inayoshi
Myah Kehoe
Curtis Peterson
Kyle Sciuchetti
Robert Welsh
Staff: Dani Edwards
Interviews candidates for appellate court appointments and makes recommendations to Governor in accordance with established policy; serves as a resource for local bar screening committees. There is at least one appellate screening process each year, which requires one or two days depending on the number of candidates to be interviewed.
Gabe Chase, Chair
Kellie Furr, Vice Chair
Joseph Hesbrook
Megan Houlihan
Kyle Sciuchetti
Staff: Susan Grabe
Provides oversight of the bar's financial operations; makes recommendations to the BOG about the annual budgets and assessments; manages OSB reserves and investments; receives biennial audit. Provides guidance on long-range forecasts, operating expenses and capital purchases.
Matt McKean, Chair
Candace Clarke, Vice Chair
Gabe Chase
Tomás Hernandez
Megan Houlihan
John Marandas
Apolinar Montero-Sánchez
Eddie Passadore
Nik Yanchar
Staff: Mike Williams