1000 Friends of Oregon
Working with Oregonians to enhance our quality of life by building livable urban and rural communities, protecting family farms and forests, and conserving natural areas. Cases involve land use law.
Access the Law - Veterans Legal Clinic
Access the Law (ATL) has been working with the Veterans Administration since 2013 providing a free monthly legal clinic to veterans throughout Oregon. We have seen that access to legal consultation and representation benefits our veteran clients by assisting to lift some of the burdens they face on a daily basis. The areas of service are broad and as such we want and need attorneys with a variety of expertise, though domestic relations, landlord / tenant, debtor / creditor matter, benefits and employment matters predominate. The clinic has benefited from the support of a number of attorney volunteers each month and is always ready to welcome more. The clinic is usually the last Wednesday of each month and asks for a minimum commitment of 2 hours each month.
OSB Certified
ACLU of Oregon
Virtually all of the ACLU's legal work is handled by cooperating attorneys. Cooperating attorneys assist with legal research, advocacy, and litigation. They may also be asked to speak about civil liberties issues to schools, community groups, and organizations across Oregon.
To volunteer, fill out the volunteer attorney interest form: action.aclu.org/secure/or_attorney?ms=web_161130_aff_OR_volunteer_attorney
Contact: Jann Carson
Contact Email: info@aclu-or.org
Contact Phone: (503) 227-3186
Catholic Charities - Immigration Legal Services
Pro bono attorneys represent adult and child survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault and other serious crimes for immigration relief. Immigration Legal Services holds in-person training sessions for pro bono attorneys twice a year and has a training video to send to attorneys unable to attend an in-person training. Once a pro bono attorney receives training and has taken a client referral, Immigration Legal Services provides ongoing mentoring and technical assistance. There are also pro bono volunteer opportunities in the CCILS office for attorneys to work on family-based immigration cases including family-based petitions and applications for lawful status for victims of crime and domestic violence. Work may include preparing application packets and cover letters, direct client communications, and responding to agency requests. Volunteers work under the supervision of a Catholic Charities legal representative. Ability to speak Spanish is an asset but is not a requirement. Must be able to commit to a regular schedule of at least 12 hours per week during regular office hours.
OSB Certified
Center for NonProfit Legal Services
Handling of conflict overflow cases representing the adverse party. Cases are usually in the areas of family law, housing, consumer, employment, immigration, individual rights, and public benefits law. Training manuals provided; information sharing with experienced practitioners.
OSB Certified
Website: https://cnpls.org
Counties: Jackson
Categories: Consumer & Bankruptcy, Employment, Family, Housing, Immigration, Public Benefits
Clackamas Women's Services - LEAP: Legal Empowerment Accelerator Program
The LEAP (Legal Empowerment Accelerator Program) program of Clackamas Women's Services (CWS) provides civil legal services to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, elder abuse and human trafficking. LEAP attorneys provide both pro bono services to CWS participants as well as offer sliding scale rates for those between 125-400% of the Federal Poverty Level. LEAP seeks pro bono attorneys who can do one (or all) of the following: commit to taking a case of Clackamas Women's Services (contested restraining order/stalking order, etc.); mentor a newer attorney on a matter they are handling for CWS; or be willing to accept those random one-off questions that come up in the course of representation. Types of cases most frequently presented include: protection from abuse, family, elder, general civil. Any level of commitment is appreciated and accepted.
OSB Certified
Website: https://www.cwsor.org/leap/
Counties: Clackamas, Multnomah, Washington
Categories: Protection from Abuse, Family, Elder, General Civil
Civics Learning Project - We the People Program and Competition
Students test their knowledge of constitutional issues in simulated Congressional Hearings. High school students can compete at regional, state, and national levels. High School students can participate in hearings in their classrooms and official governmental hearing rooms. Coach: High Schools throughout the state are in need of volunteer attorney coaches. Please contact us to find out if there is any need in your area! Judge: Both attorney and non-attorney judges are needed for regional (statewide; late January) and state (Portland; early February) competitions. We promise you will be impressed by these young competitors!
Civics Learning Project - Community Action Projects
Students identify a problem or gap in policy in their communities, suggest research-based solutions, pick the solution with the best outcome, and testify about that solution before a panel or the pertinent governing body. Judge a group at State Showcase (May) or School Showcase (mostly Spring). These projects are incredibly thoughtful and students benefit from questions that the Judges ask as they search for workable solutions to their community's issues. It is refreshing to hear students' ideas about some of Oregon's most pressing problems!
Civics Learning Project - Law Day Student Conference
A conference for high school students that includes workshops on a variety of legal, social, and political issues concerning youth; taught by experts, scholars, and activists. Law Day events occur around the state of Oregon in April and May, contact us for details for dates/locations/times. We need workshop presenters on a variety of legal and legal adjacent topics and fields that are of interest to high school students. Number of hours varies but usually between 2-4.
Civics Learning Project - Oregon Civics Conference for Teachers
The largest Civics Conference in Oregon for educators from around the state, held at the Capitol in Salem the first Friday of December annually. Workshops include insiders' views of all three branches of Oregon government, experts and scholars on a range of legal, judicial, and civics topics. The Oregon Civics Conference is held on Civics Day, which is the first Friday of December every year. Usually the presentations are a 1 hour time commitment.
Civics Learning Project - Classroom Visitors
Civics Learning Project - Court Experience Tour Guides
Much more than a field trip, the Courthouse Experience gives students (grades 5 to 12), teachers and parent chaperones the opportunity to sit in on real trials and learn more about our justice system. We are grateful to our wonderful Multnomah Circuit Court judges, who frequently take the time to talk with our student groups at the courthouse. Volunteers guide these groups on their tour. Court Tour Guides begin the tour with a brief orientation presentation to the students and chaperones on the basics of our court system. They then lead the group to the Justice Center for observation of Community Court and arraignments. The tour continues on to the Multnomah County Courthouse, where guides help the student groups find interesting court proceedings to observe. Classroom Law Project provides guides with training and orientation materials. Tours are offered every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday during the school year (late September through early June). Court Tour Guides are asked to commit at least one morning (8:30-noon) per month.
Civics Learning Project - Mock Trial Volunteers
Classroom Law Project provides support for mock trial programs throughout the entire state of Oregon. Each year volunteer coaches, judges, and competition event assistants make Mock Trial possible for students across the state. Coach: Schools throughout the state are in need of volunteer attorney coaches. Please contact us to find out if there is any need in your area! Judge: Both attorney and non-attorney judges are needed for regional (statewide; late February) and state (Portland; mid-March) competitions. We promise you will be impressed by these young competitors!
Commons Law Center
Pro bono lawyers commit to two hours per month and serve as supervisors for our on-staff fellows, who are new lawyers in need of practical training. Matter types include family law, estate planning, probate, business, and nonprofit law. Our sliding-scale legal services are limited to those living from 125-400% of the federal poverty level. We look to our pro bono attorneys to provide legal expertise on client matters. Pro bono lawyers may be invited to support our community education programs, too.
OSB Certified
Compassion & Choices
Compassion & Choices is the nation's oldest, largest, and most active nonprofit organization committed to improving care and expanding choice at the end of life. Across the nation, we work to ensure healthcare providers honor and enable patients' decisions about their care. To make this vision a reality, Compassion & Choices works nationwide in state legislatures, Congress, courts, medical settings, and communities to: Empower people with information and tools to receive healthcare consistent with their values and priorities as they approach the end of life; advance policies that allow people to make fully informed decisions about their healthcare, such as improving hospice and palliative care and ending unwanted medical treatment; secure legal victories that advance patient-directed care, bodily autonomy, and self-determination; authorize and implement medical aid in dying to allow mentally capable adults in their final weeks or months of a terminal disease to advance the time of death and end unbearable suffering.
Deschutes County Access to Justice Committee - Lawyer in the Library Program
Lawyers help people in the initial stages of finding resources and determining if they need an attorney, so you do not need to be an expert in any particular area of law. Our goal is to assist individuals who do not qualify for legal aid but cannot afford an attorney, but sometimes participants will decide to hire an attorney after a library appointment. Volunteers take up to 5 half-hour appointments from 5:30 to 8:00 at the library. Minimal commitment: one night (two to four times per year) for no more than 3 hours per night. In addition to being provided a video CLE with materials (credits: 1.25 ATJ and 0.25 Ethics), your first two volunteer opportunities will be spent with another attorney in the LITL program. The first time you volunteer you'll sit as “second chair” so you can get a feel for the program. The second time, you act as “first chair” with an attorney there for backup.
OSB Certified
Counties: Deschutes
Categories: General Civil, Family, Housing, Public Benefits, Youth, Employment, Consumer & Bankruptcy, Civil and Criminal Rights, Immigration, Elder
Disability Rights Oregon - Special Education Advocacy Program
Assists the special education team at Disability Rights Oregon (DRO), Oregon's designated Protection and Advocacy agency, to ensure that children with disabilities receive a free appropriate public education. Participating volunteer attorneys will draft and file complaints with the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) and/or with the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) and help children get the services they need to learn and make progress at school. DRO special education attorneys will provide volunteer attorneys with an orientation and training that will give them a working knowledge of the core elements of special education law backed up by an extensive written manual. Volunteer attorneys will then be offered cases that have been screened by DRO attorneys as appropriate for effective ODE/OCR complaints.
OSB Certified
El Programa Hispano - Low Income Taxpayer Clinic
Serves low-income Latinos and other low-income taxpayers who have a problem with the IRS and any related state tax issues. Volunteer attorneys provide advocacy and representation before the IRS or in court on tax collection disputes, audits and a variety of other federal tax issues. Lawyers can receive basic tax-law training, advocacy skills, exposure to case management, and mentorship by an Oregon-licensed attorney. Spanish speakers are in high demand, but translation services will be provided as needed.
OSB Certified
Face-to-Face Portland
Face-to-Face Portland is a new nonprofit founded to help improve trust between Portland police officers and the community. Our liaison family program is our biggest program focus initially where we match up local families with new police officers. Like police departments around the country, Portland is facing a shortage of officers as the result of ongoing retirements. Many of our recruits come from outside the state. Face-to-face seeks to support, engage, and expand our police officers' personal experience with community members.
Website: www.facetofacepdx.org
Counties: Multnomah
Categories: Community Service, Civil and Criminal Rights, Other
Contact: Aaron Kirk Douglas
Contact Email: akdouglas@msn.com
Contact Phone: (503) 307-7869
Free Legal Answers
This virtual legal clinic was started in October of 2022 to mitigate the significant barriers – transportation, time off from work, family obligations, etc. – that prevent low-income individuals from accessing free help. Notably, those same barriers present obstacles for lawyers who would like to help but find other pro bono opportunities logistically challenging. This “online anytime” virtual pro bono clinic is simple: low-income Oregonians log onto the website, answer some eligibility questions, and if qualified, they can post a civil legal question to a secure messaging system.
Registered pro bono attorneys log into the system anytime twenty-four hours a day, select a client's question, and then provide a brief legal answer and any other recommended resources. This unbundled model allows lawyers to decide when they have time to volunteer, what type of legal issue they feel competent to address, and how much pro bono work they can take on. Lawyers can answer as many (or as few) questions as they wish, although participants are encouraged to answer at least one question per month.
OSB Certified
Immigration Counseling Service
ICS provides legal assistance in immigration-related matters to low and moderate income residents of Oregon and Southern Washington. In addition, ICS assists unaccompanied children who are undocumented and detained in detention facilities, shelters, transitional and long-term foster care facilities in Oregon. They also assist undocumented children who have been released to a sponsor in Oregon and remain in need of legal assistance. There are pro bono opportunities to assist these juveniles. ICS will provide training and mentoring. For a few hours of your time, you can make a huge difference in a child's life.
OSB Certified
Innovation Law Lab - Big Immigration Law Project
The Big Immigration Law Project provides representation and representation-support at several immigrant detention sites around the country and in several non-detained settings jurisdictions including Georgia, North Carolina, Texas, Missouri, and Oregon. SIgnup to volunteer at https://innovationlawlab.org/volunteer-with-innovation-law-lab/
OSB Certified
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:
IRCO - Disability Legal Services
We provide specialized legal representation, including support services, to disabled refugees as they seek to obtain Social Security disability benefits. We also focus on education for decision makers, healthcare providers and all those who interact with refugees in the disability process. Written information and training. Initial visits spent observing only. Mentor attorney. PLF coverage provided pursuant to our certification. No specific time commitments on a weekly basis; however, we are most interested in volunteers able to make a longer-term commitment. Arabic language skills are especially useful.
OSB Certified
Contact: Volunteer Coordinator
Contact Email: ircodls@irco.org
Contact Phone: (971) 270-0755
IRCO - Refugee and Immigrant Family Strengthening Program
Cases involving immigration law such as assisting domestic violence survivors self-petition under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), U-visas, and T-visas. Cases involving contested protective orders, divorce and child custody proceedings. Formal or informal domestic violence training as necessary that includes a segment on domestic violence within immigrant and refugee communities.
Website: https://www.irco.org
Counties: Clackamas, Multnomah, Washington
Categories: Family, Immigration, Youth, Protection from Abuse
Contact: Stacey Vu
Contact Email: staceyv@irco.org
Contact Phone: (503) 234-1541
LASO - Albany
Each Legal Aid Services of Oregon office coordinates pro bono opportunities in the communities they serve. If you are an attorney interested in volunteering with LASO, please discuss opportunities with the applicable contact listed.
OSB Certified
LASO - Central Oregon - Bankruptcy Clinic
The Oregon State Bar Debtor-Creditor Section and the Central Oregon Regional Office of Legal Aid Services of Oregon sponsor this clinic that provides information and representation to clients who are considering bankruptcy or who are already in U.S. Bankruptcy Court as pro se litigants. Volunteer attorneys meet with clients, help them assess whether bankruptcy is appropriate, and if so, provide ongoing representation through discharge. The quarterly clinic takes place in the Rosie Bareis Community Campus in Bend. Online CLE and written training materials are available to train pro bono attorneys.
OSB Certified
LASO - Central Oregon - Volunteer Lawyer Project
Full-service volunteer lawyer project for general civil practice. Also, opportunities for lawyers to perform pro bono services for seniors at local senior centers.
OSB Certified
LASO - Clackamas Expungement Clinic
The Expungement Clinic is a partnership between the Clackamas County Bar Association, Clackamas County Law Library, LASO, and the Clackamas Service Center. The clinic is designed to help low-income clients in Clackamas County complete court expungement paperwork. Volunteer attorneys meet with clients to determine whether they qualify for an expungement. If the client is eligible, the volunteer attorney will complete all the necessary court paperwork. The clinic provides one-time brief service to clients and is held every other month on Friday mornings at 9:30 a.m.
OSB Certified
LASO - Farmworker Program
Each Legal Aid Services of Oregon office coordinates pro bono opportunities in the communities they serve. If you are an attorney interested in volunteering with LASO, please discuss opportunities with the applicable contact listed.
OSB Certified
LASO - Klamath Falls
Each Legal Aid Services of Oregon office coordinates pro bono opportunities in the communities they serve. If you are an attorney interested in volunteering with LASO, please discuss opportunities with the applicable contact listed.
OSB Certified
LASO - Lincoln County
Each Legal Aid Services of Oregon office coordinates pro bono opportunities in the communities they serve. If you are an attorney interested in volunteering with LASO, please discuss opportunities with the applicable contact listed.
OSB Certified
LASO - Native American Program
Each Legal Aid Services of Oregon office coordinates pro bono opportunities in the communities they serve. If you are an attorney interested in volunteering with LASO, please discuss opportunities with the applicable contact listed.
OSB Certified
LASO - Pendleton
Full-service volunteer lawyer project for general civil practice; including limited representation or full representation. Also opportunities for retired or semi-retired lawyers to perform pro bono services.
OSB Certified
LASO - Portland - Bankruptcy Clinic
The Oregon State Bar Debtor-Creditor Section and LASO sponsor this project. The project consists of two components, a bankruptcy class and a legal clinic during which volunteer attorneys each meet with two clients for 30-minute appointments. Anyone may attend the 45-minute class, which is taught by a member of the bankruptcy bar or bench. Volunteer attorneys meet with clients, help them assess whether bankruptcy is appropriate, and if so, provide ongoing representation. The monthly clinic occurs from 6:15-9pm and alternates between sites in Beaverton, east Portland and downtown Portland. Eight to ten attorneys, one mentor and one speaker are scheduled for each clinic. An online CLE and written training materials are available at www.oregonadvocates.org.
OSB Certified
LASO - Portland - Domestic Violence Project
The Domestic Violence Project (DVP) matches pro bono attorneys with survivors of domestic violence for representation in contested restraining order hearings. These cases tend to have short timelines, involve limited issues and require a court appearance. Attorneys sign up in advance to be available to take a case on a specific date (restraining order hearings are generally scheduled on Mondays and Thursdays). The project provides representation to clients in Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington Counties. DVP is an excellent volunteer opportunity for new lawyers, lawyers seeking litigation experience, and attorneys who cannot commit to taking long-term cases. This project covers a discrete area of law and most of the volunteers are not family law practitioners. DVP volunteers are not expected to assist clients with family law issues. An online CLE and written training materials are available at www.oregonadvocates.org.
OSB Certified
LASO - Portland - Family Law Forms Help
Volunteer attorneys provide limited assistance to clients requiring discrete legal advice or document review. Attorneys are scheduled to meet with three clients, each for a 45-minute appointment. Clinics are held from 2:30 to 5:00 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Legal Aid. Attorneys respond to discrete family law questions and/or review documents prepared by unrepresented litigants. Attorneys are NOT expected to provide ongoing representation to clients and clients sign a retainer agreement detailing the limited scope of the attorney-client relationship. Volunteer attorneys must have family law experience to volunteer for this project.
OSB Certified
LASO - Portland - Family Law Forms Help Facilitation Clinic
Attorneys with little (or no) family law experience can volunteer for this portion of the Clinic, by helping clients complete their pro se documents. Once the paperwork is completed, clients attend the Family Law Forms Help clinic to meet with an experienced family law attorney. Facilitation Clinics take place on Wednesdays from 2-4 pm at Legal Aid.
OSB Certified
LASO - Portland - Senior Law Project
The Senior Law Project consists of 25 monthly legal clinics held at nine senior center locations in Multnomah County. Volunteer lawyers meet with clients who are 60 or over (or who are married to someone 60 or over). The lawyers provide 30-minute consultations, on any civil legal issues, for up to six clients per clinic. All clients 60 or over are eligible for a free 30-minute consultation, regardless of their income. SLP volunteers provide continuing pro bono services for clients who meet LASO's financial eligibility requirements. LASO coordinates a monthly Elder Law Discussion Group to provide information and support.
OSB Certified
LASO - Portland, Stoel Rives, and Dunn Carney - Legal Aid Night Clinic
Attorneys from Stoel Rives, LLP and Dunn Carney LLP exclusively staff the Night Clinic in a partnership with LASO. The attorneys screen the cases and provide legal representation to clients. The clinics are held on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month. Two volunteer attorneys from the law firms are scheduled for each clinic and each attorney meets with up to four clients per clinic. The following issues are referred: consumer law, small claims advice, landlord/tenant damage claims, and estate planning.
OSB Certified
LASO - Roseburg
Each Legal Aid Services of Oregon office coordinates pro bono opportunities in the communities they serve. If you are an attorney interested in volunteering with LASO, please discuss opportunities with the applicable contact listed.
OSB Certified
LASO - Salem
Full-service volunteer lawyer project for general civil practice with a variety of panels of lawyers volunteering in a number of areas. Also opportunities for retired or semi-retired lawyers to perform pro bono services for seniors. Occasional CLEs sponsored by the VLP and the pro bono committee of the Marion County Bar Association that are free to VLP volunteers. Staff attorneys provide mentoring when needed.
OSB Certified
LASO - Tax Program
The Statewide Low Income Taxpayer Clinic provides advice and representation to low-income clients who have a tax controversy with the IRS or the Department of Revenue. Pro bono tax cases are referred through a listserve where basic case information is posted. An attorney interested in taking the case responds to the email and conflict checking information is provided. Cases cover a range of state and federal personal income tax issues including collections, examinations (audits), innocent spouse claims, and tax court cases. Volunteer opportunities are also available for recent graduates and new members of the Bar.
OSB Certified
LASO, Oregon Law Center, and Center for NonProfit Legal Services - Foreclosure Help Pro Bono Project
A collaborative project of three of Oregon's legal services agencies. The project provides free legal help to low-income homeowners facing mortgage default and foreclosure and tenants whose homes face foreclosure. Attorneys provide a one-hour consultation to a referred client at no charge. Beyond the initial consultation, attorneys have the option of providing additional representation, either on a pro bono basis or for a reduced fee. Training is available.
OSB Certified
Lewis & Clark Law School - Small Business Legal Clinic (SBLC)
The SBLC pro bono project provides opportunities for business transaction lawyers to meet with clients at the SBLC. The SBLC sets up appointments and runs conflict checks. Lawyers are able to specify time slots that work for them to come to the office and meet with pre-screened clients. Opportunities include helping clients with entity selection and entity creation, contract review and drafting, debt problems, business financing, employment law, compliance with consumer, licensing and regulatory issues and copyright and trademark registration.
OSB Certified
Lewis & Clark Law School - Tax Clinic
Assist and mentor students in the representation of low-income clients in tax controversies with the IRS. Backup assistance provided by clinical professors. Time commitment varies.
OSB Certified
Mercy Corps Northwest - Small Business Consultants
Provides one-on-one legal consulting services to low-income microentrepreneurs and small business owners including determining which type of legal entity is appropriate, determining whether an operating or partnership agreement is necessary, discussion of other contracts, intellectual property protections, and employment-related legal issues. Provides record-keeping consulting services that help our clients keep accurate records for tax reporting as well as for general business health. Provides mentorship opportunities as both mentor and mentee for micro-entrepreneurs and small business owners that help build a supportive community for business success.
Metropolitan Public Defender
Opportunities to help with immigration and removal defense, criminal defense, and collaborative legal care.
MPD is dedicated to building a holistic model in which MPD is a community-based resource, providing a broad array of legal services to low-income individuals for the purpose of improving outcomes like long-term stability.
OSB Certified
Website: https://www.mpdlaw.com
Counties: Multnomah, Washington, Clackamas
Categories: Civil and Criminal Rights, General Civil, Veterans, Immigration
Multnomah Co. Family Court - Children's Representation Project
Attorneys are appointed by the court to represent children whose parents are involved in custody disputes in Multnomah County. Cases are assigned by the Multnomah County Family Law Court. The Hon. Susan Svetkey and her staff coordinate the project. Attorneys with family law and juvenile law experience are especially needed for this project.
Counties: Multnomah
Categories: Family, Youth
Multnomah County Court - Guardianship Appointments
Court appointment to represent individuals contesting appointment of guardian or conservator. No training provided. Knowledge of area of law required. To volunteer submit a letter regarding your legal background.
Counties: Multnomah
Categories: Elder, Family, Youth
National Crime Victim Law Institute
NCVLI, a nonprofit legal organization affiliated with Lewis & Clark Law School, works to promote the thoughtful development and advancement of victim law on a national level. NCVLI does not provide direct representation of crime victims, but does help train and support a national network of skilled attorneys to represent crime victims in the criminal justice system through the National Alliance of Victims' Rights Attorneys (NAVRA). Pro bono opportunities are not limited to direct representation of crime victims in the criminal justice system. Your help is also needed to serve as local counsel, conduct legal research, and represent crime victims in related civil proceedings. Most importantly, you don't need experience with victim law to help, NAVRA and NCVLI staff will train you to represent crime victims.
OSB Certified
Contact: NCVLI Pro Bono Coordinator
Contact Email: ncvli@lclark.edu
Contact Phone: (503) 768-6819
National Lawyers Guild - Portland Chapter - The Protester Project
The Protester Project is a program of the Portland National Lawyers Guild in which criminal defense lawyers, investigators, and legal workers volunteer to provide quality, pro bono, defense representation to people arrested at demonstrations statewide. Mentor attorneys available.
Counties: Statewide
Categories: Civil and Criminal Rights
Oregon Crime Victims Law Center
Pro bono attorneys needed to represent crime victims on particular issues in criminal cases, such as on motions to quash subpoenas seeking access to the victim, claims of violation of victims' rights, restitution hearings, post-conviction issues, etc. The center conducts periodic training in conjunction with the Portland-based National Crime Victim Law Institute. It also has a victims' rights law handbook and staff attorneys available for consultation. Spanish (or other) language skills and/or location outside of the Portland metro area are pluses.
OSB Certified
Website: https://www.ocvlc.org
Counties: Statewide
Categories: Crime Victims' Rights, Protection from Abuse
Oregon Judicial Department - Citizen Review Board (CRB)
Citizen Review Board (CRB) members volunteer one weekday per month to conduct case reviews for children and youth in out of home placements in the custody of the Department of Human Services and the Oregon Youth Authority. Serving in the county where they live or work, volunteers interact with parents, foster care providers, case workers, attorneys, therapists, and other legal or interested parties to the child or youth's case. The CRB has a dual statutory mandate to conduct case reviews and to make recommendations on policies, procedures, and laws relating to substitute care. CRB volunteers actively promote conditions which ensure every child lives in a safe, secure, healthy, permanent home, preserving families whenever possible. In cases of youth offenders, volunteers work to ensure public safety and reformation, helping youth offenders become successful and productive members of society. Created in 1985, the Citizen Review Board program now operates with approximately 400 volunteers throughout the state of Oregon. Local volunteer board members receive 16 hours of orientation and 8 hours of continuing education each year after that. All volunteers are appointed by the Chief Justice of the Oregon Supreme Court and must complete a screening and application process.
Oregon Justice Resource Center (OJRC)
The OJRC works to promote civil rights and improve legal representation for communities that have often been underserved in the past: people living in poverty and people of color among them. We work in collaboration with other, like-minded, organizations to maximize our reach to serve underrepresented populations, to train future public interest lawyers, and to educate our community on civil rights and current civil liberties concerns.
Work includes the Immigration Rights Project, Oregon Innocence Project, Women's Justice Project, criminal justice reform, amicus curiae support, and law student training.
We employ a holistic approach to criminal justice reform, using integrative advocacy as our model. This strategy includes focused direct legal services, public awareness campaigns, strategic partnerships, and coordinating our legal and advocacy areas to positively impact outcomes in favor of criminal justice reforms.
To volunteer, fill out the form at https://ojrc.info/volunteer/
OSB Certified
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:
Oregon Law Center - Coos Bay
Each Oregon Law Center office coordinates pro bono opportunities in the communities they serve. If you are an attorney interested in volunteering with OLC, please discuss opportunities with the applicable contact listed.
OSB Certified
Oregon Law Center - Grants Pass - Josephine County Volunteer Lawyers Project
Each Oregon Law Center office coordinates pro bono opportunities in the communities they serve. If you are an attorney interested in volunteering with OLC, please discuss opportunities with the applicable contact listed.
OSB Certified
Oregon Law Center - Hillsboro
Each Oregon Law Center office coordinates pro bono opportunities in the communities they serve. If you are an attorney interested in volunteering with OLC, please discuss opportunities with the applicable contact listed.
OSB Certified
Oregon Law Center - Lane County - Senior Law Service
Advice and counsel to seniors by appointment at senior centers. Volunteers have use of law library and expertise of legal services attorneys. Minimum time commitment is 2 hours.
OSB Certified
Oregon Law Center - Lane County - Survivors Justice Center
Represent survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking and dating violence in protective orders, visitation, custody, dissolution, other family law or related civil matters including housing, employment, consumer credit and public benefits.
OSB Certified
Oregon Law Center - Lane County - Volunteer Lawyers Program
Civil law cases for low-income clients, serve seniors and victims of domestic violence done on an appointment basis.
OSB Certified
Oregon Law Center - Ontario
Each Oregon Law Center office coordinates pro bono opportunities in the communities they serve. If you are an attorney interested in volunteering with OLC, please discuss opportunities with the applicable contact listed.
OSB Certified
Oregon Law Center - Portland - Neighboorhood Legal Clinic
Weekly clinics are conducted from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. in Portland. Each clinic services three to four clients. Common legal needs include collection, contract, landlord-tenant, unemployment, small estates, and insurance defense issues. Currently, there are two clinics, one of which is geared toward Spanish-speaking clients.
OSB Certified
Oregon Law Center - Salem
Each Oregon Law Center office coordinates pro bono opportunities in the communities they serve. If you are an attorney interested in volunteering with OLC, please discuss opportunities with the applicable contact listed.
OSB Certified
Oregon State Bar - Appellate Pro Bono Project
The program creates a pool of volunteer attorneys willing to represent pro se litigants in appellate cases. The Oregon Supreme Court and Court of Appeals select cases in which the court would benefit from attorney representation.
Any active member of the bar is eligible to participate. In addition to assisting the courts in appropriate cases, the program is intended to provide members of the bar with appellate experience. To receive e-mail announcements about available cases, send an e-mail including name, bar number, email address, phone number, and mailing address to orappprobono@gmail.com.
OSB Certified
Oregon State Bar - Lawyer to Lawyer Program
Resource Lawyers with experience to share are listed according to areas of expertise and geographic location. Any lawyer can call to request the names and numbers of three Resource Lawyers registered in a particular area. Names are given out in rotation so that referrals are evenly distributed. Resource Lawyers should expect to spend approximately 10 to 15 minutes on each phone consultation, and one to two hours for consultations over lunch (the Take Me to Lunch panel).
Contact: RIS Pro Bono Coordinator
Contact Email: ris@osbar.org
Contact Phone: (503) 620-0222 x408
Oregon State Bar - Military Assistance Panel
The Oregon State Bar administers a referral panel that lists lawyers willing to help military personnel and their families. Our volunteer lawyers have been trained to provide legal assistance relating to the SCRA and a range of other legal issues. Due to the nature of military deployments, family law is generally the most common type of legal service sought by servicemembers from our volunteers. However, we also receive requests for volunteers to help with consumer and debtor/creditor law, real property (including foreclosure and landlord/tenant) law, and estate planning. Lawyer volunteers should expect to offer one or two hours of pro bono advice and counseling to MAP clients. Additional pro bono representation is encouraged but not required. OSB provides free video training sessions and written materials covering specific legal issues addressed by SSCRA and applicable provisions of related areas of law.
OSB Certified
Contact: RIS Pro Bono Coordinator
Contact Email: ris@osbar.org
Contact Phone: (503) 620-0222 x408
Oregon State Bar - Problem Solvers
Volunteers help younger Oregonians (ages 13-17) with their legal questions. Lawyers agree to provide a free 30-minute consultation, usually concerning family law issues, emancipation and other areas of law pertinent to teens and young adults. Volunteers can specify the substantive practice area(s) they want to cover. The population served by this program generally has no access to legal services and little experience with courts and the justice system.
OSB Certified
Contact: RIS Pro Bono Coordinator
Contact Email: ris@osbar.org
Contact Phone: (503) 620-0222 x408
Oregon State Bar - Volunteer Defense Counsel for Bar Disciplinary Proceedings
The Oregon State Bar is looking for members who are willing to volunteer their time to assist lawyers who are being investigated or prosecuted for disciplinary violations. Volunteers will provide (pro bono) representation for accused lawyers in disciplinary matters, as their time and availability permit. Volunteer defense counsel are not screened but are expected to be familiar with the disciplinary rules and the disciplinary process. The bar does not require the volunteer defense counsel to provide any particular level of services. It is anticipated that most of the volunteer services will be of a consultative nature in the early stages of an investigation or prosecution. Volunteer defense counsel and their clients will determine by agreement the scope, nature, and charges for defense services to be provided.
Contact: Danielle Edwards
Contact Email: dedwards@osbar.org
Contact Phone: (503) 620-0222 x426
Oregon Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts - Legal Clinic
OVLA provides pro bono legal services to low-income artists, small budget arts organizations, and others involved in arts-related activities. OVLA's services are focused on intellectual property law, entertainment law, and general business advising. When possible, based on volunteer attorney expertise, we seek to provide representation on other legal issues including immigration and basic tax issues. Complete the Volunteer Application form at https://www.oregonvla.org/volunteer/
OSB Certified
Portland Community College - CLEAR (Community Legal & Educational Access & Referral) Clinic
The PCC CLEAR Clinic is a free limited-scope legal services clinic at PCC Cascade in North Portland, providing criminal record expungements, DACA renewals, immigration legal screenings, limited scope deportation defense services, eviction expungements, limited scope eviction legal defense, and legal name & gender-marker changes.
The CLEAR Clinic aims to help all our community members reduce barriers to employment, housing, education, and well-being. We are dedicated to increasing access to justice and addressing the lasting impact of disproportionate law enforcement on people of color and low-income communities. We can always use volunteer attorneys on all of our projects, and are happy to train. Please reach out!
OSB Certified
PSU Student Legal Services
SLS provides legal consultations and representation to PSU students in a variety of legal areas, including bankruptcy, consumer law, expungements, employment law, restraining orders, family law, landlord-tenant, personal injury, immigration consultations, traffic citations, and Small Claim matters. Our office also provides presentations to PSU students throughout the year on substantive areas of law. Pro bono attorneys will also be given an opportunity to present to students if interested. Pro bono participants will join a listserve where we will send out requests for pro bono representation and notice of opportunities to make presentations. Backup assistance provided by SLS attorneys. Contact Shalini Vivek for further information about SLS or to join the listserve. PLF Coverage offered only through the OSB certification program. Time commitment varies.
OSB Certified
Website: https://www.pdx.edu/sls/
Counties: Multnomah
Categories: Consumer & Bankruptcy, Employment, Family, Housing, Immigration, Protection from Abuse, General Civil, Expungement
Contact: April Aster
Contact Email: aaster@pdx.edu
Contact Phone: (503) 725-4556
SOAR Immigration Legal Services
SOAR Immigration Legal Services provides culturally competent, immigration-related legal representation and education to low-income refugees and immigrants in and around the Portland metro area. Recognized by the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) as an authorized provider of immigration legal services, SOAR's attorney-driven legal program has a staff of two attorneys, two BIA accredited representatives and one legal assistant. Volunteers provide pro bono legal services to SOAR's low-income clients. Email a resume and brief letter of interest if you are interested in volunteering.
St. Andrew Legal Clinic - Hillsboro Office
Volunteer attorneys conduct 30-minute intake interviews at "night clinic" on family law issues. Night clinics are held every Wednesday from 6:30-9 pm at the Washington County office in Hillsboro. Dinner is provided to volunteers at 6 p.m. Volunteers are supervised by an SALC staff attorney and do not need family law experience. Training materials are available.
OSB Certified
St. Andrew Legal Clinic - Portland Office
Volunteer attorneys conduct 30-minute intake interviews at "night clinic" on family law issues. Night clinics are held every Wednesday and alternate Tuesdays from 6:30-8 pm in the Multnomah County office in NE Portland. Dinner is provided to volunteers at 6 pm Volunteers are supervised by an SALC staff attorney and do not need family law experience. Training materials are available.
OSB Certified
Tonkon Torp LLP and Youth, Rights & Justice - Changing Lives Forever
The "CLiF Project" is a collaboration between Tonkon Torp LLP and Youth, Rights & Justice, a nonprofit law firm specializing in juvenile law. CliF lawyers provide pro bono representation to help deserving young people get off the registry so that they can live independent and productive lives. Volunteers receive training and consultation, and a library of forms and information is available. CLiF lawyers meet once a month (first Thursdays) at lunchtime to hear from experts in the field, share information, and help each other.
Counties: Multnomah
Categories: Youth
US District Court District of Oregon - Re-Entry Court
Volunteer attorneys help program participants resolve non-criminal legal issues such as back taxes, garnishment, past due child support and custody matters. Assist participants on federal probation with recovery from addiction, employment, and issues related to successful re-entry into society.
Counties: Statewide
Categories: Civil and Criminal Rights
US District Court District of Oregon - US District Court Pro Bono Program
Appoints attorneys to represent pro se parties in civil cases who, in the Court's opinion, require and are qualified to receive them. Such parties (who are often incarcerated) typically lack the financial means or legal experience to adequately deal with the issues and proceedings in US District Court. The representation may be for all purposes or for a specific purpose. A Guide for Representing Prisoners will be provided in all appointments made to represent prisoners. A mentorship program is available to assist appointed attorneys in areas of practice that may be unfamiliar, and PLF coverage is available for all cases assigned by the program. Tutorials for electronic filing and program procedures are available on the court's website. For further details or to volunteer visit www.ord.uscourts.gov.
OSB Certified
Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program
Represent a Veteran pro bono case before the US Court of Appeals. The Washington, D.C. based Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program is seeking volunteer lawyers to assist veterans who claim entitlement to VA benefits. Each lawyer agreeing to accept one case will receive free training, a veterans' law manual, a pre-screened case, and ongoing access to a mentor lawyer.
Victim Rights Law Center (VRLC) - Rape Survivors' Law Project
The Victim Rights Law Center (VRLC) Pro Bono Project provides lawyers with an opportunity to represent victims of rape and sexual assault on privacy, safety, education, housing, employment, immigration, financial security, and other legal matters. The VRLC provides holistic legal services for sexual assault survivors in the tri-county area by using existing state and federal civil laws to address a survivor's most pressing needs. We also assist trans* survivors with name and gender marker changes in all counties in Oregon and are able to help immigrant survivors of non-intimate partner sexual assault with U and T visa cases statewide. VRLC attorneys screen eligible clients and then send requests for representation to prospective pro bono lawyers with basic information on the legal issues. A lawyer who expresses interest in taking a case will then be provided with conflict check information, as well as mentoring and other resources. Prospective pro bono lawyers must be in good standing with the bar, attend a VRLC pro bono training, and accept at least one case per year. PLF coverage is available and VRLC periodically provides CLE-eligible training in various areas of substantive law.
OSB Certified
Volunteers of America - Home Free
Advocates provide support, information and assistance with paperwork at the Multnomah County Court restraining order room (Room 211A) to individuals seeking domestic violence restraining orders, stalking orders, and elder and disabled abuse prevention orders. Volunteers do not give legal advice or "represent" clients. Volunteers must undergo a screening process and complete a 40-hour training on domestic violence advocacy.
WaterWatch of Oregon
Advocate for protection and restoration of instream flows in Oregon's rivers and streams by representing individuals and organizations in water right proceedings before administrative agencies and courts. Mentors and training by experienced attorneys provided. Some cases may require PLF coverage.
Willamette University College of Law Clinical Law Program
The Clinical Law Program provides students with hands-on, professional experience. The program covers four areas including Business Law, Trusts and Estates, Child and Family Advocacy, and Immigration. Clients are primarily nonprofit corporations and people of modest economic means.
OSB Certified
Youth, Rights & Justice
Youth, Rights & Justice is a nonprofit law firm representing children and parents in dependency proceedings and youth in delinquency proceedings in both the trial and appellate courts. The organization also participates in system-change advocacy, including affirmative litigation and legislative and administrative advocacy. In addition, YRJ publishes the Juvenile Law Reader and offers advice and training to other court-appointed juvenile lawyers around the state through the Juvenile Law Resource Center. Volunteers may participate in one or more of these activities.
OSB Certified