The Help & FAQ page for BarBooks® is a work in progress. If you have a question that is not answered here, please email and we will help you out, and probably add your question and the answer to the Help & FAQ page.
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Click on the title you are interested in from the list on the BarBooks® homepage. You will be taken to the title page of the book with an expandable/collapsible table of contents in the panel to the left of the text.
You can search all books in the library, all notes attached to all books, or just a single book.
For all searches, you can use the following Boolean syntax:
Yes, you can download all forms for a particular book from the top of the document. In addition, for Uniform Civil and Criminal Jury Instructions, individual instructions can be downloaded from the Summary of Contents or from the top of a specific instruction.
Yes. While viewing a book, open the “More” dropdown menu. From this menu, you can:
The “Print multiple items from ToC” checkbox opens the Table of Contents where individual chapters or sections can be selected for printing.
The expandable/collapsible table of contents is shown in a separate viewing pane next to the book. To see the full chapter outline of a particular chapter, expand each level of the outline by clicking on the > symbol next to the level you want to expand. When a level of the outline is expanded, the symbol will switch to ∨
To copy and paste text from a book, highlight the desired text, then type "Ctrl+c" or click your right mouse button on the highlighted text and select "copy." Your text is now on the clipboard and ready to paste into a document or primary law research tool. To paste the text in the clipboard, type "Ctrl+v" or click your right mouse button and select "paste." The text will be inserted into your document with all formatting intact.
Note that if you are using the Firefox or Safari browser, the right-click method is not available.
The BarBooks® online library allows you to add personal notes to annotate any section of a book. To create a note, highlight text in a book and the “Add a note” menu will pop up.
The “Add a note” menu allows you to (1) choose the color of your highlight and note, (2) add a comment to your note, and (3) turn the highlighted text into a hyperlink.
When adding a comment, you can include bullet points, numbered lists, hyperlinks, photos, and video links.
If you choose to purchase a Note-Sharing-Group upgrade, you can share your notes with the members of your group.
The most recent notes you have created will appear on the right-hand side of your BarBooks® homepage.
The OSB Legal Publications Department has a half-time research editor who has added notes to many of the books in the BarBooks® online library to alert users to statutory changes since the book was published. Blue highlighted text indicates that there is a note related to that text. All OSB Legal Publications notes are labeled “OSB Legal Pubs Note.”
We are aware of this issue with the new BarBooks® platform and are working with the vendor to resolve it. In the meantime, if you refresh your browser tab after resizing, the text will adjust.
Yes, but only for case law, not statutes, rules, or other sources. BarBooks® includes links to cases that are included in the Fastcase database. Click on a case citation link to open the case in Fastcase. If you are not an active member of the OSB, the links will point to a public Fastcase page with the case.
Every time a chapter is revised and given final approval by the author. Also, new or revised jury instructions are posted when approved by either the Civil or Criminal Uniform Jury Instructions Committee.
There are 43 books in the OSB Legal Publications library, ranging from A (Administering Oregon Estates) to V (Veterans' Law), 3 issues of Legislation Highlights published by the Public Affairs Department, and 3 Professional Liability Fund publications.
If you are an active or active pro bono member of the Oregon State Bar, a subscription to BarBooks® is included in your bar dues as one of your benefits of membership. Optional accounts for the support staff of active or active pro bono members can be purchased for $50 each. Inactive bar members may purchase a subscription for $290 per year, and non-members not affiliated with an Oregon bar member may purchase a subscription for $395 per year. The cost for law libraries is $295 per librarian who needs access and the ability to generate tokens for library patrons. All paid subscriptions are for one year from the date of purchase, unless renewed.
When you are in BarBooks® you are in the members only part of the bar's website. To log out of BarBooks® you must log out of this members only system. Click on the OSB Dashboard link at the bottom of any page, then click the Sign Out button in the top right corner.
Please email the information to and we will get it fixed as quickly as possible.