In the matter of the amendment of the UTCR 3.170 to modify the procedures for application to appear by out-of-state counsel and to establish a statutorily authorized fee |
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COURT ORDER No. 01-127
IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, pursuant to ORS 9.241 as amended by section 1, chapter 223, 2001 Oregon Laws, that:
(1) UTCR 3.170 is amended as set forth in attachments A and B to this order. Attachment A shows the changes made as set out in legislative amendment format with deletions from the old rule bracketed and in italics and with additions to the old rule shown by underlining and bold. Attachment B shows UTCR 3.170 with all deletions and additions made by this order complete.
(2) The fee authorized by ORS 9.241(2) is established by the attached amendment in the manner therein described.
(3) Any out-of-state attorney not admitted to practice law in this state is subject to the new procedures and fee established by these amendments to UTCR 3.170 as follows:
(a) The attorney must comply for any appearance in any action or proceeding where the attorney will first appear on or after January 1, 2002.
(b) The attorney is not required to comply for any case where the attorney has made any appearance in the case before January 1, 2002, and was in compliance with UTCR 3.170 requirements in effect at the time of the appearance.
(4) The amendments to UTCR 3.170 and the fee established by this order take effect January 1, 2002, except that the Oregon State Bar or any administrative body of this state is authorized by this order to establish procedures and accept application at any time before January 1, 2002, as is administratively convenient, so long as any fees collected by the Oregon State Bar are only for appearances that will occur on or after that date.
DATED this 5th day of December, 2001.