Downtown Conference Room Now Available for OSB Members
The Oregon Attorney Assistance Program is offering Oregon lawyers free use of a conference room in downtown Portland. The conference room is located at 520 S.W. Yamhill Street, Suite 1025, in Portland. It holds six to eight people, has password-protected WiFi, a water dispenser for cold and hot water, cups, tea, creamer and sugar.
The conference space can be reserved by visiting this website. Once you reserve the space, you will receive a confirmation email and a reminder email with more detail. If you have questions, contact the lawyers’ conference room coordinator, Jeanne Ulrich, at (503) 226-1057 or email
Queen’s Bench April Luncheon to Feature Youth Program CEO
Queen’s Bench, the Multnomah County chapter of Oregon Women Lawyers, invites all to its monthly luncheon on Tuesday, April 14, at the Sentinel Hotel in Portland, from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The April speaker will be All Hands Raised chief executive officer Dan Ryan, who will speak about the organization’s mission and the successes and challenges of bringing together diverse perspectives and members of the community to improve educational outcomes for children and youth from cradle to career.
Reserve a spot on or before April 8, at The cost is $20, or $15 for students.
Classroom Law Project Award
Now in its 31st year, the Classroom Law Project’s Jonathan U. Newman Legal Citizen of the Year Award Dinner and Benefit is one of Portland’s most celebrated events within the legal, civic and business community. Each year, guests join CLP to honor Oregon’s most respected civic leaders and educators, as well as to help raise critical funds for the organization.
This year’s dinner will be held on April 23 at the Sentinel Hotel, beginning at 5 p.m. Nan Waller, presiding judge of the Multnomah County Circuit Court, will receive the Jonathan U. Newman Legal Citizen of the Year Award, and Amanda Alonso from Madison High School will receive the 2014-15 Civic Educator of the Year award.
For more information, visit
Women’s Wellness Retreat Slated for April 24-25
The Oregon Attorney Assistance Program and Oregon Women Lawyers invite you to mark April 24 and 25 on your calendars for the 8th Annual Women’s Wellness Retreat at the Resort at the Mountain in Welches. Participants will be able to take part in spa treatments, swimming, soaking and more — including the opportunity to earn CLE credits.
More details will be available soon in the OAAP In Sight publication and broadcast emails.
If you have questions, contact OAAP attorney counselors Shari R. Gregory and Kyra M. Hazilla at or, Or call (503) 226-1057.
Drawings of New Multnomah County Courthouse Now Online
Multnomah County recently held an open house to elicit feedback on site selection for a new county courthouse. The open house included conceptual drawings of what the courthouse might look like both at the preferred site and the alternate site, along with some interesting historical pictures.
A PDF of the information presented at the open house is available at For more information on the progress of the new courthouse project, visit
2014 Justice Cup and Equity Cup Winners Announced
Each year, the Campaign for Equal Justice awards two trophies as part of its annual fundraising drive. These trophies honor regions of Oregon who support the CEJ through individual lawyer donations.
The larger of two traveling trophies, the Justice Cup, is given to the region with the highest percentage of lawyers who give to the campaign. The winner of the Justice Cup for 2014 is Jackson County, which saw 41 percent of its lawyers donating.
The smaller trophy, the Equity Cup, goes to the region with the highest percentage increase of lawyers giving to the campaign over the previous year. The winner of the Equity Cup for 2014 was Central Oregon, which saw an 18 percent increase in lawyers who donated, compared to 2013.
For more information on the CEJ and these two awards, visit