New: Past CLE Seminars Materials Can Be Downloaded
Written course materials from past CLE seminars are now available as a member benefit. Bar members can download the PDF files for free from the CLE page of the bar website. To view the available materials, visit and click on the Course Materials Library link.
In the next few months, the past course materials will migrate over to the BarBooks Library online, where they will be integrated and searchable along with all the other BarBooks materials. But until then, members can explore what might be interesting and helpful on the CLE web pages.
50-Year Members Luncheon Slated for March 20
All interested parties are invited to attend a special luncheon to honor the Oregon State Bar’s 50-Year members, those who joined the bar in 1965. The event will be held Friday, March 20, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., at the Tualatin Country Club, 9145 S.W. Tualatin Road, Tualatin.
To register or for additional information about this event, email or contact Leone Gholston at (503) 431-6348 or (800) 452-8260 ext. 348. Cost for the luncheon is $25. RSVP by March 13.
Run for OSB and ABA House of Delegates
Candidates are needed for the OSB and ABA House of Delegates elections. There are two open delegate seats for the ABA house and several openings in all regions for the OSB House of Delegates. American Bar Association delegate terms are for two years, while the OSB House of Delegates’ terms are for three years. The deadline for filing candidate statements is March 20.
For more information and candidate forms, visit