The following have applied for admission under the reciprocity, house counsel or law teacher rules. The Board of Bar Examiners requests that members examine this list and bring to the board’s attention in a signed letter any information that might influence the board in considering the moral character of any applicant for admission. Send correspondence to Admissions Director, Oregon State Board of Bar Examiners, P.O. Box 231935, Tigard, OR 97281.
Reciprocity: Patricia Latham Ball, Hilary A. Boyd, Mary Ellen Briedé, Jacob R. Brown, Jonathan S. Clyde, Sarah Liefke Cockerill, Joseph P. Derrig, Christopher Glenn Emch, Lori D. Gruver, Angela Hunt, Stefanie Hyder, Adam J. Jaffe, Frances Sponzilli Kelly, Emily M. Maass, Robert Alan McVay, Judy Solange Prosper, Jay Arthur Rosenberg, Thomas E. Scanlon, Janice F. Schwartz, Mary E. Shea, Eric D. Sirotkin, William Michael Stephenson, Erin J. Varriano and Brandon P. Wayman.
In-House Counsel: Matthew Scott Fanelli.
Notice of Reinstatement Application
Notices of reinstatement applications are no longer published in the Bulletin.
Please go to to view a list of pending applications.
Applicants for February 2015 bar exam
The following have applied to sit for the Oregon bar examination. The Board of Bar Examiners requests that members examine this list and bring to the board's attention in a signed letter any information that might influence the board in considering the moral character of any applicant for admission. Send correspondence to Admissions Director, Oregon State Board of Bar Examiners, 16037 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd., PO Box 231935, Tigard, OR 97281-1935.
Tatiana Land Achcar James Ryan Adams Mark Franklin Adams Reza Alavi George Allam Eli Hunter Allen Sarah Melissa Altemus-Pope Michael Alan Althouse Beth Katherine Anderson Jennifer Suzanne Anderson Keith Joseph Andreys Norman David Angeleri Scott Anthony Anger Matthew Hideo Arakawa Higinio Arellano Jessica Taylor Arena Diana Morales Avin Joseph Forbes Bailey Cristina Carmen Balaban Sarah Annemarie Barth Whitney Christine Christensen Lauren Marie Churnetski Erin Kennedy Clancy John Charles Clay Matthew David Cline Kelly Lynn Coleman Ioan Tiberiu Coman Derek John Conver Jace Dylan Cook Timothy Albert Crass Emily Sarah Crocker Aaron Michael Crockett Matthew S Crosby Laurel Gene Darby Vanda Paul Davidson Lindsay Marie Day Krista Michelle DeLisle David Joseph Delmar Ashley Hartz Demland Ross Cooper Denison Joshua Phillip Devaney Robert David Doeckel, Jr. Eleanor Dolev Jennifer Saunders Donovan Erin Rachelle Driscoll Timothy Boyd Dyer Nathan Yan Ho Dykstra Kalika Michelle Elofson Timur Ender Michelle Nicole Enfield Randi Ensley Ashlee Marie Espaillat Angie Lee Fagg Barry Robert Fifth-Lince Laura Joelle Fishman Peter Christoph Fisk Andrew Edward Fitch Stephen Wayne Flinn, Jr. Jennifer Alexandra Flint Michael Pankey Folin Sara Christine Forzley Brandon Christopher Foy Gabriel Amiyn Frias Robert Brian Johnson Tiffany A. Johnson Jeffory Jay Johnston, Jr. Nathan Hunter Jones John William Jubb Brandon Michael Kammer Benjamin Jacob Kaser Joseph Reuven Katz Andrew Michael Kelly Linda Pauline Kendrick Lisa M Kenn Whitney Cheyvonne Kenner Jones Jacqueline Beth Kido Boram Kim Daniel Kim Jacqueline Bokhee Kim James Eunjoong Kim Moon Young Kim Charles Michael Kinsey Kyung Duk Ko Kristina Gail Kraaz Jenna Renee Krichbaum Joseph Ryan Kunes Angela Joy Kunz Rachel Elaine Kurtz Adrienne Nicole Lattin Krista Lynn Le Roux Byron Patrick Lee Kun Young Lee Caroline Jane Livett Carol Eileen Macbeth Megan Rhoswen Mackey Kristin Michelle Malone Crystal Suzanne Maloney Nicholas Stephan Mancuso Stephen Robert Mannenbach Elijah Timothy Marchbanks Allison Ann Markoski Dawn Marie Marquardt Clarence R. Marsh Amanda Jennifer Marshall Travis John Marston Christine Ann Martin Columbine Kay Quillen Nicholas Scot Reed James Douglas Reintsma Kari Anna Reitan Cristina Reyes Maura Beth Richardson Brandon Daniel Riffel Jeremiah Benjamin Rigsby Nicholas Francis Rischiotto Brian Wynn Riske Dezi-Rae Robb Alex Christopher Robinson Dareus Quinnel Robinson Joanna Claire Robinson Sarah Anne Rockwell Charles Robert Rohrbaugh Ann Margaret Roley Daniel Steven Rossi Ian Royer Amber Marie Rush Kelli Renee Russell Angela Jean Russo Anna Kate Russo Lina Sadovnikaite Gregory Joseph Santiago Nicole Elise Schaefer Deanna Marie Schuck Catherine Mary Schulist Yao Meliah Anelle Schultzman Biagio Sguera Adam Lindsay Shaw Ashley Leigh Shearer Stephanie Ann Shimp-Taylor David John Shirk |
Rachael Elizabeth Shook Bulisani Sibanda Lori Anne Sills Kristin Julia Smith Robert Michael Sobotka Tina Sohaili Dustin Loren Stephens Trevor Dean Stephens Siniva Marie Bennett Charles Scott Beshears Justin David Bezold Lawrence Kent Bice, Jr. Nicholas Rew Blanc Brittney Marleena Boggs Colin Richard Bosanko Samantha Pabst Brelsford Alexzandra Chanel Brookins Melissa Anne Cain Alison Nicole Cantor Tain Phillip Cantrell John Eamon Carley Aileen Anderson Carlos Nicholas Aaron Castellano Jennifer Lynn Castillo Benjamin Louis Cecil Tung Tommy Chau Ernest C. Chen Lucy Page Chesnutt Arek John Fristensky Lorianne J Frodsham Christopher Ryan Fromm Megan Anne Fuhrer Kevin Matthew Gambee Mia Wendi Getlin Brian Darwin Gibson Apollonia Rose Goeckner Robert Edward Goeller Dino Gojak William James Goodling Lauren Elisabeth Goodmiller Danielle Fest Grabiel Christopher William Gray Ava Warnetta Green Gregory Christopher Gregores Samuel David Grosz Emily Sara Gumper Megan Marlene Halley Jacob Brian Harris Timothy Nettleton Hatfield Adam Spencer Heder Scott Neil Hilgenberg Kristen Grace Hilton Graham Hilts Andrew Ryan Hirtle Calli Lynn Hisey Charlotte Kesiah Hicks Hodde Edward Alan Hoeffliger Katie Jane Hoesly Sarah Kimberly Holloway Robert Richard Holmen Jack Douglas Howard Edward Tyler Howell Kristy Robin Huffman Jay Yong Huh David Blake Hutchinson Daniel Bryan Hyer Jesse Blake Jacobs Rebecca Anne James Lisa Marie Janoski Diana Karen Jensen Cramer Lori Lynette Jensen Christina Joy Mays Alyosha Conan McClain Brooks Charles McClain Sarah Elizabeth McGlaughlin Katherine King McTavish Victor Hugo Mercado Tyler Lyle Miles Emmanuel Benjamin Miller Joseph Claude Miller, Jr. Scott Patrick Miller James Mills Harrison Mikhail Misewicz Justin Micah Morehouse Daniel Jeffrey Moses Dominique Jeanette Moshier Mariel Sofia Mota Monica Aurelia Nassar Gary Lee Nelson R. Benjamin Nelson Nicole Howell Neubert Jeffrey Neil Neuman Lubirda Newman Diemquynh Thi Nguyen Alayna Lyn Nicholes Geoffrey Michael Medyn Nichols Evan Beth Novotny Thomas O'Neill Annalise Marie Oetken Jordan Henry Pailet Linli Ann Pao Ehren Thomas Paquette Michell Lee Paresi Cameron Wade Passmore Patrick Andre Patton Nathan Newell Payne Carolyn Ann Pearson Robert C. Peithman Eric Wayne Pickard Waylon James Pickett Johan Russell Pietila Chelsea Mae Porter Shannon Ray Powell Adriana Hernandez Puente Brian Richard Stimson Anthony William Stuart Sheeba Suhaskumar Thomas Ross Sunderland Ross Christian Sutherland Karen Angela Swift Jamison Sye Terauchi Shelby Tasha Tilden Bradley W Tubbs Michael John Turski Cherton M. Underwood Forsberg David Thomas Wallace Dina DeLynn Weathers Bradley Michael Weyer Nicole Desiree White Rex Jesse White, Jr. Steven Garrard White Timothy Joseph White Erick Christopher Widman David Paul Jason Williamson Brian Lawrence Willis Matthew Thomas Wilson Diana Dales Winther Melissa Lynn Young Deborah J. Zitrin Joseph Peter Zuccaro Pedro Ramon Zugazaga |