In this second installment of a series, the Bulletin examines — from the perspective of practicing lawyers — conditions and opportunities in non-urban parts of the state for attorneys who are just starting out or those who want a change of pace. This month, OSB communications manager M. Kay Pulju records some impressions gathered while visiting several towns in the central part of Eastern Oregon, a trip that began at the airport in Boise, Idaho.
Bar Counsel
Pop Quiz: A Year-End
Ethics Audit
By Amber Hollister
The Legal Writer
Hardly Hyperbole:
How to Handle Hubris
By Suzanne E. Rowe
Law & Life
Tested: How Dave and
Lynn Frohnmayer
Responded to Adversity
By Tom Elden
Legal Heritage
Worth a Closer Look:
Astoria's Clatsop County
By Roger B. Ley
President's Message
Still Proud to Be an
Oregon Lawyer: End-of-
Term Reflections
By Rich Spier
Parting Thoughts
Our Professional Obligation
By Hon. Thomas Balmer
Bar Actions
Bar People
Among Ourselves
In Memoriam