Oregon is the only Western state that does not require verbatim recording of grand jury testimony (and the only one in the West). Whether a change is needed has been a point of contention for many years between prosecutors and defense attorneys. The district attorneys generally have maintained that Oregon's system works well, while the defense bar has argued that the current setup is unbalanced in terms of fairness, and that they and their clients are left in the dark as a result of not having access to what witnesses told a grand jury. Cliff Collins reports on why mandatory recordings and other grand jury reforms have received greater attention in recent years.
Recording Grand Jury Proceedings
Balancing Justice and Protection of Rights
By Cliff Collins
A Modern Reality
Recession’s Ripple Effect Fuels Self-Representation
By Melody Finnemore
Bar Counsel
Keeping Up With a
Changing World: New Rules
of Professional Conduct
By Helen Hierschbiel
The Legal Writer
Brevity: A Challenge
By Suzanne E. Rowe
Managing Your Practice
Risky Business: Business
Deals and Clients
By Mark J. Fucile
On Professionalism
The Work Continues:
Professionalism in 2015
By Albert A. Menashe &
Julia M. Hagan
President's Message
Qualities of Leadership:
The Search for OSB's
Next Chief Executive
By Rich Spier
Bar Actions
Bar People
Among Ourselves
In Memoriam