Oregonians file more than 77,000 small claims cases annually in the state's justice and circuit courts. That number is higher than all other civil cases combined and more than all criminal cases, with the exception of traffic court. That number means that thousands of unrepresented people — a number well beyond those we see struggling solo through family court — are braving the court system without much guidance about what to expect or what to do, as Janay Haas reports.
It Can Be a Jungle in There
A Litigant's View of Small Claims Court
By Janay Haas
Spreading Her Wings
OWLs Celebrates a Quarter Century, With Eyes on the Future
By Melody Finnemore
The Legal Writer
Run-on Sentence
Outbreak! Examine
Emails for Infection
By Suzanne E. Rowe
President’s Message
A Business, or a Service?
CLE Seminars
By Tom Kranovich
Parting Thoughts
Where Democracy Lives
By the Hon. Jerome LaBarre
Bar Actions
Bar People
Among Ourselves
In Memoriam