Health Care Reform Act:
What’s Next?
Tuesday, June 11, 10-11 a.m.
1 general CLE credit
Live Webcast Hotspot, online only
The key provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act are now becoming reality. This presentation will address the controversial Individual Responsibility and Employer Share Responsibility “Play-or-Pay” rules that will become effective in 2014. In addition, new employer reporting obligations, additional taxes on higher-income employees, and the status of pending final guidance will be discussed.
Advanced Estate Planning
June 14, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
5.5 general CLE credits and 1 ethics credit
Double Tree Hotel Lloyd Center, Portland
This advanced level program will take an in-depth look at a variety of estate planning topics, such as tax aspects of charitable giving, lifetime gifting strategies, choosing a marital deduction formula and trust administration issues to consider when drafting a trust. Participants will also receive the latest on Oregon Uniform Trust Code amendments, specifically SB 592, a case law update and a legal ethics discussion on conflicts and confidentiality after death.
Bend (7/12) Eug (7/19) Med (7/19) New (7/19) Salem (7/12) Tig (7/24)
Business Owners In (and Out of) Love: Restrictive and Buy/Sell Agreements
Tuesday, June 18, 10-11 a.m.
1 general CLE credit
Live Webcast Hotspot, online only
Learn how to use restrictive and buy/sell agreements to deal with business owners who have a love-’em-and-leave-’em attitude about ownership and their relationship with other owners. Explore the following topics: who needs a restrictive agreement and why to have one; the role of rights of first refusal/rights of first offer; using restrictive agreements in the case of owners’ disputes; buyout options; valuation concerns; and employee ownership issues.
Practicing Law in Oregon
June 21, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
4.5 general CLE or practical skills credits and 2 ethics credits
Oregon State Bar Center, Tigard
If you are new to the practice of law in Oregon or are planning to become a member of the Oregon State Bar through admission on motion (reciprocal admission), here is a program geared specifically for you. Learn what makes Oregon unique besides rain and recycling. Experienced practitioners will cover how pleadings and parties work in Oregon, along with document discovery, Oregon’s unique rules for depositions and local practice in the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon. Oregon Supreme Court Justice David Brewer will provide an overview of the state court system, and staff attorneys from the OSB Client Assistance Office and Discipline Counsel’s Office will explain the discipline process — how it works and how to avoid it.
Bend (7/19) Eug (7/26) Med (7/26) New (7/26) Salem (7/19) Tig (7/31)
Oregon Collection Law: Tips
and Traps in Commercial and
Consumer Collection Cases
Tuesday, June 25, 10-11 a.m.
1 general CLE credit
Live Webcast Hotspot, online only
Gain practical tips and learn how to spot traps to maximize recovery and minimize risks.
Effective Use of Time and
Technology for Lawyers,
with Tom Howe
Friday, June 28, 9 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
3.25 personal management credits
Oregon State Bar Center, Tigard
Successful lawyers manage their time and use technology effectively to reach their goals. While efficiency is important, effectiveness is the key. Learn essential time management techniques to help you get more done and be a more effective lawyer. Use technology systems to increase your productivity and gain insight on how to deal with information overload and interruptions. Get valuable tips and strategies to become a high performer, such as creating a plan, developing habits, eliminating unimportant tasks and learning to say “no.”
Bend (7/26) Eug (8/2) Med (8/2) New (8/2) Salem (7/26) Tig (8/7)
Available Now: Oregon Constitutional Law, 2013 Proceed with confidence with our first edition of Oregon Constitutional Law. Oregon was a pioneer of the movement to interpret state constitutions independently of the U.S. Constitution. Attorneys practicing in Oregon need to be familiar with the provisions of the Oregon Constitution and the appellate courts' interpretations of those provisions. Not only does the Oregon Constitution address many of the rights protected by the federal Constitution, but it also defines many of the powers that the federal Constitution reserved for the states. This book should be on the shelf of every Oregon practitioner. Contact our OSB Service Desk at (503) 431-6413 or toll-free in Oregon (800) 452-8260, ext 413 to place your order. You may also order online at
BarBooks Staff Accounts
We understand the importance of maintaining control of your personal
and confidential information with the bar. We offer staff accounts to
BarBooks that allow your support staff the same benefits of BarBooks
without access to your personal information. Email to
request an order form. Staff accounts are available for a $50 annual fee.
July 9
It's Not "Just a Lease"
July 16
Investment Portfolio and Brokerage Statement Danger Signals
July 19
Understanding Current Issues in Domestic Violence and Fireams Law