Federal Justice System Braces for Sequester to Kick In
Although full details aren’t available yet, it appears that sequestration cuts will have a significant effect on the operation of the federal justice system. According to a recent OPB report found at www. tinyurl.com/OPBFederalCourts2013, federal courts have cut or will cut days and hours of operation, staffing and services.
If Congress does nothing to address the problem, the challenges in the fiscal year that begins October 1 may be dire. The disarray in the federal budget process is causing unprecedented insecurity in the federal justice system as a whole, which will likely disrupt the conduct of both criminal and civil litigation.
For more information on the federal courts and up-to-date information, visit www.uscourts.gov/FederalCourts.aspx.
OAPABA Gala Dinner Sept. 10
The Oregon Asian Pacific American Bar Association will host its 2013 Gala Dinner on Tuesday, Sept. 10 at the Benson Hotel in Portland.This year’s gala will honor Judge Lynn Nakamoto and will feature a cocktail hour at 5:30 p.m., followed by dinner at 6:30 p.m., with Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum as keynote speaker. For more information and to register for the event, visit oapaba.org/events/.
Justice Clarence Thomas at University of Portland Sept. 19
The University of Portland will host U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas on Thursday, Sept. 19 for a lecture, Red Mass and a social/dinner. The lecture will begin at 4 p.m. at the Chiles Center, with the Red Mass to follow at 5:30 and dinner at 6:30.
The lecture is free, and tickets are not required. The Red Mass will be open to the public. (Everyone will be required to go through security as they enter the Chiles Center.) Tickets for the dinner are $100 per person with a special price for young lawyers. For more information and to order tickets, email powell@up.edu.
Ring in the Jewish New Year with Solomon’s Legacy Sept. 24
Solomon’s Legacy Committee of the Jewish Federation of Greater Portland invites you to ring in the Jewish New Year with Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum on Tuesday, Sept. 24 from 5:30 to 7 p.m., at Thirst Bistro in Portland.
Tickets are $15 and include appetizers. For tickets, go to www.jewishportland.org/solomonslegacy.
Oregon ACLU Conference Sept. 26 and 27
The Fourth Annual Oregon ACLU Conference will be held Thursday and Friday, Sept. 26 and 27, at Lewis & Clark Law School in Portland. The conference begins Thursday at 6:30 p.m., with a keynote address from Vanita Gupta, deputy legal director of the ACLU and director of the ACLU Center for Justice. Her keynote speech is on “Mass Incarceration: Race, Justice and Jim Crow.”
Friday will feature three panel discussions with various moderators from the legal community who will discuss “Marijuana Reform and the War on Drugs,” “Fourth Amendment and Privacy: Big Brother is Watching” and “Can We Have Police Accountability?” The conference costs $45 for attorneys and $10 for students; register at www.tinyurl.com/2013ORACLUConference.
Oregon Law Golf Invitational Sept. 27
The Sports & Entertainment Law Forum invites all professionals, Oregon football alumni, Oregon Law alumni and current Oregon Law students to the 3rd Annual Oregon Law Golf Invitational Sept. 27 at the River Ridge Golf Course, 3800 N. Delta Hwy., Eugene. Check-in begins at 9:15 a.m. and tee time is at 10.
The invitational costs $40 for students and football alumni, $50 for students with carts and $100 for professionals.
Register at law.uoregon.edu/golf- invitational-2013/. Contact uolawgolfinvitational@gmail.comwith questions.
Animal Law Review Symposium Oct. 4
The 2013 Animal Law Review Symposium, titled “The Endangered Species Act at 40: What it Means for the Animals as America’s Strongest Wildlife Law Goes Over the TVA v. Hill,” will be held on Friday, Oct. 4 at Lewis & Clark Law School in Portland.
This year’s symposium will celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act with panels from attorneys, judges and professors who have worked with the ESA in the past.
Tickets and more information can be found at www.animallawreviewsymposium.org.
Innovations in the Law Conference Sept. 20
“Innovations in the Law: Science & Technology,” sponsored by the Oregon chapter of the Federal Bar Association and the 9th Circuit Lawyer Representatives, will be held Friday, Sept. 20 at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry in Portland.
Experts will address the delivery of legal services, innovations in the courts, gaps in the law and how the public’s use of technology impacts law enforcement.
For information, see ord.uscourts.gov/index.php/district-conference.
Youth, Rights & Justice Wine & Chocolate Extravaganza Nov. 16
Tonkon Torp presents the Fifth Annual Wine & Chocolate Extravaganza to benefit Youth, Rights & Justice, Saturday, Nov.16, at the Oregon Convention Center from 5:30-9 p.m. Honorary chairs of this year’s “Wild Edition” are Wild author Cheryl Strayed and filmmaker Brian Lindstrom. The evening will include chocolate and wine tastings, dinner and an auction. Tickets are $150. Visit www.youthrightsjustice.org for more information as it becomes available.