Oregon State Bar Bulletin — NOVEMBER 2011 |
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Gratifying Reading
It is my wont to carry the OSB Bulletin into any place that I anticipate I may be required to cool my heels. That practice again proved gratifying this past week when I read two outstanding articles: Helen Hierschbiel’s “Disclosing Client Confidences” and Janine Robben’s “I’m OK, You’re…?” (August/September 2011).
As I read both articles my mind revisited many hours of litigation, lawyer counseling and mediation that would have been avoided had the lawyers involved in many of those situations been as mindful of the tightrope that lawyers in practice face daily as enunciated by these two lawyers in their respective articles.
Robert H. Fraser, Eugene
More Appreciation
I would like to commend the editors of the Bulletin for consistently providing articles and columns that educate and interest me. The Briefs section, which has brief nuggets of information telling me of new products, services and news of the legal world, always has some tidbit of useful information. The more in-depth articles, “Coloring Outside the [Guide] Lines” is a recent example, give me a better understanding of Oregon’s justice system. Profiles in the Law offers glimpses of attorneys who do creative and interesting things with their lives and inspires me. Bar People (Moves & Among Ourselves) helps me keep track of who is doing what and where for the most part. I always have something to ponder after reading Parting Thoughts. In this ever changing world of technology, Robert Ambrogi helps keep me current on databases and soft- and hardware pertinent to the legal world through Legal.Online. But my favorite column is The Legal Writer by Suzanne Rowe. As someone who has taught legal research and writing at the community college level and proof edited masters and doctoral level papers, I truly appreciate the words of wisdom Rowe offers. Her column has helped me tremendously! I would love to meet and thank her in person someday.
Yes, I do read the Bulletin cover to cover, and while I dream of renting that villa in France from the classifieds, I am happy to learn more about Oregon’s legal world as shown in your publication.
Diana L. Hadley, Douglas County Law Librarian, Roseburg
Unclaimed Property
The Oregon Department of State Lands Unclaimed Property Section lists 14 accounts that belong to the Oregon State Bar. Five of the accounts total more than $100 each. I notified our CFO, Rod Wegener, of this on July 21, and he assured me that claims would be made on behalf of the OSB to recover these funds. I ran the search again in September and found no changes to the listed accounts. I think these funds should be moved from Salem to Tigard.
I suggest that all Oregon lawyers periodically check the DSL Unclaimed Property listing at http://www.oregon.gov/DSL/UP/index.shtml to see if they or their clients have unclaimed property or funds.
William P. Haberlach, Medford
Rod Wegener replies: We appreciate the reminder. The claims are being processed. Like Mr. Haberlach, we encourage everyone to check the website for potential unclaimed properties. You just might be surprised!
The October 2011 article “Life After the Bench” misstated a few details about retired Judge Kristena LaMar. Before her retirement in October 2009, LaMar served as a Multnomah County Circuit Court judge. She resides in Damascus, in Clackamas County. Her Plan B service now is as a judge presiding over family court trials, not attempting to settle them through mediation, her role through most of her judicial career. The Bulletin regrets the errors.
We Love Letters
The Bulletin welcomes letters. As we strive to print as many letters as possible, brevity is important. Letters are subject to editing for style and length. They should pertain to recent articles, columns or other letters. Send to: Editor, OSB Bulletin, P.O. Box 231935, Tigard, OR 97281.