Oregon State Bar Bulletin NOVEMBER 2011 |
Everything You Want to Know About Child Abuse Reporting
Tuesday, Nov. 8, 11 a.m.-noon
1 child abuse reporting credit
Oregon State Bar Center, Tigard
ORS 9.114 requires attorneys to complete one hour of training every three years on their duties as mandatory child abuse reporters. All lawyers have a duty to report child abuse when they have reasonable cause to believe that a child with whom they have come into contact has suffered abuse or when they have reasonable cause to believe that any person with whom they have come in contact has abused a child. Attend this program and satisfy your MCLE requirement under ORS 9.114. Learn what your duty to report is, when the duty applies, what abuse is and how to report it. Other topics include the meaning of “reasonable cause” and “comes in contact,” the reporting exceptions for privileged communications and other client information, and the consequences of failing to report. No
video replay.
Powerful Motion Practice
Thursday, Nov. 10, 8:45 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
5.5 general CLE or practical skills credits and 1 ethics credit
Oregon State Bar Center, Tigard
Most lawsuit outcomes are not determined at trial. The effective use of motions can make or break your case. Our seasoned litigators will share valuable insights and practice tips to strengthen your pretrial motion strategies, including avoiding inadvertent waiver of defenses, obtaining a preliminary injunction and building an adequate record during the discovery process. A discussion of summary judgment motions will offer practical tips, such as remembering to tell a great story and focusing on the other party’s words. The obvious but often forgotten adage that trial motions should be short will be reviewed, while post-trial motions will cover JNOV, dealing with findings and conclusions and preserving the record for appeal. Ethical considerations for motion practice will also be covered.
Ast (2/3) Bend (1/27) CB (1/27) Eug (2/3) GP (1/26) HR (1/27) Klam (1/27) LG (1/27) Med (2/3) New (2/3) Pend (2/3) Red (2/3) Rose (1/26) Salem (1/27) Tig (2/1) Vale (1/27)
Administering the Basic Estate and Trust: Not So Basic Anymore
Friday, Nov. 18, 9 a.m.-4:45 p.m.
5.75 general CLE or practical skills
credits and 1 ethics credit
Double Tree Hotel Lloyd Center,
Administering a basic estate or trust is more challenging than the name implies. Whether you are new to estate planning or brushing up on your estate planning basics, our experts will help you understand vital aspects of estate and trust administration. Examine key trust administration issues, including fiduciary duties and determining if probate is necessary. Learn the essence of trust repair and how to deal with virtual assets. Get practice tips for handling probate mediation and an overview of debtor-creditor issues such as processing creditors’ claims in and out of probate and bankruptcy proceedings. Discover the impact of the new Oregon inheritance bill and tackle legal ethics for estate planning lawyers. Cosponsored by the Estate Planning & Administration Section
Ast (2/17) Bend (2/10) CB (2/10) Eug (2/17) GP (2/9) HR (2/10) Klam (2/10) LG (2/10) Med (2/17) New (2/17) Pend (2/17) Red (2/17) Rose (2/9) Salem (2/10) Tig (2/15) Vale (2/10)
Now Available for Preorder: Insurance Law: The Basics, 2011 Edition
This new publication combines, updates and condenses the most-used
chapters in our previous edition of Insurance, providing you with the latest case
law and statutes. This Basics edition covers the general principles for interpreting
an insurance policy and how those rules apply in concrete situations. It also covers
breach of the duty to defend, to settle and to indemnify, including claims such as
breach of fiduciary duty and negligence.
This title is now available for preorder. Anticipated ship date is Dec. 9. Please
call the OSB Service Desk at (503) 431-6413 or toll-free in Oregon (800) 452-
8260, ext. 413, to place your preorder or for more information.Please call the OSB Service Desk at (503) 431-6413 or toll-free in Oregon (800) 452-
8260, ext. 413, to place your preorder or for more information. You may also preorder online at www.osbar.org/store/pub/pubcat.asp.
This title is also available on BarBooks to all active Oregon attorneys. Visit www.osbar.org/legalpubs/BarBooks.html for more information on this member benefit.
November 16
Digging Deeper into Real Estate and Land Use
December 2
Constitutional Law 2011
December 8
Working with Difficult People
December 12-16
Super CLE Video Week
December 29-30
Last Chance CLE