Oregon State Bar Bulletin NOVEMBER 2011 |
MCLE Compliance Reports Sent Out
MCLE Compliance Reports for the reporting period ending Dec. 31, 2011 were sent to members via email last month. If you need a replacement, you can download your compliance report from the bar’s website. Go to http://www.osbar.org/secured/login.asp and log in to your account. If you have questions, please contact the MCLE Department at (503) 620-0222, ext 368.
ABA Award Goes to Oregon New Lawyers Division
The ABA Young Lawyers Division has honored the Oregon New Lawyers Division with its Most Outstanding Project of the Year Award for its service to the bar. The award recognizes ONLD for its Practical Skills Through Public Service program, which connects unemployed or underemployed lawyers with public service organizations to provide services to those in need. Attorneys receive training, provide legal services (with their work supervised by experienced practitioners) and develop essential professional skills. So far, 38 lawyers have been placed and have been serving the community through the program. Another round of placements is expected early next year.
New lawyers interested in participating should email ONLD@osbar.org.
Firms supporting the program include Barran Liebman, Bullard Smith Jernstedt Wilson, Kell, Alterman & Runstein, Marc Johnston Law Firm, Miller Nash, Slinde & Nelson, Stephens Margolin, Stoel Rives, Stoll Berne, Thuemmel & Uhle and Tonkon Torp.
October Capitol Insider Online
The Oct, 2011 issue of the Capitol Insider is now available online at http://osbpublicaffairs.homestead.com/files/ci_111007.pdf. The new issue contains articles on the Commission on Public Safety considering sentencing reform, a possible end to the federal “county payments” program and information on eCourt legislative oversight and how the eCourt work group grapples with electronic access issues.
You can always access the latest edition of this publication on the Oregon State Bar’s website at http://www.osbar.org/pubaffairs/capinsider.html
Need Transcripts of Court Proceedings?
With the recent budget cuts in the judicial system, ther are now no official court reporter in courtrooms
— except for one judge in Multnomah County ho is provided captioning by a team of two court reporters.
The official record is now kept by audio recording. Oftentimes attorneys want to hire a stenographic reporter for their hearings or trials in court. Robin Nodland of the Oregon Court Reporters Association reminds interested parties that there are specific procedures and protocols to be followed.
If parties or counsel wish to engage a stenographic court reporter to report their hearings or trials in court, pursuant to ORS 8.340(7)(a), the reporter must be certified, and counsel must provide the court with the name of the reporter and an address and telephone number where the reporter may be contacted to verify certification.
Nodland says counsel should contact the trial court staff and inquire about any other requirements that particular court has for bringing in their own reporter. The court reporters will make their own financial arrangements with the parties for payment prior to the commencement of the proceeding, including transcripts to be used on appeal.
A freelance court reporter engaged by private parties is not held to the statutory appeal transcript rates. As of Oct.1, 2011, the official record of all Oregon courtrooms is now an audio recording, usually digital. Counsel can get a copy of the recording and have it transcribed as they see fit (e.g., by their own staff, a transcription service, etc.). There are no rules regarding who can transcribe an audio recording. There is no certification for transcribers.
For information, see www.leg.state.or.us/ors/008.html.
Three Elected to OSB Board of Governors
In Region 5, two seats were up for election. Elected were Richard G. Spier (333 votes) and Theresa M. Kohlhoff (275 votes), both of Portland.
In Region 6, one seat was filled. Travis S. Prestwich of Salem was elected (147 votes).
In all, some 7,089 electronic ballots were sent to the active members in the two regions. (Four paper ballots were also sent.) Overall turnout was 15 percent.
Terms for the new board members begin on Jan. 1, 2012 and end on Dec. 31, 2015. The online election closed on Oct. 17.