Oregon State Bar Bulletin MAY 2011 |
Bar Elections Could Change to Electronic Voting Only
For the past several years the bar has focused on sustainable practices in an effort to cut costs and reduce waste. The Board of Governors is currently considering a plan to change voting for all bar elections to online/electronic ballots only, beginning with the Region 2 special election mentioned above. More information will be available from the bar after the board votes on this issue June 24.
If you have not added or updated your email address on the bar’s member site, log in at www.osbar.org/secured/login.asp?and click on “Communication Preferences” to do so.
Nominations Sought for 2011 OSB Annual Awards
Every year the bar honors Oregon’s most outstanding lawyers, judges and citizens, including: OSB Award of Merit; Wallace P. Carson Jr. Award for Judicial Excellence; President’s Affirmative Action Award; President’s Membership Service Award; President’s Public Service Award; President’s Public Leadership Award; OSB Sustainability Award.
The deadline for nominations is 5 p.m. on Friday, July 15.
Nomination criteria, forms and other information can be found at http://www.osbar.org. For additional information, contact Kay Pulju at (503) 620-0222, ext. 402, or (800) 452-8260, ext. 402 or by email at kpulju@osbar.org.
Oregon Supreme Court Webcasting Oral Arguments
The Oregon Supreme Court has initiated webcasting of oral arguments conducted in the Supreme Court Courtroom. Chief Justice Paul J. De Muniz issued Chief Justice Order 11-008 on April 4, 2011, which authorizes webcasting of oral arguments and sets out procedures applicable to those cases that will be webcast. The court will provide webcasting of oral arguments by way of streaming live broadcasts of the arguments as technical operations allow. The court will also provide Internet access to archived versions of those oral arguments as technical operations allow.
Interested persons should check the court’s website where CJO 11-008 and other information about this project are posted. Access to both the live streaming and archived versions of oral arguments is also available through the court’s website.