Oregon State Bar Bulletin JANUARY 2010 |
Juvenile Law 2010: Morning Ahead
Friday, Jan. 29, 9-5 p.m.
6.5 general CLE credits
Oregon State Bar Center, Tigard
Take a journey that explores a variety of topics facing today’s juvenile law practitioners. Start the day with a panel discussion that maps intersecting family law and juvenile law concerns. Learn how to navigate the systems for accessing DHS and juvenile court records. Scan the horizon for a view of the educational rights of children, including special education children who are homeless or in changing foster care situations. Gain an understanding of immigration concerns for delinquency youth and dependent children. Stay current with a legislative update and case law review, and “journal” your juvenile law trip with expert advice on how to make a record for appellate review. Cosponsored by the Juvenile Law Section
Ast (4/16) Bend (4/9) CB (4/9) Eug (4/16) GP (4/8) HR (4/9) Klam (4/9) LG (4/9) Med (4/16) New (4/16) Pend (4/16) Red (4/16) Rose (4/8) Salem (4/9) Tig (4/21) Vale (4/9)
HIPAA & HITECH: Updates, Business Associates and More
Thursday, Feb. 4, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
3.5 general CLE credits
Oregon State Bar Center, Tigard
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, also known as the stimulus bill, did more than allocate millions of dollars to shore up the weak U.S. economy. It also expanded the reach of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) by extending HIPAA privacy and security rules to business associates. Since the definition of a business associate includes someone who performs legal services to or for a covered entity, your responsibilities as a lawyer for a covered entity have now increased. This program will review HIPAA basics and examine the new requirements. Learn about coming changes and HIPAA in litigation, including discovery issues and obtaining and using medical records. You will also gain insight to compliance programs for you and your clients.
Ast ( 4/23 ) Bend ( 4/16 ) CB ( 4/16 ) Eug ( 4/23 ) GP ( 4/15 ) HR ( 4/16 ) Klam ( 4/16 ) LG ( 4/16 ) Med ( 4/23 ) New ( 4/23 ) Pend ( 4/23 ) Red ( 4/23 ) Rose ( 4/15 ) Salem ( 4/16 ) Tig ( 4/28 ) Vale ( 4/16 )
2009 Legislation Highlights
Thursday, Feb. 4, 1-5 p.m.
4 general CLE credits
Learn which new laws will impact your practice and clients. Hear from the lawyer-legislators who made it happen in these areas of major legislative changes: Business and tax law, commercial and consumer law, criminal law, family and juvenile law, health law, and labor and employment law. Sponsored by OSB Public Affairs.
Ast (4/23) Bend (4/16) CB (4/16) Eug (4/23) GP (4/15) HR (4/16) Klam (4/16) LG (4/16) Med (4/23) New (4/23) Pend (4/23) Red (4/23) Rose (4/15) Salem (4/16) Tig (4/28) Vale (4/16)
Family Law 2010
Friday, Feb. 26, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
5.5 general CLE credits and 1 ethics credit
Double Tree Hotel Lloyd Center, Portland
Having an actual conversation with someone these days can be challenging with so many forms of electronic communication available — email, text messages, blogging and social networking, just to name a few. When your clients are using all these different formats to “talk,” how can you be sure you have all the relevant data for your case? The morning session of this seminar takes an in-depth look at electronic communications with both family law cases and your role as an attorney. Learn the importance of a computer examination, the data that can be obtained, how to choose a qualified examiner, and getting electronic data admitted into evidence. Hear an ethics expert explain how a lawyer’s electronic communications — everything from websites to Facebook, blogging, and Tweeting — can violate legal ethics rules.
The afternoon sessions include a discussion on standards of review with the Hon. David Brewer, Oregon Court of Appeals; what to do when the opposing party is pro se; and a panel of circuit court judges discussing “Everything a Family Law Judge Wants You to Know.”
Ast (4/30) Bend (4/23) CB (4/23) Eug (4/30) GP (4/22) HR (4/23) Klam (4/23) LG (4/23) Med (4/30) New (4/30) Pend (4/30) Red (4/30) Rose (4/22) Salem (4/23) Tig (5/5) Vale (4/23)
Oregon Trial Objections
OSB Legal Publications is introducing Oregon Trial Objections, a brand new
practice tool to help novice and seasoned trial litigators quickly and accurately
offer and respond to objections to evidence at trial. Each objection is based on
the Oregon Evidence Code and includes explanatory information, a cross reference
to Oregon Evidence by Kirkpatrick for further research, and the complete
text of the relevant rule. No Oregon litigator will want to go to trial without
this publication as part of his or her trial notebook..
Oregon Uniform Civil Jury Instructions
Created by a committee of experienced litigators and judges, Oregon Uniform
Civil Jury Instructions is an essential tool for the courtroom. Make sure your
Civil Jury Instructions copy is up to date. The 2009 supplement will include
three new instructions and at least 17 revised instructions. The instructions
included cover: cautionary and general instructions; negligence, causation,
foreseeability and comparative negligence; agency; motor vehicles; miscellaneous
torts; employment actions; condemnation; contracts; damages; landlordtenant;
and verdicts.
February 26
Family Law 2010
March 5-6
17th Annual Litigation Institute
March 11
Intellectual Property
April 23-24
23rd Annual Northwest
Bankruptcy Institute