Oregon State Bar Bulletin NOVEMBER 2009 |
An Eye on Civil Rights: A State and Federal Update on Discrimination
Thursday, Nov. 12, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Oregon State Bar Center, Tigard
4.5 general CLE credits, 1 ethics credit and .75 access to justice credit
Come take a full day look at a variety of civil rights topics with the most up-to-date information and issues. Review the history of civil rights enforcement in Oregon and BOLI’s role with Commissioner Bradley Avakian. Oregon Attorney General John Kroger will discuss civil rights and the Oregon Department of Justice. The legal ethics presentation examines multiple-plaintiff and class action litigation. Get updates on the recent Amendments Act to the ADA and the Oregon Tort Claims Act. Complete the afternoon with a military and veterans’ affairs panel addressing civil rights issues for former and current service members and a presentation comparing federal civil rights laws under the Bush and Obama administrations. Cosponsored by the Civil Rights Section.
Ast (2/12) Bend (2/5) CB (2/5) Eug (2/12) GP (2/4) HR (2/5) Klam (2/5) LG (2/5) Med (2/12) New (2/12) Pend (2/12) Red (2/12) Rose (2/4) Salem (2/5) Tig (2/10) Vale (2/5)
Broadbrush Taxation
Friday, Nov. 13, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
DoubleTree Hotel, Portland
6.25 general CLE credits
Don’t miss this opportunity for a “tax consultation.” Our faculty of tax experts will help you understand the issues that can affect your clients or practice area, particularly in a tough economy. Learn what should be done from a tax perspective for failed businesses and get the latest on loan modifications and “sales” alternatives for troubled real estate. Gain an understanding of cancellation of indebtedness income and who must report the income. Receive an overview of the impact of recent legislation and what an increase in audit activity means for your clients. Are your clients interested in starting a business? Tips include funding the project through state and federal tax incentives and grant programs, tax considerations for different types of business entities, and using disregarded entities in transactions and reorganizations. Cosponsored by the Taxation Section.
Ast (2/19) Bend (2/12) CB (2/12) Eug (2/19) GP (2/11) HR (2/12) Klam (2/12) LG (2/12) Med (2/19) New (2/19) Pend (2/19) Red (2/19) Rose (2/11) Salem (2/12) Tig (2/17) Vale (2/12)
Administering the Taxable Estate
Friday, November 20, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
The Nines, Portland
6 general CLE credits and 1 ethics credit
Spend the day with estate planning experts who can help you understand tax intricacies and twists when it comes to estate planning. Take a look at the Oregon inheritance tax, including how it is calculated, the impact of lifetime taxable gifts, and making Oregon elections. Discover income tax traps with the marital formula clause and drafting tips. Gain a unique perspective as a former IRS estate tax attorney explains “How to Mess up an Estate Plan.” A panel on fiduciary investing will explore misconceptions about investing and managing assets in a volatile market, as well as Uniform Prudent Investor Act requirements and case law. Receive an update on recent relevant Oregon legislation and cases. To round out the topics, two ethics experts will discuss the intersection of legal ethics and estate planning. Cosponsored by the Estate Planning and Administration Section.
Ast (3/5) Bend (2/26) CB (2/26) Eug (3/5) GP (2/25) HR (2/26) Klam (2/26) LG (2/26) Med (3/5) New (3/5) Pend (3/5) Red (3/5) Rose (2/25) Salem (2/26) Tig (3/10) Vale (2/26)
Oregon Trial Objections
OSB Legal Publications is introducing Oregon Trial Objections, a brand new
practice tool to help novice and seasoned trial litigators quickly and accurately
offer and respond to objections to evidence at trial. Each objection is based on
the Oregon Evidence Code and includes explanatory information, a cross reference
to Oregon Evidence by Kirkpatrick for further research, and the complete
text of the relevant rule. No Oregon litigator will want to go to trial without
this publication as part of his or her trial notebook..
Oregon Uniform Civil Jury Instructions
Created by a committee of experienced litigators and judges, Oregon Uniform
Civil Jury Instructions is an essential tool for the courtroom. Make sure your
Civil Jury Instructions copy is up to date. The 2009 supplement will include
three new instructions and at least 17 revised instructions. The instructions
included cover: cautionary and general instructions; negligence, causation,
foreseeability and comparative negligence; agency; motor vehicles; miscellaneous
torts; employment actions; condemnation; contracts; damages; landlordtenant;
and verdicts.
November 19
Understand Oregon DUII Cases
December 3
Documenting Oregon Businesses: From Start to Finish
December 3
The Cybersleuth’s Guide to the Internet: Conducting Effective Investigative & Legal Research on the Web
December 4
The Law Library, featuring Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking by Malcolmm Gladwell
December 10
Start of Strong: Legal Writing with Ross Guberman
December 10
Advanced Legal Editing with Ross Guberman
December 11
Constitutional Law
December 14-18
Super CLE Video Week
December 29
The Disciplinary Process: How It Works and How to Avoid It
December 29
Understanding Child Abuse and Requirements for Reporting It
December 29
Can I Help You? Practical Tips for Communicating with Clients Who Have Hidden Disabilities
December 30
Last Chance Video