Oregon State Bar Bulletin — JULY 2009 |
Bar Actions
Note: More than 13,000 persons are eligible to practice law in Oregon. Some of them share the same name or similar names. All discipline reports should be read carefully for names, addresses and bar numbers.
OSB #740070
Form B resignation
On May 14, 2009, the Oregon Supreme Court accepted the Form B resignation of Medford attorney William Dames, effective immediately.
At the time of his resignation, there was a formal proceeding pending against Dames, alleging that he had failed to timely complete a probate for several years, despite urgings from the court, the primary beneficiary and the bar, in violation of DR 6-101(B) and RPC 1.3 (neglect of a legal matter). It was also alleged that Dames made at least one false representation to the beneficiary, that he had taken action on the probate when he had not, in violation of RPC 8.4(a)(3) (misrepresentation). The bar’s complaint also alleged that Dames’ delay and disregard for court notices resulted in the need for additional involvement from and injury to the court in violation of RPC 8.4(a)(4) (conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice).
The resignation states that Dames’ client files will be turned over to Central Point attorney John Curtis.
OSB #962708
60-day suspension
On April 22, 2009, the disciplinary board approved a stipulation for discipline suspending Medford lawyer John P. Eckrem for 60 days for violating RPC 1.3 (neglect of a legal matter), RPC 1.4(a) (failure to adequately communicate with a client), RPC 1.5(a) (collecting a clearly excessive fee), RPC 1.15-1(c) (failure to deposit client funds into trust), RPC 1.15-1(d) (failure to promptly deliver client property and render a full accounting) and RPC 1.16(d) (failure to properly withdraw). The suspension is effective June 21, 2009.
In July 2006, Eckrem undertook to represent a couple in an adoption matter. Pursuant to an oral agreement, the clients paid Eckrem a flat fee to complete the adoption. Eckrem failed to deposit some of the funds he received from his clients into his lawyer trust account. Between November 2006 and July 2007, Eckrem failed to pursue the adoption matter. In July 2007, the clients terminated Eckrem’s representation. Eckrem failed to notify the court that he had been terminated and failed to promptly refund unearned fees and unincurred costs.
In a second matter, Eckrem undertook to represent a client in a claim against an investment company. Eckrem failed to deposit the client’s retainer and filing fees into his lawyer trust account. Between September 2006 and the end of March 2007, Eckrem failed to communicate with his client and to pursue the matter. At the end of March 2007, Eckrem returned some file materials to his client and promised to refund the filing fees. Thereafter, Eckrem failed to promptly provide an accounting, return all file materials and refund the filing fees.
OSB #852966
Four-year suspension
Effective April 22, 2009, the Oregon Supreme Court approved a stipulation for discipline suspending Ontario lawyer Thomas K. Okai for four years for violating RPC 1.2(c) (counsel a client in illegal conduct), RPC 1.3 (neglect of a legal matter), RPC 1.4(b) (failure to adequately explain a matter to a client), RPC 1.5(a) (clearly excessive fee), RPC 1.7(a)(2) (self-interest conflict), RPC 1.15-1(c) (trust account violation), RPC 1.15-1(d) (failure to deliver client property and render an accounting), RPC 1.16(d) (failure to properly withdraw), RPC 8.1(a)(2) (failure to cooperate in a bar investigation), RPC 8.4(a)(2) (criminal conduct), RPC 8.4(a)(4) (conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice) and ORS 9.527(2) (criminal conviction).
Okai failed to appear or appeared late for certain court hearings. The court found Okai in contempt in one matter, and ordered him to pay costs and attorneys fees in another. Okai also failed to respond to the bar’s inquiries into his conduct.
Okai undertook to represent a client who had no funds to pay Okai and who was receiving treatment at a local medical facility. Okai disclosed that he illegally used prescription drugs and asked about the client’s access to prescription drugs. The client reported the conversation with Okai to law enforcement officials who conducted a sting operation in which Okai accepted prescription drugs from the client. Okai eventually pled guilty to a drug possession charge.
In a third matter, Okai neglected a client’s personal injury claim and did not adequately explain the terms of a proposed settlement to the client so she could make an informed decision. Okai received settlement funds from the opposing party, but failed to deliver them to his client for over three months. Okai also undertook to represent the client in a related matter, but failed to pursue it.
In a fourth matter, Okai undertook to represent a client in a post-conviction proceeding. Okai received funds from the client’s parents, but failed to deposit some of the funds into trust. He later failed to render an accounting to the parents or make a refund to them.
Okai also pled guilty to other criminal charges involving passing bad checks and drug possession.
Okai has been suspended from the practice of law since July 3, 2007.
The following have applied for admission under the reciprocity, house counsel or law teacher rules. The Board of Bar Examiners requests that members examine this list and bring to the board’s attention in a signed letter any information that might influence the board in considering the moral character of any applicant for admission. Send correspondence to Admissions Director, Oregon State Board of Bar Examiners, P.O. Box 231935, Tigard, OR 97281.
Reciprocity: Julie Brewer Hamilton, Thomas R. Krider, Lori-Anne Marie Neiger, Jada Jones Quinn, Jeremy Richard Randolph, Thane Dennis Somerville, Brian Scott Sommer, Scott Gerard Wolfe Jr. and Miyuki Yoshida.
Applicants for July 2009 bar
The following is a list of applicants for the July 2009 Oregon bar examination. Applicants for admission to practice law in Oregon must demonstrate that they are qualified on moral character and fitness grounds. To aid the Board of Bar Examiners in its investigation of these qualifications, the following is a list of applicants who have submitted applications for the July 2009 bar exam. The board requests that members examine this list and bring to the board’s attention in a signed letter any information that might influence the board in considering the moral character of any applicant for admission. Send correspondence to Jon Benson, Executive Director, Oregon State Board of Bar Examiners, 16037 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd, PO Box 231935 , Tigard , OR 97281-1935.
Naomi Sharmaine Adams Mark Patrick Ahlemeyer Justin Hideki Aida Spencer Scott Aldrich Holly Danielle Allen Christopher Paul Allnatt Kelley Maureen Amburgey David Arden Anderson Jonathan David Anderson Holly Rebecca Angaran Brian Michael Anthoney Silvana Arista Timothy James Arkwright Alicia May Augsburger Anthony Reza Azadeh David M Back John Denver Bailey Sarah Catherine Bain Kathleen Michelle Baker James Stanley Baldock Kate Monti Barcalow Catherine Ryan Barnard Kevin Mills Barrett Andrea Marie Barton Jordan Foy Bates Melissa Ann Bates Marc Charles Baumgartner Tyler Richard Beach John Paul Beck Angela Wall Bennett Scott Wayne Bennett Emma Julia Berry Robert Brent Berselli Joseph Andrew Bertrand Shannon Marie Beutel Todd Russell Bevans Melissa Elaine Beyer Casey Loren Bieberich Cassidy Miguel Hines Birtley Noah Bishop David Olson Black, Jr. Kathy Lynn Black Camille Anne Blakely James Wayne Bland Michael Bradley Blommer Jonathan Brent Townzen Bloomfield Daniel Aron Bonneville Allison Renee Boomer Thomas Charles Borton David Joseph Boulanger Sarah Brooke Bow Stephanie Nicole Bradford Gabriel Kenton Bradley Ethel Billie Branch Justin Kirkegaard Brask Andrea Janiel Breinholt Kenneth Forrist Brittain Jay Daniel Brody Sandra Jean Brownlee Paul Lawrence Bruch Zachary Seth Brugman Gui Isom Bryant Lori Ann Burd Samuel Robert Burton Jacob Riley Bush Edward Smith Bushnell Jennifer Elizabeth Franks Butler Laura Kathryn Cadiz Charles Paul Caldwell III Nicholas Ivan Caleb Ian Williamson Carmany Jamie Elise Carmichael Dominic Mortensen Carollo Darren Brent Carpenter Katie Ann Carson Stephanie Ellen Carter Ryan Thomas Carty Sara Avet Cassidey Jonathan Joseph Cavanagh Felicia Marie Chapman Casey Christopher Charles Crystal Starr Chase Valerie Lynn Chermok Nathan Ross Christensen Katrina Jo Church Andrew Joseph Cicerrella Anne-Marie W Clark Kimberly Lynne Clark Kyle Sands Neal Robert Clark Michael Franklin Cleary Elizabeth Curtis Clifford Kelley Ann Cloyd Carl Alan Clyde Leah Lynette Cogswell Adam James Cohen Meera Sara Coilparampil Gina Valerie Marie Colas Justin Daniel Collins Mark Andrew Compton Alexandra Beth Comstock Jack Thomas Conners Megan Schedler Cook Natalie Marie Cook Joshua David Cools Randall Edwin Cooper Matthew David Corey Michael Reilly Cosgrove Ryan Allen Couch Casey Andrew Cox Gaylord Eric Maurice Crovetto James Bernard Culliton Jennifer Elizabeth Currin Micheline Oliveira D'Angelis Peter Anthony Daines Samantha Rene Dashiell Christina Lynn Davis Patrick Edward De Klotz Michael Christopher de la Garza William Joseph De La Rosa Joseph Ryan DeBin Eric Adam DeWeese Tracy Elizabeth Demers Sarah Elizabeth Denner Jeffrey Scott Dickey Travis Rhoades Dickey Andrew Jacob Diener Jeremy Scott Dietrich Margo Dobbertin Sarah Elise Dobra Hillary Rosetta Dobson Rebekah L Dohrman Dominique Del-Rato Donaho LeeAnn Rose Donaldson Kathryn Ann Douglass Angela Kay Downin Richard Michael Duignan III Dakota McCafferty Duncan Sandon Marcel Duncan Kelly Irene Dunham Kara Kathleen Dunn Hanna Eastwood Stephen Wynne Eberlein Kristen Straub Edwards Wesley Cantrell Jamieson Ehlers Katie Marie Eichner Sarah Margaret Einowski David Neal Elliott Tyler Robinson Elliott Adam James Ellis Kara Lynn Ellis Kathleen McGrath Ellis Timothy Beau Ellis Madeline Juliette Engel Evelyn Price English Julie Elise Entrekin Alec L Esquivel Benjamin Joel Evans Matthew William Evans Samantha Rae Evans Jason Ryan Faas Shemia Patricia Fagan Kelly Irene Fahl Micah David Fargey Shirley Dawn Farmer Emily Ann Farrell James Joseph Fees Peter Hulsing Fehrs Kaley Louise Fendall Jason Howard Fieman William Carl Fisher James Harrison Flint Patrick Timothy Foran Joel Keaton Ford David Lindstrom Fox Sandra Dawn Fraser Andrew David Freeman Sarah Elisabeth Freeman Nicholas Matthew Frost Blake Henrie Fry Dale Mitsuaki Fujimoto Michael Robert Fuller Christopher Michael Fulmer Chimpaye Christine Furrer Crystal Ann Gagne Stephen Hasting Galloway Jose Pablo Galvan Luis Manuel Garcia Garrett Stephen Garfield Alice Elizabeth Garrett Brian Craig Gates Jeffrey Howard Gent Sarah Laurel Gibson George Gilbert Elizabeth Mae Gilkey Gavin Carmichael Gillas Charles Hughes Gillis Steven Edward Glista Megan Elizabeth Gluth David Martin Goldthorpe Matthew Jacob Goodman Marissa Suzanne Gordon-Nguyen Michael Erin Gorman Kent Nolan Graham Cecily Elizabeth Gray Katherine Beth Green Megan Elizabeth Greene Patrick Mychal Gregg William Neil Griffin Lee Michael Griffith Virginia Marie Grosso Amanda Rose Guile Alana Jennings Guiney Michael Andrew Haag Alison Jane Hall Sundby Aaron Lee Hall David James Hall Jay Dean Hall Song E Han Dane Richard Hansen Abraham Lloyd Hanson Allison Flinn Hanzawa Andrew Barry Harris Jay Matthew Harris Matthew Shaw Harris Erica Christine Hartman Daniel Robert Hastings Christopher Eugene Hayes Edward John Healy Melissa Jayne Healy Lyndsey Henderson Heberling John Randal Hemmerich Lincoln E Herman Ruby McKenzie Herriott Amy Jo Heverly Brandon James Hignite Shae Aisha Hill Whitney Elizabeth Tirrell Hill Jeffry Stephen Hinman Dianne Victoria Hippe John Mackenzie Hogan Joshua David Hogan Jennifer Kay Hohnstein Adam Ryan Hollar Erika Lindsay Holsman Jackie Ellen Hovey Jarrod Frank Howard Peter Alexander Howard Philip Huang Anna Shawn Hughes-Malmberg Jessica Danielle Hunter Spencer Kimball Hunter Eva Beryl Huntsinger Adelia E-Fong Hwang Rachel Lee Hytken Kelly Eileen Ireland Tina Lin Izen Emily Mae Jackson Gregory Drew Jackson II Michael Gerard Jacobs Ryan Bradley James Mathias Alfred Jaren Dr Julie Marie Jarvis Karthik Jayashankar Andrew Thomas Jennings Katie Erin Jeremiah Andrea Marie Johnson Curtiss Aaron Johnson Drew Gordon Johnson Fletcher Hodges Johnson Ryan Marden Johnson Levi Samuel Gatov Johnston Caryn Christine Jones William Morgan Jones Melanie Lorraine Jordan Susan Hazel Jost Jacob Oliver Kamins Benjamin Kaplon-Olson Joshua Robert Karns Kristina Ann Kayl Brent Lee Keith Mackenzie Skavlem Keith Amanda Lynn Keller Benjamin Michael Kelley Lauren Christian Foster Kemp Grant David Kennon Justin Matthew Keppinger Andrew Duncan Kerr, Jr. David Allen Kerr Justin Emerson Kidd Ji Min Kim James Andrew King Jessica Lucy Eng King Scott Michael Kinshella Anya Christine Kjeldsen Jonathan Bert Klein Robert Michael Kobel Jeffrey Daniel Koenig Amber Leigh Kolsrud John Vincent Komar Ashley Jane Kordestani Sandra Marie Kozlowski Joseph Mark Kraus Richard LeRoy Kraus Jeffery Douglas Krebs Jason Beau Kurland Ian Henry Kyle Brittney Nicole Lacy Travis Abel Lamp Jacob Aaron Landau Erin Michelle Lane Ryon Scott Lane Jennifer Jamie Lang Jaime Ann Langton Benjamin Michael Larson Bridget Ellen Lavin |
Robert Le Brian George Lee Jongwon Lee Rachel Catherine Lee Shannon Marie Lee Vanessa Adele Lee Thomas Christopher Lenox Eric Anthony Lentz Cameron Levine Kerem Murat Levitas Donald James Lewis Emily Ruth Lewis David Philip Liljengren Laura Marie Lindley-Gutierrez Nicole Joy Lindquist Christopher Sing Keung Ling Jacob Michael Lingo Michael Litvin Hannah Michelle Livingston Genaro Erskine Lopez Courtney A Lords Colin Millington Love-Geiger Adam Christopher Lowen Craig Vincent Lucas Janet Lee Lucas Ryan Dallas Lucke Tabitha Lauren Lundberg Poul Frederick Lundgren Sarah Alexis Lundstedt Nicole S Lynch Aubrey Dean Lyon Kirk Benny Maag Glenn Gordon MacLeod Lauren Mary MacNeill Alan Michael Macchiavello Matthew Bailey Mader Erica Ann Maharg Steven Denny Maison Yevgeniy Malashenok Suzana Malek Angela Marie Mallory Kathleen Marie Maloney-Dunn Tyler Paul Malstrom Michael James Mangan Sarah Christina Mann Colleen Elizabeth Maring Katherine Lynne Marlink Chad Thomas Marriott Luis Enrico Martin del Campo Jacob Isaac Martinez Laura D Mason James Samuel Matti Robert Lloyd Mauger, Jr. Ryan David Maughn Michael A Mayhall David Lee McClard Kevan James McCulloch Heather Lynn McDougall Ryan David McGraw Mark Jacob McLaughlin Sean Douglas McLean Westin Thomas McLean Rayney Kathryn Meisel Hannah Virginia Meisen-Vehrs Joel D Mellor Matthew Todd Merriman Orca Zane Merwin Katie Lynn Meyer Alex James Mickelson Pamela Milan Allison Marie Miles Abby Kaylan Miller Lisa Feuerstein Miller April Miller-LePage Brandon Harter Mills Elizabeth Joan Minnick Max John Mizejewski Karen Jessica Mockrin Oritsejemine Eurania Mode Kaitlan N Monroe Kristen Angela Monsell Geoffrey Randall Montagne Kali Nicole Montague Tara Danielle Moore Shaun Mary Morgan Parker Blayne Morrill Jeremy J Morrow Elizabeth Shroyer Moseley Thomas Keola Nye Moseman David Anthony Moser Gabriel Elias Moses Heather Marie Moss Usman Azeez Mughal Sherrie Ann Munson Siobhan Meegan Murphy Megan Aimee Murray Andrew Joseph Myers Jeffrey Alan Myers Rayth Travis Myers Michael Anthony Nelson Andrew Walker Newsom Wesley Edward Nicholson, Jr. Eric Lee Niemeyer Amir Hossein Nikoupour Amber Leigh Norling Keaton Matthew Norquist Amy Diane Nourse Laurel Anne Nugent Timothy James O'Donnell Jared Allen Ogdon Rachel Kathleen Oh Christine Renee Olson Jesse Cole Ormond Laura Ann Osseck Alison Marie Osterberg Olufunmike Rowoli Owoso Daniel Henry Pachico Christopher Bradley Page Pamela Joy Paluga James Andreas Papachristopoulos Melissa Leigh Parker Jacob Dillon Parks Kevin Elliott Parks William Lee Parks Paul John Hosea Paschelke James William Pasterczyk Erin Elizabeth Patterson Jennifer Lynn Peckham Garren Michael Pedemonte James Joseph Pedrojetti Catriona Margaret MacLaine Penfield Gregorio Aron Perez-Selsky Stephen Blacksher Pettey Ada Hau Phamdo Andrew Joseph Phelps Christine Sonya Phillips Helen Emmeline Pihlstrom Ian John Pisarcik Ryan William Podlesnik Joshua Paul Pond Caroline Joan Ponzini Tracy Ann Postlewaite John Campbell Powell Michael Vincent Pratt Emilee Suzanne Preble Emily Jean Pringle Tatjana Taubert Queener William Michael Quillen Stephen Andrew Raher Zachary Paul Raidmae Eliot Vaughn Rasmussen Herbert Scott Rawitscher Christopher Lee Ray Michael Adam Reichert Brook Barber Reinhard Denise Alayne Reisner Jeffrey Carl Rhoades Kimberlee Charnell Rhodes Jeffrey Wilson Richards James Michael Richardson III Maura Beth Richardson Cara Jeanne Richter William Kenneth Richter Kelly Sechrengost Riggs Richard Perry Roberson Jr Michael Patrick Robertson Kent Sanford Robinson II Shelby Elizabeth Robinson Joseph Richard Romaker Caleb John Rosenau Christopher Caleb Rosin Cheyenne E Ross Elizabeth Alexander Ross Ranene Reynoso Royer Allison Jill Ruecker Joseph Dimas Rueda, Jr. Elizabeth Susan Ruiz Calon Nye Russell Robert Jeremy Rust Dorothy Roseanne Ryan Mae Lee Sader Thalia Adams Sady Olga A Salyuk Amreet Sandhu Laura Marie Sankey Susan Maureen Scanlan Stephen Thomas Schima Andrew Ian Schlegel Andrea Ruth Schmidt Troy Parker Schmidt Scott Phillip Schneider Ali David Seals Matthew Thomas Sears Amy Elizabeth Seely Franklin Jason Seibert Reid Akira Seino Rachele Rae Selvig Matthew Jon Semritc Anne Elaine Senters Joseph Edward Serres Gregory Paul Shabram Mark Corey Sherman Adrian Busch Sherrill Michael Aaron Shurtleff Peter Francis Simons Richard Bryce Sinner Phil N Skinner Theofanis George Skourtis Troy Martin Slonecker Carolina Slythe Michelle Erin Smith Jay Richard Smith-Hill Brian Thomas Sniffen Erin Janiece Snyder David Christopher Sorek Matthew KeoKoa Krieger Sorensen Paul Justin Carlos Southwick Rachel Katherine Sowray Alexander Drake Spalding Paul Richard McKenzie Spencer Luke Adam Stanton Eileen Michelle Sterlock Michael Steven Sterner Joanna Rosa Stevason Michael Owen Stevens Michael Robert Stirling Benjamin Curtis Stoller Mark Phillips Strandberg Todd Alan Struble Shelly Ann Strunk David Svelund Dustin Robert Swanson Erik Wayne Swanson Marnie Marie Sweat Matthew Miles Sweeney Caroline Jane Swindell Michelle Mariko Taira Nanina Dekyi Takla Justina Leilani Tate Avalyn Christine Taylor Robert Alan Taylor Tyrone Nevin Taylor Adam Ririe Thayne Sheila Dawn Thomas-Benson Leslie Anne Thompson Iris Kersting Tilley Richard James Tine Elissa Ann Tisdahl Claire Elizabeth Tonry Matthew Lawson Tracey Benjamin Richard Tramposh Jeffrey Kim Traylor David Shawn Turk Michael John Turner Sophia S Tzeng Caitlin James Upshaw Kelli Suh Paulson Utrecht Jeanette Anderson Vaccaro Elizabeth Marie Valente Darci G Van Duzer Laura Nicole van Enckevort Jonathan Tyler Van Heel Mark Christopher Van Ness Jeremy Lynn Vandehey Mark Allan Vawter Alicia Kae Vial Alfredo Villanueva Jean Ann Vivian Man Minh Vu Christine Ann Waichunas Brian Jeffrey Walker Paula Manette Walker Alexander James Wall Stephanie Shoshana Wallick Emery Yeehsiung Wang Jennifer Nicole Wang Rebecca Lynn Wareham Portlock Traci Lynn Warner Meghan Eileen Warning Jeanette Nicole Warren Steven Gray Watkins Susan Watkins Elizabeth Evalyn Weaver Elizabeth Nichole Webb Matthew Graham Wells Caitlin Marie Welter Ellen Yau Welter Jill Marie Weygandt Marcus Ryan Whitney Diana Marie Wiener Rosengard Ashlee Rochelle Wiese Lauren Andrea Wiggins Alison Frances Swap Wilkinson Sara Catherine Williams Laura Jane Williamson Nicole Simone Willis Charles John Wilson Erik Michael Wilson Dawn Elaine Winalski Eric Woods Winn Percy Wise Kristofer Jacob Womack Alan Kamal Wood Brook Douglas Wood Dylan Campbell Woodbury Chad Knight Woodward Michael Steven Wyatt Charles Yer Yang Julie Hye Un Yi Rita Delavore Yonkers Brant Kazuhiko Yoshimoto Virginia Elizabeth Yost Peter Yu John Walter Zaskiewicz Tiffany Heather Zinter Hunter Boyd Zook |