Oregon State Bar Bulletin JANUARY 2009 |
Time Mastery for Lawyers: Over 100 Ways
to Maximize Your Productivity and Satisfaction with Frank Sanitate
Friday, Jan. 23, 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
4 general CLE or practical skills (personal management) credits and 2 ethics
Oregon State Bar Center, Tigard
With today’s practice demands, even the most organized practitioner can feel out of control, drowning in a sea of paperwork and endless detail. Here’s your chance to turn over a new leaf in the new year with this seminar by Frank Sanitate, a nationally recognized speaker and author. Learn practical ways to make your work more productive and satisfying by taking charge of your work, your time and your life with practical tools and skills. Never again have to say, "I don’t have enough time!"
Ast (3/13) Bend (3/6) CB (3/6) Eug (3/13) GP (3/5) HR (3/6)
Klam (3/6) LG (3/6) Med (3/13) New (3/13) Pend (3/13) Red (3/13) Rose (3/5)
Salem (3/6) Tig (3/18) Vale (3/6)
29th Annual Northwest Securities Institute
Friday, Feb. 6, 8:50 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
Saturday, Feb. 7, 8:30 a.m.–noon
9.75 general CLE credits and 1 ethics credit
Embassy Suites Portland Downtown
The 29th Annual Northwest Securities Institute is the best opportunity in the Pacific Northwest for securities lawyers and professionals to receive the latest information on SEC enforcement and corporate finance developments and regional regulatory updates. The 2009 institute will also feature presentations on interacting with the SEC, market communications, shareholder activism, risk management ethics and accounting, securities litigation and broker-dealer developments. Keynote speaker Thomas C. Franco, a partner with the private equity firm Clayton, Dubilier & Rice, will discuss the global financial crisis and its effect on private equity and capital formation. Co-sponsored by the OSB Securities Regulation Section, the Washington State Bar Business Law Section and in association with WSBA CLE and the Northwest State-Federal-Provincial Securities Conference.
No video replay.
The Law Library, featuring Native America,
Discovered and Conquered: Thomas Jefferson, Lewis & Clark, and Manifest
Destiny by Robert J. Miller
Thursday, Feb. 12, 9 a.m.–noon
3 access to justice credits
Oregon State Bar Center, Tigard
Oregon today might still be part of Canada but for Thomas Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, the concept of Manifest Destiny and the Doctrine of Discovery. Native America, Discovered and Conquered offers a thoughtful analysis of the justification of American expansionist policy. Using discussion questions developed by author and Lewis and Clark Law Professor Robert J. Miller, trace the Doctrine of Discovery to its European roots, understand how "Manifest Destiny" grew out of the elements of the doctrine and explore the present-day effect of the Doctrine of Discovery upon both American Indians and Indian- and tribal-owned land.
No video replay.
Juvenile Law 2009: Meeting the Needs of
Children and Youth with Mental Health and Developmental Concerns
Friday, Feb. 13, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
5.5 general CLE credits (including .5 credit for optional lunch presentation)
and 2 access to justice credits
Juvenile Law 2009 focuses on meeting the needs of children and youth with mental health and developmental concerns. A special presentation by the Hon. Leonard Edwards, judge in residence, Center for Families, Children and the Courts, San Francisco, will focus on court improvement in child protection cases. Other seminar topics include: exploring developmental disability services in Oregon; an in-depth look at the juvenile panel PSRB; and an overview of Oregon Youth Authority services for youths with mental health issues. An appellate case law update will be presented during the lunch hour, and assessing youth for capacity, culpability and treatment will be examined by Dr. Eric Johnson, a licensed psychologist who specializes in the assessment of high-risk and potentially violent youth. Co-sponsored by the Juvenile law Section.
Ast (3/20) Bend (3/13) CB (3/13) Eug (3/20) GP (3/12) HR (3/13)
Klam (3/13) LG (3/13) Med (3/20) New (3/203) Pend (3/20) Red (3/20) Rose
(3/12) Salem (3/13) Tig (3/25) Vale (3/13)
11th Annual Oregon Trial Advocacy College
Friday, Feb. 20, 8:30 a.m.–5:15 p.m.
Saturday, Feb. 21, 8:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m.
13.5 general CLE or practical skills credits
Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse,
The Oregon Trial Advocacy College provides an unparalleled opportunity for advocates of all experience levels. An outstanding faculty of judges and trial attorneys will instruct, guide and advise you through a mock trial (complete with witnesses and jurors). Limited enrollment ensures individual attention and constructive feedback. Active participation means the ability to develop your own persuasive advocacy techniques and style.
No video replay.
2008 Oregon Legislation
Find out which new laws will affect
your practice and clients. The legislature’s
2008 Supplemental Session
resulted in the passage of more than
70 bills. The new 2008 Oregon Legislation
Highlights publication describes
over 40 of those bills enacted
in numerous practice areas. Effective
dates of each described bill are also
provided. For more information call
the OSB Service Desk at (503) 431-
6413 or, toll-free in Oregon, (800)
452-8260, ext. 413.
Oregon Uniform Civil Jury Instructions
2008 supplement will include a new user’s guide, a new introductory instruction
and revised precautionary instruction, revised punitive damages instructions,
four new domestic animal liability instructions, a new trespass to land instruction
and more.
Workers’ Compensation
The definitive guide to Oregon Workers’ Compensation law will be completely
revised. As usual, it will be organized for easy access to applicable statutes,
administrative rules, and legal decisions. For more information about these
and other titles, call the OSB Service Desk at (503) 431-6413 or, toll-free
in Oregon, (800) 452-8260, ext. 413.
For more information call the OSB Service Desk at (503) 431-6413 or, toll-free in
(800) 452-8260, ext. 413
February 26
Estate and Distribution Planning for Retirement Benefits
with Natalie Choate
February 27
Family Law 2009
March 6-7
16th Annual Litigation Institute & Retreat
March 12
Intellectual Property
March 19
MBA Concepts for Lawyerswith Edward Adams