Oregon State Bar Bulletin APRIL 2009 |
Financial Exploitation:
Sudden appearance of new “friends”
Care not commensurate with the elderly person’s resources
Caregiver who expresses excessive interest in the amount of money being spent on the elderly person
Sudden changes in the elderly person’s banking habits or account balances or a transfer of his assets
Withdrawals from bank accounts or transfers between accounts that the elderly person cannot explain; re-addressing of bank statements and canceled checks to other than the elderly person’s residence; suspicious signatures on checks or other documents
Unpaid bills, eviction notices or notices to disconnect utilities despite the elderly person’s having adequate resources
Missing belongings
Legal documents, such as a power of attorney, that the elderly person didn’t understand at the time he signed it; financial arrangements that the elderly person was unaware of or didn’t understand; absence of documentation about financial arrangements
Implausible explanations about the elderly person’s finances from the elderly person or his caregiver
Physical Abuse:
Bruises other than on the bony areas of shins, knees or elbows; “patterned” bruises (i.e., a handprint); old and new or “clustered” bruises
Bite marks
Unusual burns or burns in unusual places
Fractures that are inconsistent with an accident or the normal progression of a disease
Severe head or abdominal injuries
Injuries that are consistent with a history of abuse; that have not received treatment or are not consistent with the explanation given for them
Over- or under-medication
Dramatic weight loss, malnutrition or dehydration
Poor personal hygiene or season-inappropriate clothing
Skin problems such as pressure sores or rashes
Untreated medical or mental health conditions
Sexual Abuse:
Irritation, injuries or infection concerning the mouth, genitals or anus
Newly present sexually transmitted disease
Intense fear reaction to a specific individual
Source: Multnomah County Adult Protective Services