Oregon State Bar Bulletin AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2007 |
All Day PowerPlay
Three seminars in one day will provide three types of CLE credit: ethics,
child abuse reporting and elimination of bias. Register for all three sessions
and receive your child abuse reporting seminar for free.
Ethics Rock!
With Jack Marshall
Friday, Sept. 7, 8:30-11:30 a.m.
3 ethics credits
Oregon Convention Center, Portland
Ethics Rock! is a tuneful and nostalgic legal ethics seminar that presents complex legal ethics scenarios as expertly performed parodies of some of the greatest rock-and-roll hits of the ’60s and ’70s. The Beatles, the Who, Simon and Garfunkel, James Taylor and many others find their works transformed into new versions that tell stories of lawyers facing ethical difficulties while somehow retaining the flavor and spark of the original hit songs. All references to disciplinary rules will be to the Oregon Rules of Professional Conduct.
Child Abuse Reporting
Friday, Sept. 7, noon-1 p.m.
1 child-abuse reporting credit
Oregon Convention Center, Portland
This session will cover mandatory reporting requirements for Oregon attorneys.
Computer and Internet Law: Changes and Challenges to an Evolving
Thursday, Sept. 27, 8:45 a.m.-4:15 p.m.
5.25 general CLE credits and 1 ethics credit
Oregon Convention Center, Portland
Electronic and online communications surround us and have progressed from simple e-mail to blogs, social networking sites, and political debates fueled by YouTube videos. Learn how the most current issues surrounding these forms of communication affect you, your firm and most importantly your clients. Topics will focus on: managing user-generated content and user agreements; employment concerns related to user-generated content, terms of use and unauthorized use of computers; information privacy; and electronic discovery. Gain an understanding of how legal ethics apply to electronic information, including legal advertising, websites, e-mail and metadata. Co-sponsored by the Computer & Internet Law Section.
Ast (10/19) CB (10/12) Eug (10/19) GP (10/11) HR (10/12) Klam (10/12) LG (10/12) LO (10/17) Med (10/19) New (10/19) Pend (10/19) Red (10/19) Rose (10/11) Salem (10/12) Vale (10/12)
Selecting and Influencing Your Jury With Dr. Susan Jones
Friday, Sept. 28, 8:30 a.m.-4:15 p.m.
6.5 general CLE or practical skills credits
Oregon Convention Center, Portland
Susan Jones is a pioneer in jury research and persuasion, with 20-plus years of courtroom experience. Her practical advice will transform your perspective of the jury process and provide meaningful tools to help you win cases. Videos of mock jury deliberations and post-verdict interviews, coupled with Dr. Jones’ practical analysis, provide you with a powerful view of how jurors’ pretrial attitudes and beliefs influence their perception of your evidence during trial and deliberation. Knowing how jurors respond — what they look for and what they ignore — allows you to concentrate on the effective methods Dr. Jones provides for: shaping your case; refining your opening statement; witness preparation and presentation; and closing arguments for maximum effect in the jury room.
Ast (10/26) CB (10/19) Eug (10/26) GP (10/18) HR (10/19) Klam (10/19) LG (10/19) LO (10/24) Med (10/26) New (10/26) Pend (10/26) Red (10/26) Rose (10/18) Salem (10/19) Vale (10/19)
Fundamentals of Bankruptcy
Thursday, Oct. 4, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
6.5 general CLE or practical skills credits
Oregon Convention Center, Portland
From an introduction to bankruptcy to practical suggestions using hypotheticals, some of Oregon’s most experienced practitioners and trustees will guide you through the bankruptcy process, with an emphasis on chapters 7 and 13. You can choose from two breakout sessions that will focus on either creditors or means testing. Whether you are new to a bankruptcy practice or need to refresh your skills, this seminar will give you a solid foundation in bankruptcy procedures.
Ast (11/2) CB (10/26) Eug (11/2) GP (10/25) HR (10/26) Klam (10/26) LG (10/26) LO (10/31) Med (11/2) New (11/2) Pend (11/2) Red (11/2) Rose (10/25) Salem (10/26) Vale (10/26)
Effective Elder Law
Friday, Oct. 5, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
4 general CLE credits, 1 ethics credit, and 1 elimination of bias credit
Oregon Convention Center, Portland
This seminar is packed with information for elder law attorneys and general practitioners who want to respond to the situations being faced by increasing numbers of clients. A panel of elder law experts will guide you through recent changes in the Oregon Medicaid rules that affect transfers, annuities and spousal support orders. Identify ownership and income tax issues that are often overlooked by older clients and clients with disabilities. Explore how House Bill 2007 and Senate Bill 2 are changing estate and disability planning for lesbian and gay couples. Learn which factors are critical for determining eligibility for different types of Social Security disability benefits. A practice-based ethics presentation will help you analyze confidentiality and attorney-client privilege issues involving the living and the dead.
Ast (11/9) CB (11/2) Eug (11/9) GP (11/1) HR (11/2) Klam (11/2) LG (11/2) LO (11/7) Med (11/9) New (11/9) Pend (11/9) Red (11/9) Rose (11/1) Salem (11/2) Vale (11/2)
Water, Water, Everywhere and Not a Drop to Drink:
Municipal Supply
Friday, Oct. 5, 2007 8:15 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
6.75 general CLE credits
Salem Conference Center, Salem
Explore the municipal water supply challenges our water professionals face on a daily basis. This information-packed seminar will keep you up to date on current water supply issues. Co-sponsored by the Government Law Section.
Ast (1/18) CB (1/11) Eug (1/18) GP (1/10) HR (1/11) Klam (1/11) LG (1/11) LO (1/16) Med (1/18) New (1/18) Pend (1/18) Red (1/18) Rose (1/10) Salem (1/11) Vale (1/11)
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