Employment Discrimination: Civil Rights Actions Under Title VII and the ADA
Friday, May 12, 2006,
8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Credits pending
Oregon Convention Center, Portland
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of race, sex, national origin or religion. Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 prohibits discrimination in employment against a qualified individual with a disability because of the disability. Are you savvy enough to understand the fundamentals and nuances of the law?
This seminar offers an in-depth view of employment discrimination actions under Title VII and the ADA. Nuts and bolts advice on litigating these issues, as well as a discussion of cutting edge trends will be covered. Learn how to advise employers and employees on handling disability-related issues. Valuable for new as well as experienced practitioners, sample pleadings will be provided for both plaintiff and defense counsel
Ast (6/9/06) CB (6/2/06) Eug (6/9/06) GP (6/1/06) HR (6/2/06) Klam (6/2/06) LG (6/2/06) LO (6/7/06) Med (6/9/06) New (6/9/06) Pend (6/9/06) Red (6/9/06 ) Rose (6/1/06) Salem (6/2/06) Vale (6/2/06)
Essential Accounting & Finance for Lawyers
Friday, May 19, 2006,
9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Oregon Convention Center, Portland
6.5 general CLE credits
Do you know what happened at Enron, WorldCom or Tyco? Are you able to explain the decline in the stock price of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts? Whether these events are familiar to you or not, this seminar will provide an overview of relevant accounting and financial concepts that every lawyer should possess. The business of America is business, and you will learn how to: create and interpret the "big three" financial statements, understand basic and more advanced accounting principles, read and comprehend an annual report, and interpret stock and bond prices. Comprehending these financial principles is indispensable to an effective and successful career. Don’t leave your clients or practice behind
Ast (6/16/06) CB (6/9/06) Eug (6/16/06) GP (6/8/06) HR (6/9/06) Klam (6/9/06) LG (6/9/06) LO (6/14/06) Med (6/16/06) New (6/16/06) Pend (6/16/06) Red (6/16/06) Rose (6/8/06) Salem (6/9/06) Vale (6/9/06)
For additional CLE Seminars information
Read the Bulletin? CLE Publications Bulletin Offer
OSB CLE Publications is now offering Bulletin readers a chance to save money, just by ordering special combination offers featured periodically on this page. Here’s what we’re discounting in this issue: (Save 15 percent by ordering both books today. Phone orders only.)
Consumer Law in Oregon, 1996 edition with 2005 cumulative supplement: Easily advise your clients about their available rights and remedies and provide answers to a variety of questions that will help protect their financial interests. Normally priced at $225.
Foreclosing Security Interests, 1997 edition with 2005 cumulative supplement: Although emphasizing the foreclosure of interests in real property, it also discusses the foreclosure of security interests in personal property, as well as self-help remedies under the UCC. Normally priced at $175.
Order both books for $340 by calling the OSB Service Desk at (503) 684-7413, or toll-free in Oregon, (800) 452-8260, ext. 413. This offer expires on June 30, 2006. Be sure to mention this ad. No other discounts may be combined with this offer.
For additional CLE Publications information
June 2-3 6th Annual Oregon Tax Institute
June 9 Hot Topics in Estate Planning
June 16 Advising Nonprofit Organizations
June 23 Ethics in 18 Holes