Advising Nonprofit Organizations
Friday, June 16, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Oregon Convention Center, Portland
6 general CLE credits and .5 ethics credit
Have you ever been asked by a nonprofit group to: "just look over" an application for nonprofit status; help rewrite the group’s bylaws; join the group’s governing board? If your answer is "yes" to any of these questions, this seminar will provide a wealth of information to assist you. With myriad nonprofit organizations and projects asking for volunteers and professional help, the answers need to come from the experts. Profit from our expert practitioners, who will share their experience and practical knowledge about tax-exempt status, governance, the Oregon Attorney General’s Office, Internet issues, political activity and lobbying and the ethics of working or volunteering with a nonprofit. Learn today’s hot topic for nonprofits and what happens when nonprofits become involved with business activities, either intentionally or unintentionally. This seminar will be of interest to anyone who has a nonprofit organization as a client, sits on a nonprofit board or performs pro bono work for a nonprofit.
Ast (7/21/06) CB (7/14/06) Eug (7/21/06) GP (7/13/06) HR (7/14/06) Klam (7/14/06) LG (7/14/06) LO (7/19/06) Med (7/21/06) New (7/21/06) Pend (7/21/06) Red (7/21/06 ) Rose (7/13/06) Salem (7/14/06) Vale (7/14/06)
Ethics in 18 Holes
Friday, June 23, 9:15 a.m.-4 p.m.
The Resort at the Mountain, Welches
3 ethics credits
Get some fresh air and a fresh perspective on legal ethics with this unique outdoor format for CLE. Your "classroom" is the great outdoors, in the natural beauty of the Thistle and the Foxglove courses at the Resort at the Mountain. Eighteen ethics scenarios and a set of multiple-choice answers are your course materials. Discuss each scenario and possible answers as you play or ride to each hole. After you finish, head to the "19th Hole" for a panel discussion of the scenarios and answers. Non-golfers are welcome and may participate by riding the course and discussing the questions at each hole. Because of this unique format, participation is limited to 64 attorneys. Make sure you or your team signs up now to guarantee a spot.
No video replay.
What Every Oregon Lawyer Must Know About Intellectual Property
Wednesday, June 28,
9 a.m.-noon
Oregon State Bar Center, Lake Oswego
2 general CLE credits and 1 ethics credit
Traditionally, intellectual property has been an area of law practiced by specialists. The situation has changed, and today virtually every attorney, regardless of specialty, should be aware of and have a working understanding of some intellectual property fundamentals. This program will provide you with an understanding of many of the intellectual property issues you need to know in order to protect yourself and effectively represent your clients.
No video replay.
For additional CLE Seminars information
Oregon Civil Pleading and Practice, 2006 Revision
Oregon Civil Pleading and Practice is a must-have for any lawyer who handles civil cases. This ultimate resource for analyzing the ORCPs has been completely revised, describes how the courts interpret the ORCPs, and includes practice tips on how to use them as well as comparisons with federal rules in key areas when decisions need to be made about taking a case to state or federal court. It also contains over 150 easy-to-use forms.
For more information, call the OSB Service Desk at (503) 684-7413, or toll-free in Oregon, (800) 452-8260, ext. 413, or check out our online bookstore.
For additional CLE Publications information
July 12 Liability for Negligent Security
July 12 U.S. Business Immigration Law for Non-Imigration Lawyers
July 14 Handling Domestic Relations Cases
Aug. 14-18 Summer Video Week