MAKING THE MOST OF THE YELLOW PAGES The book is published by the Legal Practice Section of the ABA. For more information or to order, go online to (product #5110538). CRIMINAL BENCH BOOK NOW OUT This resource represents a substantial asset for anyone practicing in the criminal justice arena; the first 30 pages of the Sentencing chapter (starting at page 727) contain practical sentencing tips which should assist counsel in preparing for and advocating at sentencing hearings. Multnomah Circuit Court Judge Michael Marcus tells the Bulletin: "I would suggest that prosecutors who are not prepared to argue on the topics covered are not exercising best practices in protecting public safety, and that defense lawyers cannot adequately represent clients in sentencing hearings unless they are prepared to meet such arguments and to exploit the information when doing so might increase their chances of persuading judges to adopt dispositions favored by their clients." Survey: The survey was developed by Robert Half Legal, a staffing service specializing in attorneys, paralegals and other highly skilled legal professionals. It was conducted by an independent research firm and includes responses from 300 attorneys among the 1,000 largest law firms and corporations in the U.S. and Canada. All respondents have at least three years of experience in the legal field. Lawyers were asked, "Do you expect the number of lawyers employed with your law firm or corporate legal department to increase, stay the same or decrease in the next 12 months?" The responses: 2006, 2005 Increase: 55%, 55% Asked which areas of law will experience the most growth in the next 12 months, the respondents said: Ethics and corporate governance: 25% Read more at www. |
LASO Lassos Big Grant The Multnomah County Office of Legal Aid Services of Oregon is the recipient of a $30,379 grant from the Roscoe C. Nelson Jr. Fund for Pro Bono Law Services to the Poor, administered by the Oregon Community Foundation. Roscoe C. Nelson Jr. practiced law in Portland for 52 years and helped the poor by providing free legal services throughout his career. His family members and friends established the fund to honor this tradition. Its purpose is to connect volunteer lawyers with low-income people in need of legal services in Multnomah County. The grant will help fund the office’s pro bono program. The Oregon Community Foundation, established in 1973 manages charitable funds donated by individuals, families and businesses to enhance and support the quality of life in their communities. Today the foundation’s endowment consists of more than 1,160 funds with combined assets of $770 million. |