Oregon State Bar Bulletin AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2006 |
Taking & Defending Depositions & Using Depositions at Trial
Friday, Sept. 15, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
6.25 general CLE or practical skills credits
Oregon Convention Center, Portland
Depositions can be key to your case. This is your opportunity to learn from David Markowitz, one of Oregon’s litigation lions. For more than 20 years, Markowitz has been studying deposition and trial techniques and has presented dozens of seminars to improve the skills of practicing attorneys. With his keen ability to communicate and persuade, he will demonstrate powerful, practical methods for getting the most out of your depositions.
Ast (10/6) CB (9/29) Eug (10/6) GP (9/28) HR (9/29) Klam (9/29) LG (9/29) LO (10/4) Med (10/6) New (10/6) Pend (10/6) Red (10/6) Rose (9/28) Salem (9/29) Vale (9/29)
The Life Cycle of an E-Commerce Company
Friday, Sept. 22, 9 a.m.-4:45 p.m.
6.5 general CLE credits, plus .5 general CLE credit for optional lunch presentation
World Forestry Center, Portland
Do you know what to do if one of your clients wants advice about establishing and operating an e-commerce website? E-commerce clients face numerous legal and business issues, and representing them requires thoughtful and careful consideration and advice. This seminar will focus on a client who approaches her attorney for advice about engaging in e-commerce. Throughout the day, the lawyer and client will interact with legal and industry experts who will share their experience and knowledge about specific aspects of the life cycle of an e-commerce company.
Ast (10/13) CB (10/6) Eug (10/13) GP (10/5) HR (10/6) Klam (10/6) LG (10/6) LO (10/11) Med (10/13) New (10/13) Pend (10/13) Red (10/13) Rose (10/5) Salem (10/6) Vale (10/6)
Elections Today: Initiative, Referendum, Recall and Ethics
Thursday, Oct. 5, 1-4:45 p.m.
2.75 general CLE credits and 1 ethics credit
Salem Conference Center, Salem
November’s election ballot will feature many important state and local measures. The process for qualifying a measure for the ballot under the Oregon system presents unique challenges. The courts, public officials at all levels of government and the public have struggled with complex legal requirements set forth in myriad laws, regulations, ordinances and constitutional provisions. Elected officials—including judges—face the prospect of recall campaigns when citizens are unhappy with their actions. The stakes are high, and litigation is likely. This seminar will feature state and local elections officials, elections law experts and Oregon’s new chief justice, who will discuss red-hot elections law issues, including ethics.
Ast (10/27) CB (10/20) Eug (10/27) GP (10/19) HR (10/20) Klam (10/20) LG (10/20) LO (10/25) Med (10/27) New (10/27) Pend (10/27) Red (10/27) Rose (10/19) Salem (10/20) Vale (10/20)
The Elder Law Experience
Friday, Oct. 6, 8:30 a.m.-4:45 p.m.
5.5 general CLE credits and 1 ethics credit
Oregon Convention Center, Portland
Brimming with valuable information for the elder law practitioner, this year’s seminar will take an in-depth look at common elder law situations, including the rare opportunity to hear a doctor’s perspective on when guardianships are appropriate. You will examine the attorney’s responsibilities when advising fiduciaries and the ethical issues involved in using referrals to build an elder law practice. Get practical tips on drafting trusts, including special needs trusts and income cap trusts, under the Oregon Uniform Trust Code. Learn how the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 is affecting Medicaid eligibility and planning in Oregon and how to handle the administrative hearings expected as a result of the change.
Ast (11/3) CB (10/27) Eug (11/3) GP (10/26) HR (10/27) Klam (10/27) LG (10/27) LO (11/1) Med (11/3) New (11/3) Pend (11/3) Red (11/3) Rose (10/26) Salem (10/27) Vale (10/27)
Not Just the Basics: Excelling at Mediation & Arbitration
Thursday, Oct. 12,
8:45 a.m.-3:45 p.m.
4.75 general CLE or practical fkills credits and 1.25 ethics credits
World Forestry Center, Portland
Here is your opportunity to enhance the mediation and arbitration aspects of your practice. Experienced practitioners, including two mediators listed in Best Lawyers in America for Dispute Resolution, will highlight best practice tips for mediation. A session on legal ethics and mediation confidentiality will cover both mediation practitioners and attorneys who represent clients in mediation, while the afternoon will focus on the fundamentals of arbitration in Oregon. This session will qualify mediators under Multnomah County’s mandatory training requirement. Special lunch presentation: Quality Control in Dispute Resolution, or How Not to Get Sued, featuring University of Oregon law professor Michael Moffitt.
Ast (11/10) CB (11/3) Eug (11/10) GP (11/2) HR (11/3) Klam (11/3) LG (11/3) LO (11/8) Med (11/10) New (11/10) Pend (11/10) Red (11/10) Rose (11/2) Salem (11/3) Vale (11/3)
Check here for additional CLE Seminars information
Criminal Law, 2005 Revision with 2006 Legislative Supplement
With nearly 1,800 pages and more than 4,000 cases, this book has expanded to three volumes of case law, statutory law (current through the 2005 and 2006 legislative sessions), rules and practice tips, including: aftermath of Blakely regarding a court’s ability to impose a sentence above the standard range set forth in the sentencing guidelines; aftermath of Crawford regarding the admissibility of testimonial hearsay; and a new chapter dealing with the exclusionary rule.
The 2006 Legislative Supplement covers: enhancement facts and sentencing-phase jury trials; drug crimes; disorderly conduct in the first degree; right of movie theater to detain people suspected of recording a film; appearance by simultaneous electronic transmission; conditional discharge statute; restitution statutes; dangerous-offender statutes; firearm-minimum statute; law on victim impact evidence in death penalty cases and definition of victim. The supplement also includes forms on CD and a revised chapter on criminal forfeiture.
The supplement and revision are now available from OSB CLE Publications. For more information call the OSB Service Desk at (503) 684-7413, or toll-free in Oregon at (800) 452-8260, ext. 413, or check out our online bookstore at.
For more information, call the OSB Service Desk at (503) 684-7413, or toll-free in Oregon, (800) 452-8260, ext. 413, or check out our online bookstore.
Check here for additional CLE Publications information
Oct. 13 Revisiting Younger’s 10 Commandments, with Steve Easton
Oct. 17 The Law Library: Misdemeanor Man by Dylan Schaffer
Oct. 18 Child Abuse Reporting
Oct. 20 Indian Law 2006: Solutions for the Generations
Oct. 27 What You Need to Know: Basic Skills for Real Estate and Land Use Practice
Nov. 2 Four Steps to Standout Legal Writing
Nov. 2 Effective Corporate Drafting
Nov. 3 Planning the Basic Estate
Nov. 3 Constitutional Law
Nov. 3 Ethics Rock!
Nov. 16 The Dynamic Duo: Dealing with Disaster and Working with the Media
Nov. 17 Alzheimer’s and Other Dementia: The Next Epidemic of the 21st Century
Dec. 6 One Size Does Not Fit All: Bias in the Legal Profession
Dec. 7 One Size Does Not Fit All: Bias in the Legal Profession
Dec. 11-16 Super CLE Video Week
Dec. 29-29 Last Chance Video