Oregon State Bar Bulletin AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2006 |
Derek Johnson, shareholder in Johnson, Clifton, Larson & Schaller of Eugene, has been appointed to the chief justice’s Civil Law Advisory Committee. The committee serves as a forum for communication and advice about issues that affect the civil trial bar, the judicial department and the people of Oregon with regard to the civil justice system.
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The DuBoff Law Group announces that Leonard D. DuBoff and Christy O. King have completed revising Art Law in a Nutshell, a book initially written by DuBoff. It is published by West Group and the revised and updated book is due out in the fall.
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Robert Weiss has recently published Mardi Gras at the Monastery, a collection of 14 stories linked to holidays. The book’s lead story recounts the experience of a white-collar criminal who seeks refuge in a monastery. The collection explores the human condition in its many dimensions, some sad, some funny, often nostalgic, and span the reach from childhood to maturity, from spiritual moments to the trauma and death-grip of war. It is an imprint of Burd Street Press of Shippensburg, Pa., publisher of Weiss’ previous book, Fire Mission!The Siege at Mortain, Normandy, August 1944. The book is available from bn.com, amazon.com and powells.com.
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Mike Williams of Williams, Love, O’Leary, Craine and Powers has a letter published in the July issue of the Annals of Epidemiology. It tackles previously published assertions about the controversial drug known as PPA, or phenylpropanolamine, an ingredient once used in over-the-counter cough syrups and other products. The drug was removed from the market by the FDA when consumers of PPA-containing products suffered strokes and other dangerous side effects.
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Robert S. Banks Jr. was a speaker at the New York City Bar Association annual program on securities arbitration for counsel and arbitrators on June 1. He spoke on proposed changes to the NASD Code of Arbitration procedure and on regional differences in securities arbitration practice. Banks represents investors in disputes with stockbrokers and financial advisers.
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Former assistant attorney general Doug Dawson and former U.S. Bancorp legal division manager Sheryl Dawson were the featured artists for Lawrence Gallery Salishan’s August exhibit. The Dawsons presented a series of pastel and acrylic paintings highlighting the nine historic lighthouses located along the Oregon coast.
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A joint committee of Oregon Association of Defense Council and Oregon Trial Lawyers Association representatives has been appointed to work with Chief Judge David Brewer and other members of the Oregon Court of Appeals to confer and discuss issues of importance to Oregon’s civil justice system. The committee meets periodically for lunch with the court to discuss matters of mutual concern. Bar members who have issues or suggestions for discussion are encouraged to contact any of the committee members. The OADC members are: Robert E. Maloney Jr., Thomas M. Christ, James Edmonds and Janet M. Schroer. The OTLA members are: James Coon, Maureen Leonard, Richard Yugler and Charles S. Tauman.
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Emil R. Berg is a recipient of the 2006 Max Dalton Open Government Award from the Idaho Newspaper Foundation. The award resulted from his work on behalf of the Idaho Conservation League in enforcing the Idaho Public Records Act.
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Barran Liebman employment attorney Jeffrey D. Jones has been asked to serve on the Oregon Government Standards and Practices Commission, the seven-member citizen commission charged with enforcing government standards and ethics laws.
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Former OSB president James W. Durham has become a fellow of the College of Commercial Arbitrators. Durham, an independent arbitrator and mediator with a national practice, is also on the Large Complex Case Panel and Energy Panel of the American Arbitration Association and the CPR International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution.
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Davis Wright Tremaine partner Milton R. Stewart has published an article on international joint ventures in "ACC Docket," a publication geared to in-house legal counsel. Stewart co-authored the article with adidas North America general counsel Paul Ehrlich for the June 2006 issue. The article is available online at http://www.dwt.com/lawdir/publications/06-06_Stewart.pdf/.
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The American Immigration Lawyers Association has appointed Tonkon Torp attorney Turid L. Owren chair of a liaison committee that oversees adjudication and processing of immigration petitions. The committee of eight lawyers reviews petitions filed with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service’s Nebraska Service Center. AILA has also asked Owren to serve on its faculty at a 2006 fall conference in New York, where she will join chairs of other service center committees to speak on liaison initiatives.
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Robert D. Newell, a partner at Davis Wright Tremaine, has been elected to the American Board of Trial Advocates and the Oregon Chapter of ABOTA. Newell is past president of the Multnomah Bar Association, chairman of the board of Mercy Corps, and winner of the Oregon State Bar Pro Bono Challenge for the most individual hours of pro bono legal services in 2004 and 2005.