(Oregon Licensed) and Swiss International Law Firm,
with prestigious location in Geneva, Switzerland is
accepting applications from law firms desiring international
office presence (view towards association). Contact:
Ms. Leonor Roque, tel:011 41 22 317 80 20, fax: 011
41 22 317 80 30 or e-mail:
Awesome seats - Section 112 Row A (near center court
). Will
sell up to 1/2 of the season. Contact Steve @ (503)
FIVE TAB VERTICAL FILES; 6 ½ feet tall; front covers; grey; legal size shelves; New @$560 each; Selling for $100 each; Call Rich @ (503) 771-7008.
FOR SALE — Oregon Reports 1-309 and Oregon Court of Appeals 1-154. Make Offer. Phone Systems like new: Toshiba 8 phones, 6 lines, 2 sec. phones, $1,000.00. Norstar 8 phones, 6 lines, 2 sec. phones, $2,500.00 (503) 225-0334.
OFFICE FURNITURE FOR SALE – 1 ash secretarial desk with return, 1 ash/Formica associate desk and credenza, 6 ash conference room chairs with blue upholstery, 2 oak 7’ bookcases, 1 Steelcase executive chair, and 1 Steelcase secretarial chair. Good to excellent condition. Please make offer (503) 222-1415.
1 LARGE WINDOW OFFICE with amenities.
Ceiling-to-floor built-in bookcase. Adjacent secretarial
space if desired. Receptionist, conference room, law
library, mail/production room, complete kitchen. Client
parking available. Call Dave or Georgina at (503) 222-4900.
1 OR MORE SPACIOUS WINDOW OFFICES, close-in SW downtown Portland; elevator, receptionist, secretarial space, share with congenial attorneys. Many amenities, non-smoking building; free parking. $595/$660 - (503) 241-4925.
AVAILABLE OFFICE in congenial 8-attorney suite in Class A Building in John’s Landing area. Secretarial pace available if needed. Rent includes receptionist, conference rooms, phone service, fax machines, kitchen, fitness center, DSL; West Law, photocopiers, and underground parking available. Please call Sarah at (503) 517-9203.
AVAILABLE OFFICE in congenial 15-attorney suite near Kruse Way in Lake Oswego. Rent includes reception, excellent law library, conference rooms, phone service, kitchen and parking. Secretarial services available. Call Jan at (503) 635-7773.
AVAILABLE OFFICE just south of downtown Portland. Rent could include secretarial services, sharing copy machine, fax machine, phone services, DSL and kitchen. Includes free parking and great view. Rent negotiable based upon services needed. Please call for information (503) 228-6200.
DOWNTOWN PORTLAND — 3 Professional windowed offices available with congenial, well established law firm. Reception, secretarial space, conference room, copier, fax, DSL line, and underground parking available (503) 228-6474.
DOWNTOWN PORTLAND office space in renovated, historic building. Corner of SW 2nd and Yamhill on MAX. $680/mo. Furn or unfurn. Can share services. Clean storage. Contact Joe at Rieke and Savage, P.C. at (503) 222-0200.
DOWNTOWN PORTLAND – Offices on top floor of 1000 Broadway Building. Class A space. Newly remodeled and decorated by professional designer. Four exterior offices with expansive views and four secretarial stations equipped with desks and lateral files are available. The civil litigators in this large suite share two conference rooms, kitchen and file room. Copier, fax, telephones and receptionist services provided. Parking, large conference room, private gym and bank in building. Call (503) 228-5027.
DOWNTOWN PORTLAND — One to four offices with secretarial space available. Includes reception, conference rooms, lunch room, copier & fax. Great view, parking next door, easy access for clients. Call Gary (503) 227-6722.
DOWNTOWN PORTLAND — with inexpensive parking. Great location near courthouse corner SW 6th & Clay, space for 1-3 attorneys plus staff furnished or unfurnished. Full reception and custom telephone answering, law library w/fireplace, conference room, fitness center, shower, closed file storage, all equipment, no hidden costs, $365 to $635 parking $115 (503) 226-3607.
EUGENE — Available: fax, copier, waiting area, shared reception, DSL connection, ground level parking, and adjacent to over park, quiet office $450/mo. Phone (541) 343-8281.
FOUR BEAUTIFUL DOWNTOWN PORTLAND CLASS A OFFICES AVAILABLE NOVEMBER 1. All have river views on 18th floor of Benjamin Franklin Plaza. Two built-out secretarial areas also available. Rent includes receptionist services, use of conference rooms, library and kitchen. Reasonable copier, fax and telephone charges. Parking available. Call Jean, (503) 229.1850.
GRESHAM – Share 1 or 2 offices in established 4-office suite. Terms negotiable. Phone (503) 667-4800 or write 1217 NE Burnside Suite 201, Gresham OR 97030.
HILLSBORO – Two office suites, one block from WA Co Courthouse. Law library/conference room, basement storage, reception area, 2 secretarial bays, copier/phone/fax equipment included. $375 & $475 per month, + split utilities/costs. Contact John Elliott (503) 648-3146.
HILLSBORO , FOR SALE OR LEASE – 3300 sq ft office building at 126 NE 2nd St. directly across from the Washington County Courthouse. Has been occupied by law offices for 35 years. Would be an ideal satellite office for Portland law firm. For more information call Jimmie Darr at (503) 648-1186.
KRUSE WAY - CENTERPOINTE - LAKE OSWEGO Class A Bldg., Partner-size office – 5th floor, Windowed, reception, fax, copier, conference room, free parking, DSL, kitchen, workout facility, close to elevator. Call for information. Dana, (503) 684-0701.
KRUSE WAY - LAKE OSWEGO – New Class A Bldg., Partner-size offices – Windowed, receptionist, phone, fax, copier, conference rooms, free parking; $810-$1,095/mo. Phone numbers available or porting tenant numbers also available. Call for information. John, (503) 675-4300.
LAKE OSWEGO — New Executive Suites, 205-428 sq. ft., windowed. Secretarial, T-1 internet, phone, conf room, copy, fax, free parking. Contact Chad Marcus at (503) 635-2623.
LANDMARK OFFICE – King’s Hill/Lang House MAC Club area; hardwood floors, fireplace, lounge, suites at: $275-$2,500. Mo/Mo or 1 yr term. (503) 221-2900, The Madden Company.
LAW FIRM RELOCATION makes prime downtown space in B of A Financial Center available for sublease. Exceptional views of river and Mt. Hood. Approximately 9500 sf which includes: reception, two conference rooms, 15 offices w/view. Parking available in building. $10/sf through August 2004. Contact Molly Cramer at (503) 242-2922.
OFFICE SHARING DOWNTOWN – 169 sf corner office, view of Mt. Hood. Located within Riviera Plaza, 3rd floor. $650 per mo, package deal includes DSL access, copier @ 8 cents per copy, binding machines, postage meter (postage not incl), network support, BNA portfolio service. Phone equipment available. Local CPA firm, 1950 sq. office w/ kitchen and conference room. Send your inquiries to, or 503-222-3338 x11.
OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE – 1100 sq. ft. conveniently located on SW First Avenue. With easy access to downtown, I-5 & I405. The three-story building has recently undergone a major renovation to all common areas, including HVAC, exterior windows, elevator cab and landscaping. Off-street parking available. Contact Sandy Cunningham at (503) 221-0699 or
OREGON CITY office; share space and equipment with 8 other attorneys in collegial, professional atmosphere; two conference rooms, parking, kitchen and staff break room; great location in established office close to Juvenile Court and jail; possibility for overflow work. $675/mo. Call Tom (503) 657-0777; Ron (503) 655-3433; or Jim (503) 657-8144.
OREGON CITY — One office in 3-lawyer office building. Close to elevator and courthouse. Off-street parking. Share copier, fax, law library, conference room, lunch room; space for two secretaries/legal assistants. Call John Henry (503) 656-0355.
REDUCE OVERHEAD!!! ExecuTech Suites – Two convenient Locations: Hillsboro and New Airport Way location near PDX. Beautifully appointed and professionally-supported office suites can be yours today. No long-term commitment; competitive prices beginning at $440/month, including phone. It’s Not Just an Office Suite, It’s an ExecuTech Suite!!! Call Ruth at 503-640-6240, or toll-free 1-866-393-2885; www. executechsuites. com.
SE PORTLAND 1800 SQ FT & 500 SQ FT – Both located in Plaza 125, a well-maintained professional office complex on SE Stark near 122nd. 1800 sq ft office has suite of offices, 2 baths, storage and lunchroom; lots of windows. Good handicapped access and parking. Good location for high-traffic law practice. Also available office with 500 sq ft. Great for solo. Contact attorney Dady Blake at (503) 249-0502 or email her at
TIGARD PROFESSIONAL OFFICE — 1460 sq. ft. 99W & Walnut. Close to 217 & I-5 excellent growth area. Offices: two 14’ x 14’, two 14’ x 10’, one 14’ x 16’ plus lobby, front office, bathroom, signage, plenty of parking, wired DSL/phones. $1,460 NNN. Dan (503) 443-4639.
TWO OFFICES: $850 each. Historic Bldg w/large windows that open and train memorabilia. Close to courthouses. Use of conference room, copiers, kitchen, ping pong and pool tables, and other typical law office items. Contact: Larry Sokol at (503) 228-6469.
VIEW OFFICE AVAILABLE in 1000 Broadway Building, 17th floor, with shared reception, file room, postage machine, copier and fax for prorated rent and miscellaneous expenses. Parking available in building. Call (503) 221-1465.
WILSONVILLE OFFICE available to share with attorney in lovely, ground-floor suite. Two offices and secretary space. Come see. Call Vernon Burda, (503) 682-8669.
YOUR OWN PARKING PLACE IN NW PORTLAND — 274 sq.ft. Office with Bay Window, 2nd Floor in Victorian Building. Access to storage, copier/fax, kitchen, etc. $700/mo - 3 year lease. Minda Redburn (503) 241-6190.
SOMEONE SAID, 'You are drinking
too much and/or using drugs.' Is it true? Call
the confidential and anonymous Oregon Attorney Assistance
Program (OAAP) – Michael Sweeney (503)226-1057, ext.
12 or Meloney Crawford Chadwick (503)226-1057, ext.
13. Oregon toll free: 1-800-321-OAAP.
It is the policy of the Bulletin to only
list equal employment opportunities. Employers who
list employment opportunities in the Bulletin represent
that they do not and agree that they will not discriminate
in hiring on the basis of race, color, religion, age,
sex, military status, national origin, handicap, family
status or sexual orientation.
ASSOCIATE ATTORNEY — Kennedy, Watts, Arellano & Ricks LLP is seeking a litigation associate. Applicants must have strong academic credentials, excellent writing skills, and at least two years of experience. Submit resumes in confidence to Managing Partner, Kennedy, Watts, Arellano & Ricks LLP, 2850 Pacwest Center, 1211 SW Fifth Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204-3726. Web site:
ASSOCIATE ATTORNEY — Employee Benefits. Downtown Portland solo practitioner (AV-rated and listed in The Best Lawyers in America) with busy, established practice specializing in employee benefits and executive compensation seeks associate with 2 to 5 years relevant experience. Clients include public and private corporations, associations and tax-exempt organizations. Varied practice covers: retirement plans, health plans, fringe benefit plans, executive agreements, investment management issues, benefits in mergers and acquisitions, due diligence examinations and contract negotiations. Ability to communicate technical issues to clients in plain, everyday language is a must. Competitive salary and benefits. Send resume and a writing sample demonstrating analytical and communication skills to: Vincent P. Cacciottoli, 121 SW Morrison Street, Suite 1010, Portland, OR 97204.
ASSOCIATE ATTORNEY NEEDED with at least 1 year of liability litigation experience to work in downtown, mid-sized law firm. Oregon bar required. Competitive salary and benefits, team-oriented atmosphere. Please send cover letter, resume and class standing to: Managing Partner, Smith Freed & Eberhard, P.C., 1001 SW Fifth Ave., 17th Floor, Portland, OR 97204. For more information, visit
ASSOCIATE POSITION – Downtown Portland firm with tax, corporate, estate planning and real estate practice seeks an associate with at least 3 to 5 years experience. Would prefer attorney with an LL.M. in taxation. Please respond to the Oregon State Bar, Attn: Blind Ad A-4, PO Box 1689, Lake Oswego, OR 97035.
ASSOCIATE ATTORNEY wanted for well established Newport law firm. 0-5 years experience with interest in business law & civil litigation. Salary DOE. Please send cover letter and resume to the Oregon State Bar, Attn: Blind Ad F-9; PO Box 1689, Lake Oswego, OR 97035.
ASSOCIATE ATTORNEY with 3 to 5 years state and federal civil litigation experience to join our AV rated law firm in uptown Portland. Oregon Bar Membership Required. Responsibilities include providing legal analysis and advice, preparing and filing legal pleadings and documents, performing legal research, preparing for and conducting pre-trial discovery, participating in judicial hearings and trials and conducting post-trial activities. Join a culture of professionals dedicated to the success of its clients, in a small firm, team-oriented environment. Submit cover letter, resume and sample legal writings in confidence to: Office Administrator, c/o Steven V. Rizzo, P.C., 1620 SW Taylor, Suite 350, Portland, OR 97205; Fax (503) 229-1819; or e-mail
ATTENTION: CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEYS AND/OR INDIGENT DEFENSE PROVIDERS – Clackamas Indigent Defense Corporation has possible opening(s) for experienced Criminal Defense Attorneys within the next 30 days. Qualified applicants should send a cover letter and resume to CIDC, Attention Membership Committee, 615 Main Street, Suite 201, Oregon City, Oregon 97045. Questions regarding qualifications should be directed to Mr. Ron Gray at (503) 655-1111. If you are not a member of the Clackamas County Bar or do not have your primary office within Clackamas County, you will be required to meet those requirements before a contract can be awarded.
ATTORNEY — MORTGAGE COMPANY — Real Estate Loan Workout, Work with outside counsel + debtors, transactions, general corp. Send Salary Req/Resume to P.O. Box 920, Lake Oswego, OR 97034.
BANKRUPTCY LAWYERS NEEDED – National company seeking attorneys licensed in Oregon in order to provide personal bankruptcy services. Cases assigned to attorney on a referral basis. Fax qualifications to: (410) 265-6767, Attention Oregon area recruiter or e-mail to: for immediate consideration.
BEAVERTON——Small AV rated general practice firm, well established in the Beaverton area, seeks experienced attorney (3+ yrs) specializing in family law with some portable business base and a desire to grow professionally and individually. Must be computer/ research/internet literate, highly motivated and able to communicate clearly. Unique compensation and benefits package. Email resumes and inquiries to
BUSY AV-RATED PORTLAND SOLE PRACTITIONER with a challenging litigation practice emphasizing complex business, real estate, and construction cases seeks an attorney with similar practice able to take some overflow. I will provide a Class A view office, secretarial space, parking, and congenial atmosphere in exchange for negotiated number of hours assisting with my caseload. Eventual partnership a possibility. You must demonstrate strong analytical and writing skills and commitment to the highest professional standards. Submit writing sample with resume to the Oregon State Bar, Attn: Blind Ad G-10; PO Box 1689, Lake Oswego, OR 97035.
CLIENT ASSISTANCE ATTORNEY, Oregon State Bar -- The Oregon State Bar is recruiting for a full-time Client Assistance Attorney within the Client Assistance Office (CAO). Position provides assistance by evaluating all inquiries and complaints concerning the conduct of attorneys and determining appropriate dispositions. Position receives and reviews all inquiries and complaints submitted to the Bar, identifies actual complaints of misconduct for referral to Disciplinary Counsel's Office. When possible, position resolves other inquiries and complaints through existing CAO resources. Works as team with CAO attorneys and support personnel to ensure specific program functions are completed. Position requires graduation from an accredited law school, active membership in the Oregon State Bar and a minimum of four years of legal experience preferably including private and trial practice. Knowledge of legal ethics and experience in resolving legal ethics issues helpful. Requires excellent interpersonal and conflict management skills. Necessary technical skills include experience with Windows operating system in a Microsoft Office environment, with emphasis on Word. Salary range starts at $4,352 per month. Excellent benefits. Apply immediately by sending a resume and a cover letter that specifically addresses how the applicant meets the minimum and desired qualifications for position to: Human Resources Manager, Attn: CAA, 5200 SW Meadows Road, Lake Oswego, OR 97035. Fax to 503-624-8326 or e-mail (MS Word format) to All applications must be received by Friday October 31, 2003. Equal Opportunity Employer
DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY 1 - Seeking Domestic Violence Prosecutor for Lincoln County District Attorney’s office. Two year grant-funded position. Must be member of Oregon State Bar. For details on position requirements and to apply please visit Career Opportunities section of
EUGENE — Well established small firm seeking experienced attorney to handle claimant-oriented workers’ compensation case load in central and southern Willamette Valley. Merger with established workers’ compensation practices also a possibility. Excellent opportunity for long term career growth, great professional working conditions, and supportive environment. Please contact Cary, Wing, Bloom & Edmunson, P. C., 1600 Executive Parkway, Suite 110, Eugene OR 97401.
EXPORT YOUR LEGAL SKILLS... The Central European and Eurasian Law Initiative (CEELI), a project of the American Bar Association, seeks law professionals with 5+ years experience to develop, coordinate, and implement legal reform projects in Central and Eastern Europe and the NIS. Positions of various lengths are available throughout the region to work on judicial reform, gender issues, anti-corruption, legal education, criminal law, legal profession reform, and conflict management. Participants receive generous support package. For application, e-mail Oscar at, or visit
LITIGATION ATTORNEY – Large AV-rated Eugene business law firm invites applications from attorneys who are interested in a partnership track position with our litigation practice group. Applicants should have at least two years of experience in complex commercial litigation and possess excellent legal, technical and interpersonal skills. We are a 23 lawyer firm with a sophisticated business practice and an emphasis on interdisciplinary cooperation and exceptional client service. Please send your resume, with references, to Andrew G. Lewis, Hiring Partner, Hershner, Hunter, Andrews, Neill & Smith, LLP, 180 E. 11th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401.
LITIGATOR — Small AV rated firm seeks experienced state/federal litigator. California admission a plus. Some travel required. Send resume and writing sample to Christy King, 6665 SW Hampton St., Ste. 200, Portland, OR 97223-8357; or email it to
MAUTZ BAUM & O’HANLON, LLP seeks an experienced attorney to practice in its La Grande office. Prefer 5 years or more general civil or litigation experience, however applicants of all experience levels will be considered. The firm consists of four partners, one associate, a research attorney and seventeen employees in two offices, Pendleton and La Grande. La Grande is a picturesque city in the Blue Mountains of Eastern Oregon. You will be close to skiing, hiking, kayaking, fishing and hunting. Home to Eastern Oregon University, La Grande offers unique and diverse cultural activities. Although our practice is extremely busy, quality of life and enjoyment of family are a priority in the firm. Please send cover letter and resume to Mautz Baum and O’Hanlon, LLP, PO Box 628, Pendleton OR 97801.
MINZEL & ASSOCIATES, INC. is a temporary and permanent placement agency for legal professionals. We are looking for quality attorneys, paralegals, and legal support professionals (secretaries, word processors, document coders, file clerks, receptionists, etc.) who are willing to work on a contract and/or permanent basis for law firms, corporations, solo practitioners, and government agencies in the Portland area. If you are interested, please email your resume to us as a Word attachment. We will then follow up and contact you. We look forward to working with you. Email: Tel.: (503) 222-1884.
NEWPORT FIRM seeking associate attorney for criminal defense and juvenile court work, (retained and pursuant to Indigent Defense Contract). Must have three years experience, good time management skills and zealousness for trial work. Applicants should include a resume and salary requirements to the Oregon State Bar, Attn. Blind Ad R-20, P. O. Box 1689, Lake Oswego, OR 97035.
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS — Notice is hereby given that Clackamas County, through its Board of County Commissioners, will receive sealed proposals until 4:00PM November 5, 2003, in the Office of the Purchasing Manager, 9101 SE Sunnybrook Blvd., Clackamas, Oregon 97015 for providing: Professional Services For Compliance Hearings Officer And Dangerous Buildings Appeals Adjudicator to conduct and decide most quasi-judicial matters for the enforcement of violations of the following codes and ordinances: Clackamas County Zoning and Development Ordinance; Clackamas County Solid Waste and Waste Management Code; Clackamas County Road Use Code; Clackamas County Code Pertaining to the Enforcement of State Building Code; CABO One and Two Family Dwelling Code; Electrical, Plumbing, and Mechanical Codes; Excavation and Grading Standards and Sewage Disposal System Standards; Clackamas County Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings and to act as the Dangerous Buildings Appeals Adjudicator for the Building Official of Clackamas County, under the ordinance for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, as per specifications available at Clackamas County Purchasing, 9101 SE Sunnybrook Blvd., Clackamas, Oregon 97015. The County is soliciting proposals from individuals or firms to provide these services. No proposals will be received or considered after that time. Sealed proposals are to be sent to Lane Miller - Purchasing Manager, Clackamas County Purchasing, 9101 SE Sunnybrook Blvd., Clackamas, Oregon 97015. Phone (503)-353-4444. Each proposal must contain a statement as to whether the vendor is a resident vendor, as defined in ORS 279.029. This is not a public work contract subject to ORS 279.348 to 279.380 or the Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 276a). The Clackamas County Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all proposals not in compliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements, and may reject for good cause any and all proposals upon the finding that it is in the public interest to do so, to waive any and all informalities.
SMALL AV FIRM specializing in representing plaintiffs in construction defect and product liability cases seeks attorney with minimum 4 years experience for Portland office. Strong Academic Background and Superior Writing Skills necessary. Please fax resume to Levin & Stein at (206) 521-8614.
SMALL EASTERN OREGON/WESTERN IDAHO Criminal Defense Firm seeks attorney for Post-Conviction Relief/Criminal Defense. Alternate work locations possible. Oregon Bar membership required. EOE. Send resumes to Rader, Stoddard & Perez, P.C., 381 W Idaho, Ontario, Oregon 97914.
WILLIAMS, ZOGRAFOS, & PECK, a growing Northwest based management labor and employment law firm, AV rated, seeks, an energetic, independent and highly motivated attorney with minimum of 3-5 years labor/employment litigation experience. A wonderful opportunity for motivated individual to work in an energetic, team oriented environment conducive to independent professional development. Salary and benefits commensurate with experience, includes future partnership opportunity. Replies will remain strictly confidential. Send resume to Williams, Zografos, & Peck, 334 3rd St., Lake Oswego, OR 97034 or
BAR BOX REPLIES — To reply to an ad in the classifieds listing a bar box address, mail responses in a 9 x 12 or smaller envelope to the Oregon State Bar, P.O. Box 1689, Lake Oswego, OR 97035-0889, Attn: Box _____. To protect the confidentiality of a bar box holder and of the reader, we offer the following service: if there is a firm you do not wish to see your response, list that firm (or firms) on a note included with your letter to the bar box. Put both in an envelope addressed to 'Classified.' If the box holder is a firm you have listed, your response will be thrown away.
PARALEGAL — In-house litigation office
of major national insurer seeks paralegal with experience
in medical record review and analysis, and experience
with investigation and discovery techniques in the
context of bodily injury litigation. Competitive salary,
excellent benefits. Equal Opportunity Employer — diversity
applications welcomed and encouraged. Please respond
with cover letter and resume to the Oregon State Bar,
Attn: Blind Ad Z-28; PO Box 1689, Lake Oswego,
OR 97035.
your practice? Want to take a vacation? Contact the OWLS
Contract Lawyer Service. We can help. Fast! You
contact us with project/job information. We immediately
post the announcement to our contract lawyer list serve.
You are promptly contacted by our contract lawyers
who meet your criteria. Free! No fee
to post jobs or projects. You pay the contract lawyer
you hire. Effective! Contract lawyers
statewide. Many levels of experience. Many types of
expertise. For more information, or to post a job,
contact: Norma Freitas by phone at 503/222-7006 or
email at
practice in beautiful town. Excellent office location
with off-street parking.
Enjoy small town ambience and low stress environment
with world class theater, restaurants and outdoor recreation.
Well established practice with return clientele. You
can enjoy a relaxed practice at the pace you choose,
with good income potential. Will consider reasonable
offers and terms including 'Of Counsel' or
consultant services in transition phase. Please respond
to the Oregon State Bar, Attn: Blind Ad E-8;
PO Box 1689, Lake Oswego, OR 97035.
OWNER SEMI-RETIRING – Lucrative solo practice in Canby, Oregon, a growing Portland bedroom community. Over 2,000 regular clients. Practice includes PI, wills and trusts, real estate law, commercial law, agricultural law, litigation and probate. Exclusive Legal Advice column in 3 area newspapers. Owner will assist in transition. Owner Financing possible (503) 266-6200.
PRACTICE IN PARADISE — Hawaii Law Clinic, Inc., 15 years of name familiarity on all Islands, can be operated from any Island, practice is not attorney specific, family law matters emphasized, 2002 gross part time $100,000, start-up or retire in Hawaii! LeRoy C. Boyce, Attorney at Law, P.O. Box 390537, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 96739 (not a public legal aid agency).
with us while playing the Dunes, fishing or enjoying
the beach. 10% discount to Attorneys. Book into January
or February for an additional 5% off. 1-800-527-5445 or
view our homes at www. bandonsexclusivevacationrentals.
BLACK BUTTE — Four bedroom, two bath, bikes, cable TV; located on 14th hole, 217 Glacier Lily, call (503) 566-8515.
BLACK BUTTE — Very near Glaze Meadow pool and tennis courts. 3 bedroom; sleeps 7. Fully equipped, includes cable, garage, Jenn-Aire, fireplace, and other amenities. (503) 588-9192 or 588-5670. DCCA#111
CABO SAN LUCAS — Luxurious 1 BR waterfront condo, private balconies overlook water; completely furnished, pool & restaurant on premises. Prime location; $75/night (503) 393-5059; e-mail
EAGLE CREST HOUSE – 3 BR, 3 BA, hot tub, large deck, on Resort Golf Course. No pets. $175/night, 2 night min. (503) 538-8285.
HONOLULU (Gold Coast)ocean front studio apartment 17th floor colony surf building. Spectacular view of Diamond Head and Ocean. (503) 588-8053, MandM@
INN OF THE 7TH MTN — Ponderosa Condo: 1 BR , 2 BA, color TV, fireplace; sleeps 5. Cozy & comfortable. Beautiful view. $500/wk; $95/night Th-Sat; $80/night Sun-Wed. Call (541) 302-9527. DCCA #312.
KONA, HAWAII — Lovely oceanfront condo. MBR plus loft BR, vaulted ceilings, great view. Tennis, lovely oceanside pool, walk to town (503) 675-6220.
LARGE COMFORTABLE HOME in south Seaside, 2 blocks to beach. 4 BR, 2 BA, DW, W/D, frpl., cable, deck & fenced yard $140/nt $850/wk +cln’g 541-343-0038/Kate Bollons.
LINCOLN CITY/CASCADE HEAD RANCH — Spectacular view of Salmon River estuary and ocean. Hiking, fishing, and summer swimming in protected pool. Golf nearby. Two-night minimum (July-Aug one-week minimum). $85/night. (503) 245-5946.
LINCOLN CITY (ROADS END) —Beach house, 2 bedroom, sleeps 4-6. Fantastic ocean view, 300 ft. to beach; fireplace, cable TV, VCR, kitchen (503) 466-0515. No smoking/no pets.
LINCOLN CITY/SALISHAN — Quality home on water (spit), exclusive, spectacular views; modern, fireplace, microwave, dishwasher, indoor grill; beach, boating, crabbing, golfing (503) 472-1145, www. LincolnCityVacationRentals. com
MAKENA SURF - MAUI — New, large, luxury 2BR, 2 Bath condo on beautiful sandy beach. All appliances, wet bar. Jim, (503) 228-9468, or 292-5921.
MANZANITA — Spacious home; with ocean, golf course and Neahkahnie Mountain views. Call Barbara (503) 312-5665 for more info; no smoking/pets.
MOLOKAI, HAWAII – Spacious 1 bedroom, 2 bath condo, screened in wrap around lanai on 18th fairway, just steps to white sandy beach, enjoy unspoiled Hawaii. $550 per week, (541) 484-0110.
MT. HOOD LOG CABIN– Fully restored. Scenic creekside setting. Hot tub, modern kitchen. 3 BR, 2 BA, sleeps 6-8. No smoking/pets. (503) 698-7048 or visit www.
NEDONNA BEACH — Luxury beachfront home, four bedrooms, three baths. Two miles from Rockaway Beach. $150/night, $50 cleaning fee per stay. No smoking, no pets, eight persons and three vehicles maximum, six night minimum in summer, two nights in off-season (503) 281-2469.
NESKOWIN OCEANFRONT CONDO – Cozy 1 BR 2 bath, sleeps 4, just remodeled, custom decor; great view. No pets (503) 675-6220.
OCEANSIDE—Beach house on cliffside, overlooking ocean and Netarts Bay. Fireplace, spa tub, washer/dryer, and gourmet kitchen. Three baths, sleeps six; $250 weekend; $60/night on weekdays; $500 entire week (503) 478-1280.
PACIFIC CITY BEACHFRONT HOME – Four bedrooms, sleeping loft, 3 baths. Great location, nice, clean, well equipped. Ivan Zackheim or Miriam Hecht. (503) 227-6477.
PALM DESERT – 2 Bdrm, 2 bath condo in premium Ironwood. Wonderful Views, SW décor. Quiet, private yard. Pool/hot tub/exercise available. Eloise at (503) 807-0429.
PALM DESERT RENTAL — 2 bed, 2 bath condo at beautiful Ironwood Country Club, many amenities. Contemporary and clean. See photos at Reservations call: 415-640-5370/Lacey.
SEASIDE — New 3200 square foot vacation home with panoramic ocean view and hot tub. Sleeps 10+. Pet/smoke-free. Available now. Introductory rates (360) 694-5175, 1 (877) 464-4429.
SEASIDE – New immaculate home. Sleeps 10+; 5 BR, 3 BA, 2 jetted tubs; perfect for family or business retreat. 1 block off beach; pet/smoke free. Great room with games. $220-$375/night. (503) 738-7367. For 1 to 6 BR: www.
SUNRIVER- Vacation in Sunriver with Sunset
Realty! Over 250 vacation homes & condos from rustic
studios to luxurious 5 & 6 BR homes. Summer
Special: Pay for 6 nights, get 7th night FREE.
Discounts on golf, recreational rentals, activities & free
pool and tennis passes when you stay with us! Book
now for summer to get the best selection *some restrictions
apply* Call (800) 541-1756 or book online
SUNRIVER — 3 BR, 2 BA, custom home. Lovely, bright, clean and spacious with oak throughout, quality furnishings and wonderful amenities. Large, private deck, BBQ, bikes, TVs/VCRs. Serene location near Deschutes River. No pets/smoking. Sleeps 2-10 comfortably (503) 362-2244 eves.
SUNRIVER – 4 BR, 2.5 BA, sleeps 10. Hot tub, pool table, golf course view, canoe, bikes. No smoking/pets. $215-$250/night (541) 276-1865. (DCCA 129)
SUNRIVER — Custom built home, lt. open floor plan, 3 bdrm + loft, 2.5 bath, hot tub, wet bar, many extras. Close to mall; No smoking/pets. $155-$175/per night + cleaning (541) 276-0867; DCCA 471.
SUNRIVER — Immaculate 3 BR, 2 BA, home with deluxe hot tub & all amenities. Very light & bright; sleeps six. No smoking/pets. Reasonable rates (503)236-6987; DCCA #453.
SUNRIVER — Spacious new custom built home w/ Mt. Bachelor view, near N. golf course. 4 BR - 2 master suites, large hot tub, bikes, light & spacious, huge decks, A/C, gas BBQ, well equipped. No smoking/pets (503) 628-1939. DCCA #593
SUNRIVER – Very nice 3 BR 2 BA home, hot tub, 6 new bikes, 2 TVs, VCR, CD, BBQ, microwave, fireplace, dishwasher, washer/dryer and all amenities. Great location near mall and Ft. Rock Park. No smoking/pets (541) 354-1902 eves. DCCA #804
SUNRIVER — Warm, cozy, 2 bedroom, 1 bath Ranch Cabin - fireplace, VCR, microwave, bikes, washer/dryer, fully furnished, sleeps 6, $95.00 night, includes cleaning. 4 nights for $190.00, Sept. 7 - Dec. 3. (541) 770-6720 or (541) 488-2489.
SUNRIVER HIDEAWAY – Cozy 1 BR lodge-style with vaulted ceilings. Newly remodeled and redecorated. Quiet location on golf course between lodge and mall (503) 675-6220.
SUNRIVER HOME — 4 BR/2 BA, loft, hot tub, decks, TV/VCR, bikes, stone fireplace, W/D, garage, 2300 sq ft, well equipped, secluded, near mall. Call for seasonal rates: (503) 654-8166 eves, (503) 692-3770 days.
SUNRIVER HOME – Beautiful 2700 sq ft 4 BR, 3 BA home. New to rental market; newly furnished w/all amenities. Sleeps 8-10; 5 TVs w/VCR/DVD, approx. 100 videos, BBQ, stone fireplace, private hot tub on large deck. Lots of windows; great view of secluded area in back. Quiet location near Woodlands Golf Course. No Smoking/pets (503) 292-8164.
SUNRIVER HOME – Executive 5 bedroom home, including 2 master suites. Sleeps 12. Fully equipped and beautifully furnished, hot tub and other amenities. 2 day minimum, many September, October weekends available. Close to north golf course, perfect for 2 families, retreats and/or business entertaining. $300/night, (541) 465-1795 (DCCA 526).
SUNRIVER HOUSE — Cozy two-bedroom Sunriver home, two baths, fireplace, washer/dryer, fully equipped; $110/night (541) 386-4281.
SUNRIVER HOUSE – Sit on the deck and watch the deer walk by. 4 BR/3BA, hot tub, newly remodeled. Near Woodlands Course and Deschutes River (just off Circle 6). Call Bill Gibson (503) 659-6187 (days), (360) 835-7136 (eves). e-mail & ask for photos of house.
SUNRIVER—SUNRAY VACATION RENTALS - Choose from over 150 Homes or Condos with hot tubs. Pets OK in some homes. Call 1-800-531-1130, book online at, or e-mail us at
WAILEA, KIHEI, MAUI – Beautiful ocean view, 1 BR 2 BA condos, all amenities, pool/jacuzzi, sleeps 2-4 people. Competitive rates, attorney discounts (503) 291-1423, e-mail
WEST MAUI CONDO - Beautiful 1 bedroom oceanfront, all amenities, pool, adjacent beachpark, quiet, convenient. $115/night low season, $130/night high season. or (541) 342-3063.
PLAINTIFFS SEEK CIVIL REPRESENTATIVE – Portland Federal Court Case #02-1052BR. Civil Rights. Text of Complaint on webpage at; Wordperfect: jdb-v-usa-106.wpd. Richard Lancial at (360) 891-4746.
WANTED: ONE GOOD ATTORNEY Experienced in accident claims, Workers compensation(SAIFCorp), Inmate rights and Medical malpractice. I need someone that believes in fair play and the rights of the individual. Please contact Curt @ (360) 694-9260 or e-mail
A SENIOR ASSOCIATE - minus the overhead.
A CONTRACT ATTORNEY with seventeen years of civil practice
and a record of excellent work. Exceptional credentials,
keen analytical skills, a pragmatic approach to handling
cases and issues. PLF. Reasonable rates. Catherine
Lawson (503) 279-9311.
ALICE A WHEELER, Fiduciary Support Services Inc.: Will serve as PR, Trustee, or Conservator to secure minor’s settlements. Phone/fax: (503) 631-7111 or
APPELLATE ATTORNEY — Available to assist with appeals or take referrals. Experienced with hundreds of appeals. Background also includes publication of the 'Oregon Appellate Manual' with Butterworths, and eleven years of teaching legal writing, research and appellate advocacy at the University of Oregon School of Law. Some appeals cost under $2500. Call George Kelly, Portland, (503)248-0901; Eugene, (541) 343-1884.
APPELLATE AND RESEARCH ATTORNEY – JD University of Oregon, 1986. Exemplary work; meets deadlines. Appellate briefs, motions, memos, complaints, summary judgments, experienced with project work of all kinds. Choose the best. Marsha Skudlarek (541) 779-5270.
certified construction code inspector provides expert
research and witness services in construction related
cases. 20 years experience in building codes and very
reasonable rates.
Douglas Dick (503) 362-2648;
CONSTRUCTION LITIGATION CONSULTANT – 14 Years construction management experience. Will Provide cost/schedule analysis, site investigations, document review, EIFS inspections. Buff Decker (503) 830-2294.
CONTRACT ATTORNEY – Sixteen years civil litigation experience. Research, pleadings, motions and trial prep. Portland area office. PLF insured. Lisa Day (503) 722-9040.
CONTRACT INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RESEARCHER — Available for legal and technical research and writing in litigation involving intellectual property, internet, computer law, patent and other civil matters. Honors law school and computer science graduate. Formerly: associate at Klarquist Sparkman LLP and at Rosenthal & Greene PC.; federal court law clerk. Reasonable rates. Jose R. Mata, J.D., M.S. at (360) 750-5712 or
COURT REPORTERS (Former Official Court
Reporters) available to report trials, motions and
dailies. Reasonable appearance fee/transcript rates.
Quick turnaround.
K/J Consortium (503) 988-3791.
DENTAL/LEGAL CONSULTANT – Lynn Earl Smith, DMD, JD. OR/WA/AZ licensed general dentist and attorney. Dental records/x-ray/narrative review and interpretation for case merit $300 flat fee. Deposition prep and analysis, trial direct and cross prep, damages assessment $120/hr up. Case association. No testimony. (503) 675-7333.
EXAMINATION OF QUESTIONED DOCUMENTS — Forgery Detection: signature, handwriting & number & typewritten comparison. Equipment can make all the difference. Alteration/obliteration detection through infrared/ultraviolet examination. Indented writing recovery. Full photographic lab. Board Certified & Court Qualified. Marie D. Lake, M.S., CDE, (888) 314-3600 or (503) 224-6557.
FORENSIC DOCUMENT EXAMINER — Trained by the Secret Service and US Postal Crime Lab examiners. Fully equipped laboratory. Qualified in state and federal courts. Retired from the Eugene Police Department. Jim Green, (888) 485-0832.
FORENSIC SCIENTIST- 25 years crime laboratory experience. Expert in civil and criminal issues associated with firearms, alcohol and crime scenes. www. pexforensics. com. Jim Pex (541) 756-2044.
R. Hardman - Providing defense services against Bar
disciplinary proceedings; legal ethics advice, consultations,
and opinion letters. Mr. Hardman is a former Assistant
Disciplinary Counsel of the Oregon State Bar Office
of Disciplinary Counsel; and a former Bar prosecutor.
He is a speaker and moderator at Ethics Continuing
Legal Education Seminars sponsored by the Bar, New
Lawyers Division and others. He may be contacted at
his office:
Christopher R. Hardman, (503) 916-1787, or
Fax 503-916-1789; 909 SW St. Clair, Portland, OR
FORGERY DETECTION/HANDWRITING IDENTIFICATION – Forensic Document Analysis; Consultations; Reports documenting findings & conclusions. Expert Testimony - Court-Qualified since 1973. Dorothy Lehman, (503) 654-7156.
FREELANCE LEGAL ASSISTANT NW Portland. Probate/Domestic Relations/Estate Planning/Real Estate/Litigation. 15 years experience. Work offsite or your office. Laura Bray (503) 517-2170.
INSURANCE COVERAGE ISSUES —Available for consultation regarding insurance coverage disputes - including claim denials for auto, property, liability, health, life, disability and ERISA policies. Michael J. Knapp (503)227-4558.
LUMP SUMS CASH PAID For seller-financed real estate notes & contracts, divorce notes, business notes, structured settlements, lottery winnings. Since 1992., Cascade Funding, Inc. 1 (800) 476-9644.
MEDICAL CONSULTATION — Expert review of all medical/personal injury and HMO cases. Board Certified Internist, $80/hr. Phone to discuss - Stephen L. Kimberley, M.D. (541)342-6298; e-mail skimberley@
MEDICAL LEGAL - Certified Legal Nurse Consultant review of medical records for merit. Literature searches. Expert witnesses. IMEs. Veritas LNC (541) 944-7236.
MEDICAL-LEGAL CONSULTANT —Michael S. Lewis, M.D., Board Certified, Pulmonary Disease, Internal Medicine, chart review and interpretation. Literature search and analysis. (503) 288-5201.
MOTHER BABY MEDICAL CHART REVIEWS, fetal monitor strip interpretation. Board Certified Obgyn, Law student. $150/ hr. Michael Murphy, MD, (503) 561-6760.
NEED HELP WITH A BIG CASE? Want to expand your practice? Want to take a vacation? Contact the OWLS Contract Lawyer Service. We can help. Fast! You contact us with project/job information. We immediately post the announcement to our contract lawyer list serve. You are promptly contacted by our contract lawyers who meet your criteria. Free! No fee to post jobs or projects. You pay the contract lawyer you hire. Effective! Contract lawyers statewide. Many levels of experience. Many types of expertise. For more information, or to post a job, contact: Norma Freitas by phone at 503/222-7006 or email at
PROBATE/ESTATE PLANNING Retain your client and use qualified (33 years experience) attorney to complete these specialized services. Ryan Lawrence (503) 223-2120.
QUALIFIED DOMESTIC RELATIONS ORDERS — Experienced retirement plans attorney specializes in QDROs. Call Paula Hammond at (503) 421-3839 or (503) 244-6656.
SEARCHES – – 1-800-250-8885, 24 hours, 7 days. Find anyone, background checks, criminal records, asset and court searches. Confidential/affordable. Fax: 1-800-619-6731.
STOP PAYING too much for Spanish document translation. Naranjo Translation Service offers First-World quality at Third-World prices. Find out how we do it at
STRESS, anxiety, depression psychotherapy and counseling; career counseling; confidential assistance improving strained relationships, clarifying career considerations, responding constructively to occupational, family, and individual emotional developments, transitions, etc. Standish McCleary III, J.D., Ph.D., Lic. psychologist (16 yrs. atty); (503)228-0688.
TIMETRAPPER BILLING AND BOOKKEEPING SERVICES. Unit-priced, not hourly. Save 20 - 50% on billing and bookkeeping services. Full range of management reports each month. See our website or call (503) 314-5336 to arrange a comparative quote.
TOO BUSY TO COOK? Call Ready, Set, Eat! Personal Chef Service! We plan, grocery shop, cook and package personalized menus for you and your family in your home. Save time and eat healthier! Contact Chef Shana, 503-515-1439,
LOOKING for attorney representing and
having a copy of the will for Edward (Eddie) Martino of
Dallas, Oregon. Call (503) 623-8569.
SEARCHING for the Will of Robert Arthur Evans, DOB 10/11/22, resided in Medford, OR. Please contact Chauncey Evans, 810 Emerald St. #107, San Diego, CA 92109; (858) 274-1122 or (619) 913-0654.
SEARCHING FOR WILL OF Patricia I. Pavolich of Milwaukie, Oregon; DOB 9-5-1931. Contact James E. Redman, Attorney, (503) 659-5335.
SEARCHING FOR WILL of Richard Alan Weisberg of Portland, Oregon: DOB 6/19/1948. Contact Attorney Thomas P. Walsh at (503) 643-8909.
December 2003 issue: November 3, 2003
Deadlines are the first business day of each month for the following month’s issue.
SERVICES: $40 for the first 20 words,
50 cents each additional word. Gray screen box: additional
$20; color box: additional $40.
POSITIONS AVAILABLE: $30 for the first 20 words, 50 cents each additional word.
ALL OTHER ADS: $40 for the first 20 words, 50 cents each additional word. Oregon State Bar members receive a $10 discount on these ads.
E-mail:; fax: (503)
598-6948; mail: P.O. Box 1689, Lake Oswego OR 97035,
Attn: Advertising. For questions, contact Leone Gholston
at, (503) 431-6348 or 1-800-452-8260,
ext. 348 (in Oregon toll-free).