Oregon State Bar Bulletin — JUNE 2003
Bar News |
It’s a ‘fast forward’ to Seaside Events will kick off on Thursday afternoon with a variety of CLE programs provided by the following OSB sections: Constitutional Law, Consumer Law, Environmental & Natural Resources, Health Law, Law Practice Management/Sole & Small Firm Practitioners and Securities Law. Afterward will be a dinner of steamer clams and microbrews at a 'Bonfire and Blues' event on the beach. Friday’s focus will be on two educational tracks: litigation and legislation, including a keynote address by Gov. Ted Kulongoski in the afternoon. The President’s Awards Dinner will take place Friday evening, followed by a variety show and fundraising event to benefit the Oregon Law Foundation. The 2003 Annual Meeting will conclude on Saturday with the House of Delegates meeting. Events will take place at the Seaside Civic & Convention Center and Best Western Ocean View Resort. Look for updates in future issues of Bar News and on the bar’s website, www.oregonstatebar.org. Many Oregon counties need volunteer mediators Volunteer mediation is a great way to take a break from your practice, hone your mediation skills and support your community. It will also qualify as 'Other Volunteer Legal Services and Community Service' for purposes of the voluntary pro bono report you will be asked to give on your 2004 membership fee statement. If you have basic mediation training and are interested in learning more about small claims mediation in your area, please contact Erin Ruff, OJD ADR analyst at (503) 986-4539 or erin.ruff@ojd.state.or.us, or your local area mediation center or court. Small claims mediation programs are available in: Benton, Clatsop, Coos, Crook, Deschutes, Douglas, Jackson, Jefferson, Lane, Linn, Marion, Multnomah, Umatilla and Union counties. PLF seeks lawyer for board position Directors attend approximately six two-day board meetings a year, as well as various committee meetings, and are also required to spend a considerable amount of time reading board materials between meetings and participating in telephone conference calls. PLF policies prohibit directors and their firms from prosecuting or defending claims against lawyers. Interested persons should send a brief resume by July 11, 2003 to: Ira R. Zarov, Professional Liability Fund, P.O. Box 1600, Lake Oswego, Ore. 97035.
Discipline system needs volunteers Local Professional Responsibility
Committees (LPRCs) Bar Counsel State Professional Responsibility
Board Disciplinary Board All of these volunteer opportunities require a significant time commitment, and each part of the disciplinary process must be performed in a timely manner. If you are willing to devote the time and energy necessary to make our disciplinary process effective, mark your preference forms accordingly and send them back to the bar center. The discipline system needs your help. For further information regarding LPRCs, bar counsel and the SPRB, contact Barbara Buehler at (503) 620-0222, ext. 370. For further information regarding the Disciplinary Board, contact Judy Coons, ext. 334. Minority lawyers to hold auction OMLA is a 501(c)(3) organization committed to making the legal community of Oregon a welcoming environment where people of all colors, races and ethnic backgrounds can excel academically, professionally and personally. Auction proceeds are applied to the OMLA Oregon Bar Examination Preparation Course Scholarship which is intended to contribute to the bar passage rate of ethnic and racial minorities taking the Oregon bar exam. Corporate sponsors of this year’s auction include Spirit Mountain Casino and Standard Insurance Company. There is no charge for admission. For more information or to RSVP, contact Anastasia Yu Meisner at aym@guyermeisner.com or (503) 697-1035. |
Spotlight on What types of volunteering for the bar have you done? Member of Law-Related Education, and Public Service and Information committees, Diversity Section and Oregon New Lawyers Division (ONLD) executive committee; active in numerous ONLD activities (e.g., high school essay contest, state fair booth, mock trial coach and judge, 'lawyer in the classroom,' representative to ABA’s Young Lawyers events); and presenter at CLE seminars and Bulletin author. Why does it make a difference to serve as a bar volunteer? 'It gives me an opportunity to be a participatory member of the profession. It gives us a better public image — I’ve had people come up to me at the state fair or a Community Law Week legal information booth and actually tell me they felt better about lawyers knowing we were doing things like that. It gives me an opportunity to provide information and increase awareness and understanding of our legal system through direct interaction in the community as a ‘representative of lawyers.’ It helps connect me to the concept of a ‘profession’ instead of just a job.' What was your most memorable volunteer experience? 'Working with a high school class, I picked two of the most quiet and withdrawn students to act as attorneys and argue a case. We studied the law that applied and they seemed to comprehend the issues, but I was concerned. Was I expecting too much by asking them to apply this new knowledge and think on their feet, speaking to a room full of people? When the day came, they were both amazing! They were quick on their feet and gave answers that were insightful and had an excellent comprehension of the law. On my last day, I asked the class what they felt they got out of the experience. One of the formerly withdrawn students raised her hand and said she had started to actively participate in all her classes because she had thought nothing could be more frightening than taking a position and having to defend it to lawyers, but since she had done it, she could do anything.' How do you find time to volunteer? 'Time has become more and more precious as my practice has grown. Now I have to be more selective in where I put my energy, and try to focus on those things where I can make the most difference with the amount of time I put in.' How did volunteering for Bar activities impact you? 'Five things: 1) It keeps me informed of what is happening in the bar; 2) It gives me opportunities to meet people I might otherwise not get to know, which has led to friendships, business and networking opportunities; 3) It gives me an opportunity to express myself in ways that aren’t possible in my daily practice; 4) It gives me an opportunity to connect directly with the community and people who don’t interact with the legal system; and 5) It helps to make me a better lawyer.' MCBA CLE raises funds Approximately $1,000 was raised by admissions and donations. If you wish to purchase a CD, DVD or VHS recording of the program, contact Kirk Kindle of Capitol City Video, 335 Grove N.E., Salem Ore. 97303; phone: (503) 371-7044; e-mail: ccvp@comcast.net. Cost for the recording and handout is $40 for MCBA members, $50 for non-members. The cost is $25 is you attended the seminar. For more information, contact Tom Elden at (503) 378-4732. CPA/Attorney seminar The course, designed for both CPAs and attorneys, offers an opportunity to contrast the differing ethical considerations and obligations of the two professions, including conflict of interest rules, privilege and confidentiality. This CLE will provide information that will help participants to understand the perspective of the other profession and better serve clients. The program will be held from noon to 5 p.m. at the Kingstad Meeting Center in Beaverton. Application has been maide for 2 general and 3 ethics CLE credits. For more information on this CLE and to register, please contact the Oregon Society of CPAs at (503) 641-7200 x 3 or register online at www.orcpa.org/cpa/ prodev.asp. The cost is $135.