Oregon State Bar Bulletin — OCTOBER 2002
CHILD ABUSE REPORTING Satisfy your MCLE requirement under ORS 9.114 to complete one hour of training every three years on the duties of mandatory child abuse reporters. Learn what constitutes your duty to report, when the duty applies, what abuse is and how to report it. Topics include the meaning of 'reasonable cause' and 'comes in contact' and reporting someone’s intention to commit an act of child abuse. (No video replays.) CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: THE BASICS George Riemer, Sylvia Stevens, Jane Angus and Martha Hicks of the Oregon State Bar will review the fundamentals in conflicts of interest under the Oregon Code of Professional Responsibility. This program will review the major components of the disciplinary rules on conflicts of interest and walk attendees through conflicts rules compliance in such areas as: setting up and dissolving corporate entities; estate planning; domestic relations; bankruptcy; personal injury and criminal cases. New lawyers can learn the basics and more experienced lawyers can refresh their knowledge of these important ethical requirements. (No video replays.) OREGON ELDER LAW 2002: THE FACE OF THE FUTURE This seminar provides the necessary information to effectively deal with the complex issues unique to elder law when counseling clients and their families. A faculty of some of Oregon’s most experienced elder law attorneys presents a highly practical program that includes: how to respond to the proposed sweeping changes to Oregon Medicaid law; how to better serve clients by bridging cultural differences; and analysis of the most frequently seen ethical issues. Ash (11/8) Ast (11/8) CB (11/1) Eug (11/8) GP (10/31) HR (11/1) Klam (11/1) LG (11/1) LO (11/9) New (11/8) Pend (11/8) Red (11/8) Rose (10/31) Salem (11/1) Vale (11/1) COMPUTER LAW: THE IP CONUNDRUM OF INNOVATION AND EXPLOITATION IN THE DIGITAL AGE A hypothetical example set in today’s high tech world provides insight and guidelines on how to navigate rocky IP shoals. Follow the course of development engineer Mr. X, who dedicated 16 months to creating a hybrid product that his company then dropped — ostensibly to save costs. Can Mr. X jump ship, take this orphaned product and start a new company? What can his employer do to stop him? Learn about the intricacies of today’s computer law, including copyright rules, licensing and significant case law. Ash (11/15) Ast (11/15) CB (11/8) Eug (11/15) GP (11/7) HR (11/8) Klam (11/8) LG (11/8) LO (11/16) New (11/15) Pend (11/15) Red (11/15) Rose (11/7) Salem (11/8) Vale (11/8) FUNDAMENTALS OF BANKRUPTCY This seminar focuses on the mechanics of bankruptcy, providing day-to-day skills useful both to new lawyers hoping to practice bankruptcy law and general practitioners with an occasional bankruptcy case. Also included: the steps involved in representing debtors, creditors and trustees; the differences between common bankruptcy code chapters; and avoiding common pitfalls. Ash (11/22) Ast (11/22) CB (11/15) Eug (11/22) GP (11/14) HR (11/15) Klam (11/15) LG (11/15) LO (11/23) New (11/22) Pend (11/22) Red (11/22) Rose (11/14) Salem (11/15) Vale (11/15) CIVIL RIGHTS: … AND ACCESS FOR ALL What do you do if a hearing-impaired client needs a sign language interpreter? What issues currently confront litigants and witnesses seeking access to Oregon courthouses? How is an assistance animal different from an emotional support animal? Get the answers to these and other questions affected by the ADA in this seminar underscoring the importance of access for all. Texas attorney Jennifer Harbury will discuss her U.S. Supreme Court case Christopher v. Harbury. Also covered: accommodating clients with disabilities, an analysis of economic barriers and the role of legal aid services. Ash (12/6) Ast (12/6) CB (11/22) Eug (12/6) GP (11/21) HR (11/22) Klam (11/22) LG (11/22) LO (12/7) New (12/6) Pend (12/6) Red (12/6) Rose (11/21) Salem (11/22) Vale (11/22) FUNDAMENTALS OF LAND USE PLANNING Join experts in land use planning for a wide-ranging, practical overview on this specialized topic and surrounding issues. Topics include: a basic primer of land use planning; insight into the land use decision-making process, how to avoid environmental traps and effectively navigate the land use planning process; an overview of LUBA; and practical ethics. Ash (12/20) Ast (12/20) CB (12/13) Eug (1/3/03) GP (12/12) HR (12/13) Klam (12/13) LG (12/13) LO (1/4/03) New (12/20) Pend (12/20) Red (12/20) Rose (12/12) Salem (12/13) Vale (12/13) THE ART OF WINNING BEFORE TRIAL This is a live, interactive web broadcast. To register, go to www.osbar.org and click on Video Seminars. Developed in cooperation with the National Institute for Trial Advocacy, this seminar explores the latest discovery techniques and the most effective way to prepare for trial. A panel of some of the nation’s leading trial lawyers will instruct, discuss and demonstrate how the effective litigator prepares for trial. It includes a special one-hour treatment of ethical issues in the trial preparation phase and a report on the latest cases pending before the United States Supreme Court. (No video replays.) *For MCLE credit information for OSB members, call the OSB MCLE Department at (503) 620-0222 or toll-free in Oregon (800) 452-8260, ext. 368. ADVANCED NONPROFIT LAW: BEYOND THE BASICS Advising a non-profit as a board member or an attorney goes beyond obtaining tax exempt status. Learn the range of 501(c) organizations, private foundations, and U.S. non-profits that engage in international activities. Find out what kinds of lobbying and political activities in which nonprofits can engage. Explore the differences between nonprofit and for-profit activities and institutions. Ash (1/3/03) Ast (1/3/03) CB (12/20) Eug (1/10/03) GP (12/19) HR (12/20) Klam (12/20) LG (12/20) LO (1/11/03) New (1/3/03) Pend (1/3/03) Red (1/3/03) Rose (12/19/02) Salem (12/20/02) Vale (12/20/02) For additional CLE Seminars information |