ANIMALS AND THE LAW Creatures Large and Small Friday, May 10, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Oregon Convention Center 6 MCLE creditsGain an understanding of legal issues and topics affecting four-footed and hooved animals from hounds to horses. Learn about the animal control process, from aggressive behaviors to the complaint/citation process. A legislative update will cover the latest in pet trusts and new anti-cruelty laws. Animal valuation and damages will be discussed, as well as cruelty laws and farm animals issues. Discover the unique characteristics of representing animal rights protestors, and examine the legal aspects involved in a veterinary practice, including malpractice, standards of care and mandatory reporting of animal abuse. Ash (6/7); Ast (6/7); CB (5/31); Eug (6/7); GP (5/30); HR (5/31); Klam (5/31); LG (5/31); LO (6/8); New (6/7); Pend (6/7); Red (6/7); Rose (5/30); Salem (5/31); Vale (5/31)
PROVING AND PRESENTING ECONOMIC DAMAGES Friday, May 17, 9 a.m.-4:45 p.m. DoubleTree Lloyd Center, Portland 6.5 MCLE creditsAre you effectively communicating economic damages to the jury? This advanced level seminar will teach the skills of effectively preparing expert witnesses for trial and the principles of presenting evidence so that the information is intuitive to judges and juries. Explore the principles of effective communications, including electronic courtroom presentations and a variety of other practical techniques for use in damage cases. In addition, gain a practical understanding of current legal and economic damage issues and concepts to maximize effectiveness at trial. Ash (6/14); Ast (6/14); CB (6/7); Eug (6/14); GP (6/6); HR (6/7); Klam (6/7); LG (6/7); LO (6/15); New (6/14); Pend (6/14); Red (6/14); Rose (6/6); Salem (6/7); Vale (6/7)
ADVISING THE TROUBLED BUSINESS IN OREGON Friday, May 31, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Oregon Convention Center 5.25 MCLE credits and 1 ethics creditAn uncertain economy can result in troubled times for businesses both large and small. Advising business clients can become increasingly difficult, but skilled practitioners at this seminar will provide the knowledge necessary to navigate a course through rough waters. Learn creative and traditional methods that can help the troubled business client. The seminar will include information on: understanding creditors and forceful negotiation techniques; creating and enforcing state and federal tax liens; handling tax workouts; dealing with employee terminations and layoffs; selling assets outside of bankruptcy; steering clear of Bankruptcy Code pitfalls and using receivers to avoid bankruptcy. Ash 6/21; Ast 6/21; CB 6/14, Eug 6/21; GP 6/13; HR 6/14; Klam 6/14; LG 6/14; LO 6/22; New 6/21; Pend 6/21; Red 6/21; Rose 6/13; Salem 6/14; Vale 6/14
ADMINISTERING OREGON ESTATES Friday, June 14, 8:30 a.m.-4:45 p.m. Oregon Convention Center 6.25 MCLE credits and 1 ethics creditDesigned for beginning and intermediate practitioners, this seminar will focus on key components of administering Oregon estates, including: spousal and family issues; tax problems; claims against the estate; application for instructions/trust settlement; and special administrative problems and assets. Recent changes to the Oregon inheritance tax will be discussed, as well as mediation and litigation. Course materials will include an appendix to select SLRs. Ash (7/12); Ast (7/12); CB (6/28); Eug (7/12); GP (6/27); HR (6/28); Klam (6/28); LG (6/28); LO (7/13); New (7/12); Pend (7/12); Red (7/12); Rose (6/27); Salem (6/28); Vale (6/28) For additional CLE Seminars information
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Damages covers 36 different legal actions that give rise to money damages and explains the types of damages awards that may be available to your client. The supplement updates each chapter with an analysis of new cases, and highlights 2001 legislation. The supplement also includes:
Discussions of postverdict judicial review of punitive damages awards (Parrot v. Carr Chevrolet).
Analysis of noneconomic damages after the Lakin case — when does the statutory cap apply?
Explanation of when the collateral source rule applies.
The latest on the 'market value rule' and proof of market value.
It will be available May 2002. Call the OSB Order Desk for prices or to order: (503) 684-7413; toll-free in Oregon (800) 452-8260, ext. 413. Or order online, or check our website to find information on any of our books, at
Additional info on CLE Publications. |