ADMINISTERING OREGON ESTATES Friday, June 14, 8:30 a.m.-4:45 p.m. Oregon Convention Center 6.5 MCLE credits and 1 Ethics credit Designed for beginning and intermediate practitioners, this seminar will focus on key components of administering Oregon estates including: spousal and family issues; tax problems; claims against the estate; application for instructions/trust settlement; special administrative problems and assets and Oregon inheritance/estate tax. (Note: Effective Jan. 1, 2002 the Oregon inheritance/estate tax is no longer synchronized with the federal estate tax law changes. Learn how these changes may affect your clients.) Ash (7/12); Ast (7/12); CB (6/28); Eug (7/12); GP (6/27); HR (6/28); Klam (6/28); LG (6/28); LO (7/13); New (7/12); Pend (7/12); Red (7/12); Rose (6/27); Salem (6/28); Vale (6/28)
HANDLING DOMESTIC RELATIONS CASES Friday, July 26, 9 a.m.-4:15 p.m. Oregon Convention Center 4 MCLE credits and 2 Ethics credits Three highly experienced Oregon lawyers will focus on the divorce process, rather than case law, to show how to effectively manage a domestic relations case. New attorneys and practitioners seeking a refresher course will benefit from the insights offered by the experts from their own practices. They will share practical tips that can be immediately applied, including how to work with opposing counsel and manage clients. Analysis and discussion of the ethics issues that can complicate a divorce case will also be covered. Seminar participants will receive more than 50 updated forms on disk. Ash (8/16), Ast (8/16), Coos (8/9), Eug (8/16), GP (8/8), HR (8/9), Klam (8/9), LG (8/9), LO (8/17), New (8/16), Pend (8/16), Red (8/16), Rose (8/8), Salem 8/9), Vale (8/9)
Problem Prevention in Elder Law Monday, Aug. 12, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 5.25 MCLE and 1.25 ethics credits
This seminar provides knowledge, techniques and strategies to develop long-term plans to address elder law issues before they become problems.
Family Law Tuesday, August 13, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 5 MCLE credits and 1 Ethics credit Highlights include: comparision of Oregon and Washington provisions; FAPA use and abuse; ethical problems when dealing with pro se parties; workable parenting plans; tax developments and negotiations; and a judicial discussion of attorney fees, the effect of pendente lite orders, and spousal support for short-term marriages.
Advising Non-profit Organizations Wednesday, Aug. 14, 9 a.m- 4:30 p.m. 5.5 MCLE and 1 ethics credit Topics include: establishing a non-profit organization; obtaining tax exempt status; governing a nonprofit organization; liability issues; Internet solicitation; lobbying and political activities; business activities; ethical concerns and more.
Fundamentals of Real Estate Thursday, Aug. 15, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 7 MCLE or practical skills credits Practical information includes: how to study documents for conveying property; what to look for as a buyer or seller; how to manage tricky areas such as interpreting and handling covenants, conditions, and restrictions.
Representing Clients with Personality Disorders Friday, Aug. 16, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. 3 MCLE and .5 ethics credit Topics: How to identify the presence of disorders and provide information on available services; practice tips and strategies on civil commitment, guardianship and conservatorship, mental defect and disease defense, and effective methods to handle client relationships.
Child Abuse Reporting Friday, Aug. 16, 1-2 p.m. 1 child-abuse reporting credit What constitutes your duty to report; when the duty applies; what abuse is and how to report it; the meaning of 'reasonable cause' and 'comes in contact'; the reporting exception based on privileged communications; and reporting someone's intention to commit an act of child abuse. This program satisfies the one-hour training required every three years, pursuant to ORS 9.114 (effective July 1, 2000).
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WHAT'S COMING IN 2002 IN CLE PUBLICATIONS? Watch for the following books in 2002 to update your current collection or add to it: • Damages. Supplement, due June. • Environmental and Natural Resources Law. New book, due June. • Real Estate Disputes. Cumulative supplement, due June. • Oregon Formal Ethics Opinions. 2002 supplement, due June. • Labor and Employment Law: Private Sector. Revision, due July. • Labor and Employment Law: Public Sector. Revision, due August. • Appeal and Review. Cumulative supplement, due August. • Oregon Health Law Manual, Volume 1. Revision, due September. • Federal Civil Litigation in Oregon. Cumulative supplement, due September. • Creditors' Rights and Remedies. Revision, due October. • Advising Oregon Businesses, Vol. 3-4. Revision, due November. • Uniform Jury Instructions, Civil. 2002 Supplement, due December. Download the complete brochure, a chapter outline and part of a sample chapter for any book, or order online by visiting our Web site at You may also call the OSB Order Desk at (503) 684-7413, or toll-free in Oregon, (800) 452-8260, ext. 413.
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