OSB Bulletin |
Classifieds |
July 2001 |
USED OFFICE FURNITURE - We currently have a large selection of exceptionally
high-end used office furniture. These desks - of mahogany, oak, walnut and cherry
- were originally purchased for $1,000 to $13,000 each. Entire matching suites
of desks, credenzas, chairs and reception stations, as well as individual pieces,
are available. These pieces are in virtually new condition, but priced at a
fraction of original cost. Plus, we have our regular selection of excellent
condition used office furniture. 100s of desks, credenzas, chairs, files, computer
stations, conference tables, reception stations, machine stands, etc. Phone
inquiries are welcome. Office Furniture Warehouse, 6565 SW Macadam Ave., Portland
(503) 246-3857.
WANT TO DONATE the following old books to whoever wants them: Pacific Reporter;
Federal Reporter up to 500 F.2d; Federal Supplement up to 500 FS; Pacific Digest
up to 584 P.2d; Modern Federal Practice Digest. Please call Linda Shurtleff,
(503) 326 3115.
OR MORE SPACIOUS WINDOW OFFICES, close-in SW downtown Portland; elevator, receptionist,
secretarial space, share with congenial attorneys. Many amenities, non-smoking
building; free parking (503) 241-4925.
OR MORE WINDOW OFFICES, West Linn Law Center and Professional Building - New
building with offices for rent, available now. Conference room, receptionist,
and many other amenities. Call (503) 656-1654; ask for Suzanne.
BEAUTIFUL NEW WEST LINN Professional building with 4 window offices, 2 internal
offices and 3 workstations available for rent. Take only the space you need
Full-service month to month, 6-month or one-year lease options. Near 205-10th
Street exit. Conference room, kitchen, copy/fax center and shared receptionist
included with lease options. Call today and ask to speak with Suzanne (503)
OFFICES -- Approx. 2500 sq ft; 6 offices, conf. rm., kitchen, storage - reasonable.
101 NE Roberts, Gresham (503) 666-6933.
OFFICE in congenial 15-attorney suite near Kruse Way in Lake Oswego. Rent includes
reception, excellent law library, conference rooms, phone service, kitchen and
parking. Fax, photocopy and secretarial services available. Call Jan at (503)
Class A office space available: Share top end copier, fax, phone, library, conference
room, kitchen, showers and lockers. Plenty of free parking. Beautiful views.
Call Linda Rudnick (503) 626-6167.
OREGON - For lease: 3 professional office suites (700 Hill St., 700-A Hill St.
and 720 Hill Street). Located near courthouse on corner of NW Hill Street and
NW Greeley Ave. Telecommunications (pre-wired), Cat 5 & 6 LAN cabling, reserved
parking, monitored security, on-premises storage. (541) 389-6759 (Bend), (503)
223-7667 (Portland).
IN JOHN'S LANDING - Office and secretarial space in Class A riverfront building
with library, conference room and in-building parking. Share phone, copier and
fax with three established general practitioners. Excellent opportunity for
overflow. Available August 1, 2001 or earlier if necessary. Call (503) 225-0872.
- Partner-size office available with Mt. Hood view. 11th floor, Pacwest Center.
LA space optional. Share receptionist area, conference room, library, copier,
kitchen. Reasonable rent. Call Chuck Robinowitz (503) 226-1464.
PORTLAND - 200 Market Bldg., 16th Floor, Mt. Hood view office for rent in small
established law firm. Second similar office also available. Secretarial space
available. Rent includes reception, kitchen, large conference room and library.
Use of photocopier, fax machine and postage machine available. Wired for Internet
access. Underground parking in building. Contact Barbara Buono at (503) 222-6881.
PORTLAND, 8th floor Jackson Tower. Professional 7-attorney suite with receptionist,
phones with voice-mail, fax, copier, DSL, postage machine, kitchen, in-house
bathroom and conference room has 12x12 office immediately available for $725
a month. Suite is all updated, light, bright and windows open. Garage parking
also available. Call Dana at (503) 224-8422.
PORTLAND - 16th Floor Koin Tower, 2 offices available in a nicely appointed
professional office suite. Support space available. Full amenities. Call John
Draneas at (503) 224-4056.
PORTLAND Professional office space available with congenial, well established
law firm. All amenities including reception, conference room, copier, fax and
underground parking available (503) 228-6474.
TIGARD MAIN ST - The whole building is yours!!! Lease great little stand alone
office building! Fantastic location & parking!!! Only $695/mo. (503) 524-5080.
PORTLAND - Share space with 1 or 2 other attorneys. Call Deanna (503) 288-0156.
CLASS, elegant office space available August 1, 2001, on upper floor in the
American Bank Building on Pioneer Square. Space available for attorney(s) who
need(s) two large offices, one small office and a secretarial space. Amenities
include library, three conference rooms, receptionist and kitchen. Copier and
fax machines available. Office shared with a nine-attorney AV firm. Call Roger
or Scott at (503) 228-8448.
LEASE - Approx. 1000 sq ft, professional office space located in the Gresham
area. Please call (503) 666-5569 for further information.
LEASE OR PURCHASE: office in boutique Portland building. Includes reception,
space for assistant. Copy, fax, kitchen, phone available. (503) 635-4166 or
(503) 884-8850 - Gary.
AREA - Professional office suites, reception area, kitchenette, all utilities
paid, EZ phone hook-ups, air conditioned. For info, (503) 255-2959.
- Two office suites, one block from WA Co Courthouse. Law library/conference
room, basement storage, reception area, 2 secretarial bays, copier/phone/fax
equipment included. $500 & $600 per month, + split utilities/costs. Contact
John Elliott (503) 648-3146.
OFFICE SPACE across from courthouse. Includes full-time receptionist, phone,
fax, copy machine and library. Secretarial assistance and overflow referrals
from four other attorneys available. Call Jim Darr at (503) 648-1186.
HOUSE FOR SALE by owner in Oregon City. Currently used as a CPA office. Owner
occupied Excellent view of downtown Oregon City/Courthouse/River. On bluff near
top of elevator. Approx. 1,100 sq ft of office and 600 sq ft upstairs apartment,
with separate entry. Apartment is currently rented out at $550/month. Basement
storage; off-street parking $249,000. Call Michael at (503) 656-3674.
LANDING - 15x15 upscale, corner, river view office with space for secretary.
Reception service, copier, fax, law library, break room and conference rooms
included. $1,000 per month, 19 months left on lease. Available immediately (503)
LANDING - Offices and secretarial spaces available. Class A, on the river. Great
place for solos and small firms. Free client parking, receptionist, conference
rooms, library, phone lines, other amenities. Call (503) 452-7551.
WAY - LAKE OSWEGO - New Class A Bldg., Partner-size offices - Windowed, receptionist,
phone, fax, copier, conference rooms, free parking; $810-$1,095/mo. Phone numbers
available or porting tenant numbers also available. Call for information. John,
(503) 675-4300.
PORTLAND - 3109 NE Broadway, 1200 sq ft, street level. Multiple offices, reception
area, conference room, large work area, kitchen, bath, A/C. Off-street parking.
$1600/mo. including utilities. Possible expansion to 2nd fl, additional 1200
sq ft. Call (503) 284-1049 for details.
in 4-attorney suite in Gresham. Great opportunity to create litigation, general
practice. Reception included; share remaining office expenses. 1217 N.E. Burnside,
Suite 201, or call (503) 667-4800.
OFFICES on top floor of Crown Plaza Building, 1500 SW First, Portland. Share
space and expenses with 3 well-established lawyers. Secretarial space and all
necessary amenities available. Available immediately. Call Nick Drakulich (503)
A COMPLETE OFFICE, staffed with receptionist. Copying, mailing and fax paid
by usage. Reasonable use of kitchen facilities and conference rooms. Secretarial
space available. 2 blocks north of the Water Tower Shopping Center in John's
Landing, between Macadam and Corbett. Call Dave or Lois at (503) 222-4900.
DOWNTOWN- Office share with five attorney firm, two large offices available,
or separate office cottage with three offices and reception. Call Tim or Roger
(503) 585-2121.
DOWNTOWN OFFICE SHARE - Office share includes reception, conference rooms, library,
secretary station. Located downtown at 429 Court Street NE. Call Kevin Lafky
at (503) 585-2450.
HAWTHORNE AREA - Space sharing arrangement. Two attorney office with potential
for overflow work. John O'Brien, (503) 235-8454.
WOODSTOCK AREA - Office space available in beautiful remodeled Victorian house.
Building shared with three other attorneys in solo practice. Near Reed College.
Receptionist/secretarial services available. Shared conference room, reception
area, kitchen and copy center. Room for staff person. Call Ann at (503) 772-2464.
DOWNTOWN PORTLAND OFFICE SPACE - Shared suite with sole practitioner. Two/three
outside private offices. Shared reception, library, large conference room, lunch
and work room, copier and fax. Call Karen at (503) 224-2823.
sublease office space, 1088 sq ft usable. 3 offices + conference rm & reception
area. 1 yr term, lease can be extended. $1700/mo., phone system incl. (503)
OFFICE SHARE - Sole practitioner seeking attorney to share space and expenses.
Reception, library, private phone system, kitchen/lounge, copier, fax, parking.
Call Dan at (503) 981-1315.
PARTNERSHIP looking for single office space to share, in or near Beaverton.
We each work primarily at home but need a small office to meet with clients.
Additional use of a conference room or other space may be necessary for rare
overlaps of schedules. Call Teri Powers at (503) 626-2131.
about an attorney who is drinking and/or using drugs? We share your concern!
Call the confidential and anonymous Oregon Attorney Assistance Program (OAAP)
- Mike Long (503)226-1057, ext. 11 or (24 hours) (503)341-1555; Shari Pearlman
(503)226-1057, ext. 14 or (24 hours) (503)704-9975; Michael Sweeney (503)226-1057,
ext. 12 or (24 hours) (503)701-8820; or Meloney Crawford Chadwick (503)226-1057,
ext. 13 or (24 hours) (503)706-4154. To page, call 1-800-321-OAAP.
It is the policy of the Bulletin to only list equal employment opportunities. Employers who list employment opportunities in the Bulletin represent that they do not and agree that they will not discriminate in hiring on the basis of race, color, religion, age, sex, military status, national origin, handicap, family status or sexual orientation.
STAFF ATTORNEY, OREGON COURT OF APPEALS - The Court of Appeals in Salem seeks
a staff attorney. Job duties include performing complex legal research on cases
before the Court of Appeals; drafting appellate court opinions; reviewing, editing,
and critiquing appellate court opinions for form and substance; providing highly
responsible legal staff assistance to appellate court judges and law clerks
on interpretation and implementation of laws. This position reports to the Chief
Judge. The salary range is $4834-6478 per month. The job posting may be viewed
on the Oregon Judicial Department website at www.ojd.state.or.us/jobs.
For more information or to obtain an application, please contact Linda Weigel
at (503) 986-5658. Applications must be received by August 3, 2001.
ATTORNEY - Established sole practitioner seeks associate with 0-5 years experience
for litigation practice that emphasizes juvenile law (contract), family law
and criminal defense. Experience preferred, but not required. Excellent research,
writing and advocacy skills required. Submit a letter of interest, resume and
references to Jody Meeker, P.C., PO Box 1589, Albany OR 97321.
LABOR UNION POSITION - Progressive Oregon union has immediate opening for an
attorney in its legal department. Attorneys are actively involved in the union's
political work which includes being a resource to staff, and carrying a litigation
caseload before the NLRB, the state employment relations board, arbitrators,
and state and federal courts. Salary commensurate with experience, excellent
benefits. EOE. Send resume and writing sample to: Alice Dale, Executive Director,
OPEU, SEIU Local 503, P.O. Box 12159, Salem, OR 97309-0159
JANIK LLP is seeking a full-time associate for its growing business and corporate
practice in its Portland, Oregon office. Applicants should have 2 to 3 years
of experience in corporate finance transactions, securities, and mergers &
acquisitions. Experience with venture capital transactions and '34 Act reporting
would be a plus. Outstanding written and oral advocacy skills are required.
Please send resumes and cover letter referencing Job #1015 in confidence to
Linda S. Jordan, Recruiting Coordinator, Ball Janik LLP, 101 SW Main Street,
Suite 1100, Portland, Oregon 97204. Email: ljordan@bjllp.com.
No telephone calls, please. Equal Opportunity Employer.
- Small AV-rated general practice firm, well established but relatively new
to the Beaverton area, seeks experienced attorney (3+ yrs) with some portable
business base and a desire to grow professionally and individually. Experience
in litigation preparation, depositions and writing in the areas of personal
injury, business and family law preferred. Must be computer/research/internet
literate, highly motivated and able to communicate clearly. Compensation and
benefits negotiable. E-mail resumes and inquiries to jcase@case-dusterhoff.com.
LAW FIRM seeks attorney with 3+ years experience. General practice law firm
with emphasis on business and corporation law, family law and personal injury
cases. Seeking an attorney that has some client base and ability to expand under
the areas of estate planning and/or family law. Phone: (503) 469-1229.
BROKER - Growing financial services firm seeks an experienced Business Broker.
Min Qual: 5 years M&A experience, strong financial background, extraordinary
comm skills, persuasive/effective closing skills, degree. R/E or securities
license a +. Send resume to: Personnel, 1809 NW Johnson, Portland, OR 97209
or FAX (503) 295-0313, or e-mail to info@strategic-co.com.
DISTRICT ATTORNEY position available in Malheur County. Trial position handling
felonies and misdemeanors. Prepares and presents cases for prosecution and to
the Grand Jury. Criminal law and courtroom experience desired. Must be a member
in good standing of the Oregon State Bar or taking the July State bar exam and
eligible to practice under the 3rd yr limited license. Salary $34k + excellent
benefits. Applications at Admin. Office, Rm 104, Courthouse, Vale OR 97918;
(541) 473-5183. Open until filled. EOE
GENERAL COUNSEL FOR TRI-MET - SENIOR ATTORNEY with extensive, responsible experience
within law firm, public agency, or private corporation in direct litigation
or litigation management involving tort, business, contract, or construction.
Provide wide range of in-house legal services with emphasis on tort law, contract
claim dispute resolution, and litigation. Successful candidate will be talented
self-starter, responsive team member, and proven professional with excellent
service ethic. Must have law degree and be active member of good standing with
the Oregon State Bar. Competitive salary range ($75,662 - $113,493 annually),
DOQ, and full range of paid benefits. Tri-Met, a premiere public transit organization
located in Portland, actively recruits to enhance service delivery to diverse
customers and constituents. Submit letter of interest, resume, and professional
references to Gwendolyn Harvey, Public Sector Search & Selection, Attention:
TM DGC, PMB #409, Three Monroe Parkway, Suite P, Lake Oswego, OR 97035 by Friday,
July 20. To receive flier and candidate inquiry form, call (503) 636-3265.
OF CAREER SERVICES Willamette University College of Law - FT professional administrative
position to operate a comprehensive career services program including the development
and management of functions and activities that facilitate career planning by
law students and alumni. Requires excellent organizational, administrative and
communication skills; competence in appropriate technology. J.D. or advanced
degree in counseling, student affairs or related field required. Send letter
of application, resume and contact information for 3 references to: Carol Black,
Human Resources, Willamette University, 900 State Street, Salem, OR 97301. Open
until filled. See web: http://www.
willamette.edu/dept/employment. Willamette University is an equal opportunity
employer and encourages excellence through diversity.
ATTORNEY - An established and rapidly expanding AV rated boutique labor and
employment firm representing management is seeking an attorney with 3 or more
years experience in its practice area. The ideal candidate must be entrepreneurial,
creative, energetic and committed to providing its clients with the highest
quality legal service. The firm culture provides a friendly and team-oriented
approach to its practice and devotes attention to providing attorneys with a
quality of life while offering outstanding performance incentives, including
business development opportunities and support. Candidates with an existing
client base will be rewarded with additional compensation and incentives, including
future partnership opportunities. Salary and benefits are commensurate with
experience and client base, including an outstanding employer-paid retirement
plan. Replies will remain strictly confidential. Reply to: Williams, Zografos
& Peck, P.C., 334 3rd St., Lake Oswego, OR 97034.
COAST LAW FIRM NEEDS HELP! Seeking conscientious, dedicated associates fueled
by energy and enthusiasm, restrained by common sense. Both office and trial
opportunities in a variety of civil arenas, some criminal. Experience desirable,
but not required. Initial compensation negotiable. Once established, compensation
tied to work effort and receipts. Send resume to Litchfield & Carstens LLP,
P.O. Box 1730, Newport, Oregon 97365.
NEWPORT FIRM seeking associate attorney with general practice experience, good
time management skills and trial experience. Applicants should provide a resume
and salary requirements to Ouderkirk & Hollen, POB 1167, Newport, OR, 97365;
fax (541) 574-1638; or e-mail at ouderkirkhollen.com
DIRECTOR - Western Environmental Law Center, a highly successful, three-office
public interest law firm serving clients on major cases throughout the West,
seeks full-time Executive Director. Significant non-profit experience required.
Salary negotiable based on experience. Progressive benefits and work-place.
Please submit resumes to WELC, 1216 Lincoln Street, Eugene, OR 97401 or eugene@westernlaw.org.
for a domestic relations lawyer. Excellent writing, academic record, oral advocacy
and a great personality. Competitive compensation package, excellent benefits.
Send resume in confidence to Chess Trethewy, Garrett, Hemann, Robertson, et.
al., P.O. Box 749, Salem, OR 97308-0749.
LAW FIRM is seeking attorneys with portable practices ($250k+) to help grow
our law firm. Buckley LeChevallier, P.C. is a progressive 9-attorney business
law firm that has been located in the Kruseway business area since 1989. We
offer a collegial work environment, nice office space, long term staff support
and an excellent benefits package. Ideal candidates will practice in the areas
of business, real estate, estate planning tax or civil litigation. Please mail
resume and cover letter to Dennis Brookshire, Five Centerpointe Drive, Suite
250, Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035 or send via e-mail to dpb@buckley-law.com.
To learn more about our firm, please visit us at www.buckley-law.com.
FOR A GREAT PLACE to raise a family, unlimited outdoor recreation and a potential
business opportunity? Sole practitioner needs associate. Practice limited to
domestic relations. Submit resume to Michele Grable, P. O. Box 1760, Pendleton,
Oregon 97801.
HERBOLD, GLADE & MEHLHAF, P.C., a business litigation firm, seeks a lawyer
with at least three years' experience and civil litigation skills. Outstanding
writing and analytical abilities required. Business and transactional experience
helpful. Send resume and writing samples to: Markowitz, Herbold, Glade &
Mehlhaf, P.C. Attention: Lynn R. Stafford, Suite 3000 Pacwest Center, 1211 SW
Fifth Avenue, Portland, OR 97204.
PORTLAND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY law firm seeks associate attorney with 3 to 6
years experience preparing and prosecuting mechanical and/or electrical patent
applications. Candidates should have degree in ME, EE, Physics or related degree.
We offer a great work environment that lets you balance work and the rest of
your life. Competitive compensation based on productivity. Send resume in confidence
to Bruce W. DeKock, Chernoff, Vilhauer, McClung & Stenzel, LLP, 601 SW Second
Avenue, Suite 1600, Portland OR 97204-3157.
ATTORNEY - Rapidly growing intellectual property firm seeks attorney or recent
law school graduate with degree in electrical/computer engineering, or physics
with software experience, for a patent attorney position. Neither admission
to the Patent Bar nor significant legal experience are required, but the applicant
must have outstanding technical and legal credentials, must be qualified to
become a patent attorney and must be highly motivated. We are a full-service
intellectual property firm engaged in patent application and trademark registration
practice, and litigation and licensing of intellectual property, with offices
in Portland and Tucson, Arizona. Applicants should send their resume and writing
sample in confidence to: Hiring Member, Birdwell, Janke & Durando, PLC,
900 SW 5th Ave., Suite 1925, Portland, Oregon 97204.
GRIGGS, GORSUCH, ALEXANDER & EMERICK, P.C., an AV rated business law firm
in Salem, Oregon, is seeking an associate to join its Employment Law & Litigation
practice groups. The position would provide employment advice and support to
management and assist with employment and commercial litigation. The firm represents
large and small employers and business clients throughout the Northwest. Prior
HR or litigation employment and/or coursework is preferred. Starting salary
will be $42,000. Excellent academics, references, writing and communication
skills required. Please submit resume, transcript, writing samples and references
in confidence to Douglas C. Alexander, II, P.O. Box 470, Salem, OR 97308, and
indicate that you are applying for the employment/litigation practice group
position. www.saalfeldlaw.com.
GOOD THING JUST GOT BETTER! Since 1990, Oregon Women Lawyers has maintained
a list of lawyers who can assist with legal research, trial and document preparation,
litigation support and more. We still have our list, but we have updated our
system to make it even easier to hire contract lawyers. Hiring lawyers can now
have jobs or projects posted to the Contract Lawyers List Serve. Contract lawyers
can then respond directly to the hiring lawyer, saving time and money. Need
some help? Need a vacation? Let us help. For information regarding our Contract
Lawyer Service, Call Kimberly Kaminski at (503)228-0097. Call today!
WONDER what it would be like to escape the rat race and the glut of attorneys
in big-town Oregon? Contact me. I'm selling my partnership interest in a small-town,
two-person general practice, a 65 minute drive from Portland, as I leave the
practice of law to start a family. Established law office in same location for
30+ years, with more business than two people can handle. Includes ownership
of office building in excellent location on main highway. Seller financing available.
Long-term clients will transfer to qualified buyer. Please respond to the Oregon
State Bar, Attn: Blind Ad K-12; PO Box 1689, Lake Oswego, OR 97035.
Newer office building on 2 1/2 city lots, with/without established practice.
Good opportunity for semi-retirement? Enjoy Montana; growing community. Endless
possibilities. Judith Loring (406) 777-5414.
SALE IN BEND - One-year old house on Westside near downtown and Century Drive.
Ideal for 2nd home. 2 bdrm, 2 bath, den, 2-car garage and full, low-maintenance
landscape, including deck. Air conditioning. All appliances, including washer/dryer.
$180,000. Call Bill Flinn at (541) 317-5505.
CAMP, OR - If you would like a permanent residence at Mt. Hood but don't want
to pay $110-150 K, then consider a fractional share in our unit at Golden Poles
Chalet. We are selling four and six week shares. The price of a four-week share
is $11,300; six weeks is $16,800. Call for a complete printed prospectus (503)
636-2449 or (503) 635-7179.
WASHINGTON COAST - 4 BR/2 BA vintage Country in SW WA recreational and retirement
wonderland. $150,000. Call owners @ (360) 757-9019
AND SCENIC RIVER FRONTAGE, Marketable Timber, Big Game, Airstrip, Hanger, House,
Pond, Seclusion, 1,468m/l acres. Several investment options, 1,470,000. Kathy,
Remax (503) 495 3868.
OWN PRIVATE LAKE! Plus 270 acres timber, elk, turkey, 2 cabins, X-fenced, county
road, secluded. $499,000 Kathy Powell or Kendall Bergstrom, Remax (503) 495-3868.
HOMES -Lincoln City on adjacent lots. Both homes are immaculate. Executive Style,
Oceanfront. The Sea Haven: 2800' home sleeps 10-12. The Sea Spirit: 2000' home
sleeps 6 in 3 BR w/ jacuzzi overlooking ocean. 1-888-882-0067, www.fanger.com
BUTTE, Cute Lodge style, 3 BR, 3 BA, den, fully equipped, bikes; near meadow,
s.m. pool: fran532@attglobal.net
or (503) 639-3316.
BUTTE - Four bedroom, two bath, bikes, cable TV; located on 14th hole, 217 Glacier
Lily, call (503) 566-8515.
BUTTE - Very near Glaze Meadow pool and tennis courts. 3 bedroom; sleeps 7.
Fully equipped, includes cable, garage, Jenn-Aire, fireplace, and other amenities.
(503) 588-9192 or 588-5670. DCCA#111
BUTTE HOME - 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, sleeps 11, cable, fireplace, big deck; near
pools, tennis. DCCA #384. Call (503)286-4586.
BUTTE RANCH - Immaculate 3 bedroom luxury home on Big Meadow Golf Course. View
at 10kvacationrentals.com/schmid or call (503) 245-5504.
SAN LUCAS - Luxurious 1 BR waterfront condo, private balconies overlook water;
completely furnished, pool & restaurant on premises. Prime location; $100/night
(503) 393-5059; e-mail taisto@webtv.net.
BEACH - All the comforts of home: 3 BR, 2 BA, sleeps 8; 2 night minimum, $90/night,
$600/week; mid-week special: $75/nt (Sun nt - Thurs nt) (503)230-8092.
BEACH - Clean, charming cottage for rent. Fully furnished, new woodstove, new
paint and carpet. Sleeps four comfortably. Two blocks from beach. Please contact
Devon at (503) 249-7014 for details.
BEACH - Renew your spirit in this beautiful retreat getaway. Great Rates! Gift
certif avail. Home has all amenities, w/. Large deck & hot tub. Pet/smoke
free, sleeps up to 12. Can rent upstairs only or both up & down. Upstairs
sleeps 8 w/3 bdrms, 1.5 bath. Downstiars sleeps 4 w/1 bdrm, 1 bath, fam rm.
1 block to beach w/easy access (503) 436-2266.
RETREAT NEAR BEACH - Attractive one-bedroom furnished apartment in quiet garden
setting at Tierra del Mar, 3 miles north of Pacific City. Private entrance,
washer/dryer, cable TV. No pets, no smoking $395/week. (503) 965-6363 or e-mail
CONDO - Great ocean view, 2 BR, 2 BA, golf, pool, TV/VCR, cable. 2 night minimum,
weekly/monthly rates; no smoking/pets (503) 691-9822.
OF THE 7TH MTN - Ponderosa Condo: 1 BR , 2 BA, color TV, fireplace; sleeps 5.
Cozy & comfortable. Beautiful view. $500/wk; $95/night Th-Sat; $80/night
Sun-Wed. Call (541) 302-9527. DCCA #312.
HAWAII - 4 bedroom luxury homes: walk to beach, pool, gourmet kitchen, sleeps
9-10. Bring your bathing suit and toothbrush. Near to everything, ocean/surf
view 1-800-949-3300.
HAWAII - Lovely oceanfront condo. MBR plus loft BR, vaulted ceilings, great
view. Tennis, lovely oceanside pool, walk to town (503)232-3567.
CITY/CASCADE HEAD RANCH - Spectacular view of Salmon River estuary and ocean.
Hiking, fishing, and summer swimming in protected pool. Golf nearby. Two-night
minimum (July-Aug one-week minimum). $85/night. (503) 245-5946.
CITY (ROADS END) - New beach house, 2 bedroom, sleeps 4-6. Fantastic ocean view,
300 ft. to beach; fireplace, cable TV, VCR, kitchen (503) 466-0515. No smoking/no
WAILEA, MAUI - Luxurious oceanfront 1BR, 2BR condos, all amenities, pool/Jacuzzi,
sleep 2-6 people. Competitive rates, attorney discounts. (503) 291-1423.
SURF - MAUI - New, large, luxury 2BR, 2 Bath condo on beautiful sandy beach.
All appliances, wet bar. Jim, (503) 228-9468, or 292-5921.
CHARM with ocean view, deck and fireplace. Great location; W/D; tastefully appointed.
No smoking, no pets. Shanna (503) 224-2182.
VACATION RENTAL -Spacious home; with ocean, golf course and Neahkahnie Mountain
views. Call Barbara (503) 635-4657 after 5 pm for more info; no smoking/pets.
July 15-21, Aug. 5-11, Aug 26-Labor Day still available.
HAWAII - Spacious 1 bedroom, 2 bath condo, screened in wrap around lanai on
18th fairway, just steps to white sandy beach, enjoy unspoiled Hawaii. $550
per week, (541) 484-0110.
HOOD CABIN - Spectacular view and access to Zigzag River; rock fireplace, spa,
full kitchen, DVD-32' TV, sleeps 6, new, no smoking/pets (503) 803-6358.
HOOD GETAWAY - In Zig Zag on Clear Creek. Classic, cozy cabin, remodeled 1/99.
Woodstove, jacuzzi, sleeps 7. Call 1-888-882-0067 or see pics @ www.fanger.com.
HOOD LOG CABIN- Fully restored. Scenic creekside setting. Hot tub, modern kitchen.
3 BR, 2 BA, sleeps 6-8. No smoking/pets. (503) 253-9554 or visit www.minikandalogcabin.com.
BEACH - Luxury beachfront home, four bedrooms, three baths. Two miles from Rockaway
Beach. $150/night, $50 cleaning fee per stay. No smoking, no pets, eight persons
and three vehicles maximum, six night minimum in summer, two nights in off-season
(503) 281-2469.
OCEANFRONT CONDO - Cozy 2 BR 2 bath, sleeps 4, just remodeled, custom decor;
great view. No pets (503) 232-3567.
- One bedroom cottage overlooking Yaquina Bay. Five minutes from Oregon Coast
Aquarium, bayfront, and beaches. $49/winter; $59/summer (541) 265-8553; www.waarvick.com/cottage.
house on cliffside, overlooking ocean and Netarts Bay. Fireplace, spa tub, washer/dryer,
and gourmet kitchen. Three baths, sleeps six; $250 weekend; $60/night on weekdays;
$500 entire week (503) 478-1280, (503) 478-1291.
CITY BEACH FRONT HOME - four bedrooms, loft, 3 baths. Clean, cozy, remodeled.
Reasonable rates. Pets discouraged. (503) 222-1162, Ivan Zackheim.
DESERT - 2 BR, 2 BA condo, Sunrise C.C.; no pets/smoking; monthly. (503) 629-9999.
- Quality home on water (spit), exclusive, spectacular views; modern, fireplace,
microwave, dishwasher, indoor grill; beach, boating, crabbing, golfing. (503)
472-1145. www.LincolnCityVacationRentals.com
- Large, comfortable home near beach. 4 BR, 2 BA, DW, W/D, frpl., cable, deck
& fenced yard $140/nt $850/wk +cln'g (541) 343-0038 - Kate Bollons.
- New immaculate home. Sleeps 8+; 4 BR, 3 BA, 2 jetted tubs; perfect for family
or business retreat. 1 block off beach; pet/smoke free. Great room with games.
$220-$375/night. (503) 738-7367; www.SeasideOregonVacations.com
VALLEY HOUSE Ski season 2000 including Spring Break. Large 4 bed/3 BA, fully
equipped, sleeps 12, Hot tub. 5 miles N of Ketchum. Karon Pittman (503) 282-7983.
- 3 BR/2 BA, Custom home. Lovely and spacious with oak throughout and wonderful
amenities. Private decks, BBQ, bikes, TVs/VCR. Health club privileges include
racquetball, tennis, saunas, hot tub and pool. No pets/smoking. Sleeps 10. (503)
362-2244 eves.
- 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath + loft, hot tub, new home with private deck, fireplace, king
beds, 6 bikes, cable TVs, 2 VCRs, Nintendo, well stocked kitchen, lots of extras
and great, quiet location near South Golf Course and mall. A great house for
your winter ski weekend or summer vacation week. $119/$139 (503) 292-1339.
- 4 BR, 2.5 BA, sleeps 10. Hot tub, pool table, golf course view, canoe, bikes.
No smoking/pets. $195/night (541) 276-1865.
- 1-800-541-1756 Experience Central Oregon's finest resort community with Sunset
Realty. Choose from over 245 privately owned vacation condos, cabins & homes…
studio - 5bedrooms… cozy - luxurious… Hot Tub?! Seasonal lodging discounts available:
Fall & Spring Specials Save 50%!! Winter 3 & FREE Ski Packages Available.
Please call for details and restrictions that apply. Visit us online www.sr-sunset.com
to view our catalog of rental properties, check availability dates & rates,
and BOOK ONLINE 24 hrs a day!!!
- Custom built home, lt. open floor plan, 3 bdrm + loft, 2.5 bath, hot tub,
wet bar, many extras. Close to mall; No smoking/pets. $155/per night + cleaning
(541)276-0867; DCCA 471.
- Custom home, three master bedrooms with master baths/guest bed/bath, loft,
sleeps 12. Extra amenities; large deck with enclosed spa; convenient to golf
course, stores and mall. Call Kimberly at (503) 982-0935 for available dates
and seasonal rates.
- Immaculate 3 BR, 2 BA, home with deluxe hot tub & all amenities. Very
light & bright; sleeps six. No smoking/pets. Reasonable rates (503)236-6987;
DCCA #453.
on south golf course. 3 BR, 2 BA, Racquet Club, bikes; no pets/smoking (503)
- NEAR RIVER- 3 Bdrm, 2 bath, sleeps 8. All amenities. Tile, A/C, big kitchen;
sunken LR; dining room, hot tub, bikes. No pets/smoking 800-544-0300; From $110.
- Very nice 3 BR 2 BA home, hot tub, 6 new bikes, 2 TVs, VCR, CD, BBQ, microwave,
fireplace, dishwasher, washer/dryer and all amenities. Great location near mall
and Ft. Rock Park. No smoking/pets (541) 354-1902 eves.
- Warm, cozy, 2 bedroom, 1 bath Ranch Cabin - fireplace, VCR, microwave, bikes,
washer/dryer, fully furnished, sleeps 6, $95.00 night, includes cleaning. 4
nights for $190.00, Sept. 7 - Dec. 3. (541) 770-6720 or (541) 488-2489.
HOME - 4 BR/2 BA, loft, hot tub, decks, TV/VCR, bikes, stone fireplace, W/D,
garage, 2300 sq ft, well equipped, secluded, near mall. Call for seasonal rates:
(503) 654-8166 eves, (503) 692-3770 days.
HOME - Book now for summer - great rates! 3 BR+ loft, 2 BA, sleeps 8; close
to mall, all amenities, bikes, no smoking/pets (503) 694-2653.
HOME - Centrally located, near Fort Rock Park.. Great, secluded, woodsy setting.
3 bedrooms with queen bed; 2 baths. Open beam ceiling, loft with daybed and
trundle, sofa sleeper in living room. Hot tub, private deck, gas BBQ, bikes,
2 TVs, 2 VCRs, fully equipped kitchen. Washer/Dryer; garage. Sleeps 10; no smoking,
no pets. $145 summer/holidays, $120 winter, $120 spring/fall with 4 for 2 discount,
all with $90 cleaning fee (503) 579-1022.
HOUSE - Cozy two-bedroom Sunriver home, two baths, fireplace, washer/dryer,
fully equipped; $110/night (541) 386-4281.
HOUSE - Sit on the deck and watch the deer walk by. 4 BR/3BA, hot tub, newly
remodeled. Near Woodlands Course and Deschutes River (just off Circle 6). Call
Bill Gibson (503) 659-6187 (days), (360) 835-7136 (eves). e-mail bgibson@cnnw.net
& ask for photos of house.
GOOD THING JUST GOT BETTER! Since 1990, Oregon Women Lawyers has maintained
a list of lawyers who can assist with legal research, trial and document preparation,
litigation support and more. We still have our list, but we have updated our
system to make it even easier to hire contract lawyers. Hiring lawyers can now
have jobs or projects posted to the Contract Lawyers List Serve. Contract lawyers
can then respond directly to the hiring lawyer, saving time and money. Need
some help? Need a vacation? Let us help. For information regarding our Contract
Lawyer Service, Call Kimberly Kaminski at (503) 228-0097. Call today!
HELP, former litigator available for ad hoc litigation support, research, drafting
appellate briefs and pleadings, etc. Call Deni Starr at (503) 238-3877.
ATTORNEY - Available to assist with appeals or take referrals. Experienced with
hundreds of appeals. Background also includes publication of the 'Oregon
Appellate Manual' with Butterworths, and eleven years of teaching legal
writing, research and appellate advocacy at the University of Oregon School
of Law. Some appeals cost under $2500. Call George Kelly, Portland, (503)248-0901;
Eugene, (541) 343-1884.
SERVICES-John H. Holmes, Holmes & Rickles, 1 SW Columbia, Suite 1850, Portland,
Oregon 97258, telephone (503) 229-1850, fax (503) 229-1856, e-mail: holmesrick@aol.com.
RATED CONTRACT ATTORNEY with 17 years civil litigation experience in state and
federal court. Business, real estate, UCC, consumer law, contracts, securities
background. Witness identification and preparation. Will take depositions or
prepare outline for depositions/trial testimony. Will handle court appearances
and draft pleadings and memoranda. PLF insured. Sue Widder (503) 223-5500.
- Independent home-based bookkeeper seeking contract services for your firm.
(PCC Accounting Certificate.) Experienced, QUICKBOOKS PRO2000. Portland references:
Six Books, (503) 626-2502.
NOW VS PAYMENTS OVER TIME - We purchase all types of debt instruments including
real estate notes, business notes, structured settlements, lottery winnings
and inheritances in probate. Please contact us regarding the current cash value
of your receivable. Wes-Com Funding (800) 929-1108, Sam Barker, Esq., President.
LITIGATION? We can co-counsel or pay contingent referral for complex litigation,
including constitutional law, civil rights, employment law, commercial litigation,
personal injury and workers' compensation. We have successfully litigated in
the U.S. Supreme Court and in federal and state trial and appellate courts in
several western states. AV rated law firm practicing in Oregon and Washington.
Call Willner Wren Hill & U'Ren, LLP (800) 333-0328 or (503)228-4000.
ATTORNEY - Fourteen years experience in state and federal court: research, pleadings,
motions, trial memoranda and trial prep. Also experience in transactional work.
PLF insured; Portland office. Lisa Day (503) 221-3167.
ADVICE - Stephen R. Moore - Practicing since 1974. Chairperson, OSB Legal Ethics
Committee, 1985. Adjunct professor of legal ethics at NW School of Law since
1979-1998. Co-author 'Oregon Rules of Professional Responsibility Annotated.'
General advice, disciplinary defense, expert testimony, etc. 8 N. State Street,
#301, Lake Oswego, Oregon (503) 635-3546.
OF QUESTIONED DOCUMENTS - Forgery Detection: signature, handwriting & number
& typewritten comparison. Equipment can make all the difference. Alteration/obliteration
detection through infrared/ultraviolet examination. Indented writing recovery.
Full photographic lab. Board Certified & Court Qualified. Marie D. Lake,
M.S., CDE, (888) 314-3600 or (503) 224-6557.
ETHICS DEFENSE: ETHICS ADVICE & OPINIONS - Christopher R. Hardman - Providing
defense services against Bar disciplinary proceedings; legal ethics advice,
consultations, and opinion letters. Mr. Hardman is a former Assistant Disciplinary
Counsel of the Oregon State Bar Office of Disciplinary Counsel; and a former
Bar prosecutor. He is a speaker and moderator at Ethics Continuing Legal Education
Seminars sponsored by the Bar, New Lawyers Division and others. He may be contacted
at his office:
Christopher R. Hardman, (503) 916-1787, or Fax (503) 916-1789; 909 SW St. Clair,
Portland, OR 97205.
DOCUMENT EXAMINER - Trained by the Secret Service and US Postal Crime Lab examiners.
Fully equipped laboratory. Qualified in state and federal courts. Retired from
the Eugene Police Department. Jim Green, (888) 485-0832.
COVERAGE ISSUES -Available for consultation regarding insurance coverage disputes
- including claim denials for auto, property, liability, health, life, disability
and ERISA policies. Michael J. Knapp (503)227-4558.
SUMS CASH PAID for remaining payments on seller-financed real estate notes &
contracts, business notes, structured settlements, annuities, inheritances in
probate, lottery winnings. Since 1992. www.cascadefunding.com,
Cascade Funding, Inc. 1 (800) 476-9644.
CONSULTANT -Michael S. Lewis, M.D., Board Certified, Pulmonary Disease, Internal
Medicine, chart review and interpretation. Literature search and analysis. (503)288-5201.
EXPERTS, INC. Powerful analysis of your medical case by veteran MD specialists.
Referral to proven medical expert witnesses. Risk free money back guarantee.
We're fast, easy, safe. www.medmalExperts.com,
(888) 521-3601.
YOUR CHILD ABUSE REPORTING CLE requirement with our one-hour audiotape or CD
plus written materials. The information was prepared by the Stoel Rives LLP
Professional Responsibility Practice Group, Peter Jarvis and Mark Fucile, co-chairs.
Send $20 check w/CD or tape preference to Darise Holland or Janice Myev, Stoel
Rives LLP, 900 SW 5th Ave., Suite 2600, Portland, OR, 97204.
Would you like more time and energy to focus on your clients? CONTRACT ATTORNEY
available for all your research needs. Reasonable rates and PLF insured. Kim
Carty (503) 341-8077.
ESTATE BUYER'S BROKER - Would you hire your spouse's attorney to negotiate your
divorce settlement? hire a buyer's broker to represent your interests as a buyer.
Single agency real estate representation. Help-U-Buy real Estate, Mark G. Minnis,
M.S., mgm@help-u-buy-real-estate.com,
(503) 228-6989. References.
anxiety, depression psychotherapy and counseling; career counseling; confidential
assistance improving strained relationships, clarifying career considerations,
responding constructively to occupational, family, and individual emotional
developments, transitions, etc. Standish McCleary III, J.D., Ph.D., Lic. psychologist
(16 yrs. atty); (503) 228-0688.
SENIOR CLIENTS CAN WIPE OUT DEBTS and stop monthly payments with a US government
backed reverse mortgage from Seattle Mortgage. Call toll free 1-888-271-7840
or (503) 526-1331.
YOU LIKE to improve the life of a child by mentoring the child's parent? The
Parent Mentor Program of Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon (EMO) matches volunteer
mentors with parents struggling to overcome addiction or domestic violence.
The parents are participating successfully in a treatment program or another
social service that partners with EMO to provide parent mentors. In-home visits
and short outings, a mentor listens to the parent and shares living skills,
attitudes and friendship. Mentors are over twenty-five and have experience parenting
or working with children. The program provides preparation and support for mentors.
Mentoring hours are flexible. For more information phone (503) 231-3571.
for the will of Daniel Burns who lived in Multnomah county, date of birth 07/01/11.
Please contact Lorinda Haynes (503) 703-4395. Thank you.
FOR WILL for Margaret E. Kille, Portland, Oregon. DOB: 07/07/49, DOD: 06/17/01.
Contact Richard E. Fowlks at (503) 249-8400.
for the Will of Bonita Rickard, deceased, Eugene Oregon. DOD 05/08/01. Contact
Jerry R. Woods at (503) 635-5600, POB 955, Lake Oswego OR 97034.
SEARCHING for Will for Julie L. Stevens of St. Helens, OR; DOB 9/26/63. Contact Norma Preston, 888-200-1812 any time.
August/September issue: August 1
October issue: September 3
SERVICES: $40 for the first 20 words, 50 cents each additional word. Gray screen box: additional $20; color box: additional $40.
POSITIONS AVAILABLE: $15 for the first 20 words, 50 cents each additional word.
ALL OTHER ADS: $40 for the first 20 words, 50 cents each additional word. Oregon State Bar members receive a $10 discount on these ads.