Each year, based on nominations from members and the public, the Oregon State Bar honors a select group of lawyers and judges who have made outstanding contributions to the community and the profession. The Professionalism Commission recognizes an attorney who exemplifies honesty and integrity and the annual Pro Bono Challenge recognizes the lawyers and law firms who reported the most time providing direct pro bono services.
Oregon State Bar Awards
OSB Award of Merit
Michael J. Scott
Wallace P. Carson, Jr., Award for Judicial Excellence
Hon. Eric John Bergstrom
Hon. Pat Wolke
President’s Membership Service Award
Katherine M. Zelko
President’s Public Service Award
Paul R. Duden
Evans W. Van Buren, Jr.
President’s Special Award of Appreciation
Jenny Pedersen
President’s Sustainability Award
Stephen J. Higgs
President’s Public Leadership Award
Linda Navarro
Oregon Bench & Bar Commission on Professionalism
Edwin J. Peterson Professionalism Award
Hon. Michael C. Sullivan
Pro Bono Challenge Awards
Active Pro Bono Member
Joan P. Snyder
Small Firm Award
Oldham Law Office, LLC
Medium Firm Award
Corey Law Group
Large Firm Award
Stoel Rives, LLP
Solo Practitioner Award
Tara Kaylene Millan
Individual at a Firm Award
Jaimie A. Fender
ONLD Member Award
Holly Jordan Martinez
If your firm is interested in helping to sponsor this event next year,
please reach out to Cathy Petrecca at cpetrecca@osbar.org for information.
50-Year Member Lounge Sponsor