Oregon State Bar
Joint Meeting
of the Board of Governors and the PLF Board of Directors
1, 2000 – Lake Oswego
Mission Statement: The mission of the Oregon State Bar is to serve justice by promoting respect for the rule of law, by improving the quality of legal services, and by increasing access to justice.
Open Session Minutes
The meeting was called to order by President Rew and PLF Chair Tom Peachey on Friday, December 1, 2000 at 1:00 p.m. The open session on December 1, 2000 was from 1:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. All members of the Board of Governors were present with the exception of Joyce Cohen, Gordon Davis, Agnes Sowle and Charles Williamson from 1:00 p.m. to 1:25 p.m. OSB staff present were Karen Garst, Executive Director; Sandy Hise, Executive Assistant; Bob Oleson, Public Affairs Director; Kay Pulju, Communications Manager; and George Riemer, General Counsel. PLF Directors present were Gary Ackley, Al Bannon, Mary Alice Bjork, Bob Nunn, Tom Peachey, Ric Weaver, and incoming director Steve Bloom.
1.Update on PLF Policies & Procedures Task Force Report
Mr. Zarov reviewed the implementation of changes to the PLF Bylaws and Policy Manual resulting from the recommendations of the PLF Policies & Procedures Task Force Report. He mentioned the PLF's responsibilities to covered parties and the public and explained that the PLF staff takes responsibilities very seriously. He also discussed the current development of new PLF Policy 4.275 that will relate to disclosure issues.
2.Update on Joint BOG/PLF Governance & Structure Task Force
Ms. Garst discussed the summary of recommendations from the Joint BOG/PLF Governance & Structure Task Force and subsequent actions taken as shown on agenda exhibit page 15. She described the excellent working relationship with Mr. Zarov and plans for joint staff meetings to discuss common goals and missions.
3.Update on PLF facilities
Mr. Zarov updated board members about the ongoing search for new PLF office space in close proximity to the OSB Center. Facilities being considered include Kruse Oaks I and Kruse Woods II. He discussed negotiations currently underway and cost comparisons. He felt a lease proposal may be available for consideration at the January BOG meeting. A discussion ensued about financing options.
4.Staffing of the Joint Bar/Bench Professionalism Commission
Mr. Rew discussed his support for additional staff assistance for the Joint Bar/Bench Professionalism Commission and his concerns about the availability of funds to do so. Discussions are currently underway with Mr. Zarov about the PLF's potential roles. He thanked Ms. Garst and Ms. Hise for providing support to the commission over the past several years.
5.Comments from outgoing OSB President and PLF Chair
Mr. Peachey discussed the recent history of joint BOG/PLF meetings to resolve PLF claims strategy issues and ways to improve communications between both boards. It was a mutual learning experience that has resulted in good feelings about working together and has resolved former governance issues.
Mr. Peachey reported that PLF claims were down in numbers in 2000, but that claim severity has increased somewhat. He discussed related financial and budget matters and plans to establish guidelines to reduce retained earnings.
Mr. Rew echoed Mr. Peachey's satisfaction with the improved working relationship between the Board of Governors and the PLF Board of Directors (BOD). He felt that the establishment of BOG and BOD liaisons to attend each other's meetings, in addition to the participation of Mr. Zarov, has contributed to this success.
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