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OSB CLE Seminars Course Materials Library (Discontinued)

Links to available OSB CLE Seminars handbooks may now be found in the OSB CLE product catalog spreadsheet, which also includes MCLE program numbers and product purchase links.

You may also visit our online catalog and search for the program code, e.g., ELD23. The indvidiual product detail pages also include the course materials links and MCLE program numbers.

CLE Seminars materials and forms are published by the Oregon State Bar exclusively for the use of attorneys. Neither the Oregon State Bar nor the contributors make either express or implied warranties in regard to the use of the materials and/or forms. Each attorney must depend on his or her own knowledge of the law and expertise in the use or modification of the materials. All materials are under copyright. For reprint inquiries, please contact the CLE Seminars Manager, Kes Joerg,