July 2022 Oregon Bar Examination,
Pass/Fail Statistics
First Time
Applicants |
Applicants |
286 - 78%
10 - 29%
296 - 74%
80 - 22%
24 - 71%
104 - 26%
Official letters regarding passage or failure on the Oregon Bar Examination have been sent to all applicants by email.
Please note that passage of the Oregon Bar Examination is only one of the requirements necessary for admission to practice law in Oregon. An applicant may not practice in Oregon until the applicant is sworn in as a member of the Oregon State Bar.
The Fall Admission Ceremony is on Thursday, October 13, 2022. The admission ceremony will take place at 1:30 PM in Smith Auditorium on the Willamette University Main campus in Salem, Oregon (across the street from the Law School. Willamette Campus Map). You are welcome to bring your family and friends! The ceremony is open to everyone. The State Court Administrator and Oregon State Bar personnel will be at the auditorium to assist you with completing and filing your oath beginning at approximately 11:30 AM. Representatives from the Professional Liability Fund, New Lawyers Division, and Oregon Women Lawyers Foundation will also be on hand to answer questions and provide information. If you cannot attend the admissions ceremony, you may take your oath and mail it to the Oregon Supreme Court at 1163 State St. Salem, OR 97301, any time after 1:30 PM on May 26, 2022. The COVID-19 oath form is available here.
Please contact the office of the Board of Bar Examiners with any questions.
Abrahamyan, Gohar
Almeida, Francisco
Alnajran, Abdullah
Amundson, Connor
Armstrong, Tyler
Ashe, Olivia
Ashton, Morgan
Bahramian, Yalda
Baker, Victoria
Banda, Anneke
Barrett, Jennifer
Bauermeister, Mara
Bell, Haley
Berg, Noah
Berglund, Eric
Bhargava, Akriti
Blount, Samantha
Blumm, Nicolas
Bock, Allison
Bollt, Brian
Boltax, Amanda
Bond, Rowan
Bowman, Jason
Breeze, Colin
Broberg, Peter
Broms, Kersten
Brooks, McKenzie
Brown, Andrea
Brown, Bryce
Bruni, Francis
Buchanan, Ariana
Buck-Pierce, Mason
Burgess, Amanda
Butler, Clara
CaJacob, Elena
Campbell, Allison
Canfield, Allison
Carter, Johnathon
Carty, Annamarie
Catibayan, Francisco
Catt, Brenden
Cebert, Mark
Cebert, Michael
Chang, Kelly
Charles, Jessica
Chaudhary, Rayhan
Cho, Christian
Chrz, Paige
Cilek, Caroline
Claramunt, Mark
Clausen, Shannon
Clawson, Andrea
Clay, Chloe
Coates, Sarah
Comstock, Timothy
Conroy, Patrick
Conzatti, Isaac
Cook, Logan
Coombs, Katherine
Costello, Ryan
Courogen, Olivia
Crahan, Caleb
Crandell, Zachary
Cripps, Carly
Crispin, Emma
Criswell, Benjamin
Crocco, Glory
Crouch, Joseph
Del Monte, Adrienne
DeLoach, Hannah
Dennis, Alexander
Denton, Perry
Dills, Kenneth
Dolezal, Alexandria
Donohue, Margaret
Dozier-Schwartz, Rose
Durbin, Emma
Edmondson, Carla
Eisen, Miranda
Ellis, Mariah
Enderle, Heather
English, Rachael
Estrada, Paola
Everroad, Hattie
Ferroux, Nicole
Firmin, Mark
Fischer, Francesco
Fisher, Natalie
Fletcher, Alexandra
Flickner, Michael
Ford, Gareth
Freeman, Emily
Gard, Andrew
Garrettson, Nathan
Gittemeier, Jessica
Gonnerman, Monet
Gonzalez, Mayra
Goodblatt, Matan
Graefe, Adam
Green, Nils
Gregory, Kathleen
Grenafege, Marley
Grey, Rachael
Griswold, Sydni
Habekost, Zoe
Haberman-Ducey, Nathan
Hagar, Elizabeth
Hagmaier, Lindsey
Hail, Janjeera
Hallis, Chase
Haney, Hannah
Hansler, Robert
Harding, Henry
Harper, Sydney
Harrod, Mariah
Harshman, Heather
Hartman, Jordan
Heinlein, Joseph
Helock, Michael
Henderson, Emily
Hernandez, Erik
Hess, Alec
Hickok, Kelly
Hillstrom, Rebecca
Hodges, Annalise
Hoffa, Grace
Holbrook, Bradley
Horenblas, Isaac
Hovden, Kacey
Hurd, Peter
Illowsky, Dara
Ipsen, Ellen
Ishihara, Christopher
Jackson, Vanessa
Jampolsky, David
Jannelli, Anthony
Johnson, Kaisa
Johnson, Randal
Johnson, Zachary
Jordan, Andrew
Kanter, Julian
Kaplan, John
Kardile, Tanvi
Kavalier, Sadie
Kelinsky, Edward
Kirk, Philip
Kometani, Kassandra
Korkeakoski-Sears, Ashley
Korte, Emily
Kort-Meade, Isaac
Kummerman, Michael
Lanton, Gregory
Larson, Bradley
Larson, Jacob
Lee Ohlmann, Aime
Lenick, Ethan
Levine, Eric
Lewis, Alexander
Lindaman, Kaitlyn
Lockwood, Charles
Loftin, Olivia
Long, Sara
Long, Shelby
Lopez-Figueroa, Rebeca
Lovenstein, Dina
Loy, Michael
Lundt, Cynthia
MacDonald, James
Maes, Cameron
Maraganis, Makayla
Marlega, Alec
Mar-Shall, Tihanne
Martinez, Sergio R.
Mashkovskaya, Margarita
Maurer, Noah
McCullough, Michael
McMurtrie, Robert
McNeill, Natalie
McRory, Jack
Melendrez, Nathan
Mohamed, Jemila
Mokhtarzadeh, Tara
Molloy, Katy
Morawski, Jackson
Morin, Hanah
Moritz, Anna
Morris, Kathryn
Morton, Matthew
Mosavi, Pegga
Moucha, Skyler
Muirhead, Victoria
Naganuma, Gabriel
Ng, Carrie
Nicholson, Haley
Nies, Carsen
Noneman, Kristofer
O’Brien, Colin
O’Dee, Kylie
Olsen, Emily
Olson, Derek
O’Pry, Caitlin
Pacheco, Karmen
Paek, Ethan
Palomino, Stephanie
Patel, Bijal
Pemberton, Rachel
Pence, Andrew
Polkow, Daniel
Prado, Alexis
Price, Megan
Primack, Jasper
Pritchard, Kathleen
Ramakrishnan, Maya
Ramirez, Yadira
Ramos, Diana
Ramsay, Garret
Rehwaldt, James
Reifschneider, Tori
Reynolds, Colin
Richards, Jenna
Rocchi, Catherine
Rodriguez Lancheros, Lina
Romano, Michael
Rousselle, Hayley
Rudd, Graeme
Runsten, Tyler
Rux, Avery
Sadeghzadeh, Reza
Sadofsky, Emil
San Emeterio, Juan Pablo
Sanchez, Alyne
Schaffer, Nathan
Schiller, Simon
Schimelpfenig, Emily
Schwab, Brannon
Sears, Christopher
Seizys, Tara
Sessions, Kyle
Shandler, Gina
Sharp, Jordan
Shea, Matthew
Shepherd, Katharine
Sheppard, Scott
Shook, Casey
Silverman, Elizabeth
Skidmore, Sydney
Soleymani-Pearson, Johnathan
Spano, Gianina
Spotanski, Christian
Starnes, Austin
Staunton, Jack
Steele, Dakota
Stewart-Fusek, Chelsea
Stites, Mary
Strader, Erin
Streckert, Patrick
Strickler, Patrick
Summers, Amanda
Sweeney, Megan
Swisher, Matthew
Taylor, Caroline
Taylor, Gabriel
Teel, Nicolas
Thompson, Garet
Thramer, Audra
Tillery, Sierra
Toda, Samantha
Toney-Noland, Andrew
Tosh, Orchid
Tshala, Bakena
Tucker, Rebecca
Tuhovak, Natassia
Van Loh, Ian
Vela, Jacob
Vida, Emily
Vinh, Richard
Vogel, Max
Vogelgesang, Andrew
Wainwright, Miriam
Walle, Brendan
Waller, Ryan
Walsh, Daniel
Warner, Nicholas
Weissman, Madeline
White, Julia
White, Victoria
Williams, Kindra
Wilson, Rachael
Wirth, Owen
Wohlers, Kurt
Wolff, Sadie
Wolke, Anne
Wolozin, Elizabeth
Wriston, Eric
Zarate, Jocabeth
Zuidema, Amelia
Information updated 9/23/2022