July 2019 Oregon Bar Examination,
Pass/Fail Statistics
First Time
Applicants |
Applicants |
264 - 84%
13 - 25%
277 - 75%
51 - 16%
39 - 75%
90 - 25%
Official letters regarding passage or failure on the Oregon Bar Examination have been sent to all applicants by mail.
Please note that passage of the Oregon Bar Examination is only one of the requirements necessary for admission to practice law in Oregon. An applicant may not practice in Oregon until the applicant is sworn in as a member of the Oregon State Bar.
Successful exam applicants will be sent a letter including information on the admission ceremony, bar membership, bar number, the New Lawyer Mentoring Program and other relevant information. Successful exam applicants who have completed the MPRE and are eligible for admission may attend the admissions ceremony to be held on Thursday, October 3, 2019 at 1:30 p.m. in Smith Auditorium on the Willamette University campus in Salem. Successful applicants who can not attend the ceremony may be sworn-in separately, though not before October 4.
(Willamette Campus Map) (Oath of Office)
Please contact the office of the Board of Bar Examiners with any questions.
Adams, Jeffrey
Alexander, Maddisson
Anderson, Shawn
Andreasen, Trenton
Arbor, Emma
Ashaboglu, Ayla
Babusis, Vytas
Backus, Katlynn
Baermann, Cari
Ball, Nicolas
Ballard, London
Barbato, Jason
Barnard, Emily
Benson, Sara
Berry, Rachel
Berthelsen, Caleb
Beshai, Megan
Beyer, Nicholas
Beyerlein, Tyler
Bissonnette, Kelsey
Bitzenburg, Kacie
Biwer, Meagan
Blake, Cassandra
Bonini, Alyssa
Boon, Alexander
Boone, Thomas
Bowers, Amanda
Bridge, Andrew
Brigance, Parker
Brock, Dane
Brockman, Kellen
Brown, Jessica
Buhl, Austin
Bui, Jonathan
Byrd, Trevor
Campbell, Rand
Campbell, Tyler
Capener, Hayley
Carlson, James
Cettel, Abby
Chotzen-Freund, Willy
Chrzan, Frances
Churchill, Jason
Clements, Katelynn
Cofer, Matthew
Cohen, Taly
Collins, Natasha
Conbere, Jill
Conbere, Timothy
Crippen, Kelsie
Crittenden, Joseph
Crowley, Noel
Damazo, Stacie
Davis, Shane
de Vrind, Mieke
DeCant, Danielle
Delegato, Mario
Delgado-Daniel, Cristela
Devendra, Alexandra
Dombrosky, Joseph
Dorsey, Dustin
Dundas, Kyle
Dwyer, Thomas
Eisele, Trevor
Elmore, Carrie
Emerson, Rebekkah
Espinal, Gabriel
Evans, Jason
Fischberg, Benjamin
Foos, Nathan
Friedman, Jonathan
Gambill, Joshua
Gargan, Kathleen
Garrett, Noah
Gibson, Martin
Gillhamer, Taylor
Girdan, Elizabeth
Goebel, Gregory
Grant, Zoe
Graves, Elizabeth
Gray, Victoria
Green, Alexander
Griffin, Carolyn
Grozav, Ligia
Gunderson, Erik
Gunnels, William
Guzman-Schlager, Chantal
Hadduck, Alex
Haj, Randy
Hamilton, Heather
Hammack, Brent
Hampton, Elise
Hardman, Tyler
Hargrove, Alex
Harmon, Byron
Harris, Mick
Hayashi, Jana
Hayes, David
Heatley, Rachel
Henderson, Andrew
Henderson, Darrell
Hester, Eric
Hill, Brittany
Himes, Jonathon
Holigan, Katherine
Holmes, Madeleine
Huddleston, Joseph
Hummel, Rachel
Humphrey, Julianne
Huntington, Margaret
Ince-Johannsen, Sangye
January, Brittany
Jin, Xiao
Johnson, Adin
Johnson, Adrian
Johnson, Shannon
Johnson, Suzanne
Jonasson, Lindsay
Jones, Conor
Joseph, Christina
Kampf, Garrett
Kamps, Meghan
Kantor, Perry
Kaskawal, Brandon
Kauffman, Kevin
Keeler, Briar
Kern, Brooks
Kindberg, Katelyn
King, Connor
Kirsch, Benjamin
Klinger, Nathan
Knodell, John
Kovacs, Josephine
Koyama, Weston
Krizanac, Antonija
Kumar, Anjana
Larson-Friend, Rebecca
Latoza, Ingrida
Leighter, Stefanie
Levy, Matika
Lewis, Lauren
Linden, Andrew
Linderholm, Cody
Lindholm, Peter
Lindsay, Monica
Livengood, Carmen
Lohman, Emily
Lohsl, Brian
London, Katherine
Lumley, Nicholas
Lynch, Erica
MacConaghy, John
MacGregor, Fianna
MacMorris-Adix, John
Mahoney, Amber
Main, Brian
Martin, Michael
Martinez, Daniel
Mauck, Ryan
McClary, Kaycee
McDonald, Ethan
McGarry, Declan
Meche, Rachel
Menashe, Rachel
Merritt, Travis
Meza, Angela
Milinovich, Corinne
Miller, Katherine
Miller, Kelly
Mills, Eric
Mina, Gregory
Moga, Mihnea
Molloy, Benjamin
Morales, Rina
Morgan, Brian
Morgan, Shaunee
Morrow, Jacob
Mukensnabl, Haley
Murphy, Keegan
Myers, John
Nelson, Zachary
Newey, Joel
Nguyen, Diemquynh
Norby, Rachel
O'Connor, Seamus
Ordon-Bakalian, Keenan
Overton-Harris, Nicholas
Pacheco-Mayberry, Bianca
Padgett, Caetlyn
Page, Michael
Pahl, Jordan
Panutich, Tanya
Park, Hyun-Jin
Perry, Rachel
Pickels, Joseph
Pileggi, Nicholas
Pincus, Benjamin
Pope, Samuel
Potts, Aleen
Price, Caulin
Radenkova, Viktoriya
Reilly, Amanda
Reisberg, Jacob
Reverman, Brian
Reynolds, Allyson
Reynolds, Devin
Richman, Rebecca
Riddell, William
Rinta, Maya
Robinson, Katherine
Rodgers, Cooper
Rogers, Nicholas
Rollins, Brigit
Romano, Lisa
Rose, Cora
Roth, Alison
Ruplin, Ferdinand
Sabo, Kristen
Saint-Evens, Colin
Santos, Zachary
Schiewe, Moriah
Schmit, Randi
Seiler, Aryn
Seymour, Nicholas
Sherman, Joshua
Shoup, Josiah
Silberman, Daniel
Small, Matthew
Smith, Austin
Smitley, Amanda
Snell, Taylor
Sorensen, David
St. Laurent, Nicolas
Stainken, Leigh
Stanford, Katherine
Stansberry, Ross
Steinberg, Jonathan
Stone, April
Strautman, Chelsea
Stromberg, John
Tellam, Matthew
Terry, Madeleine
Thacker, Samuel
Thompson, Garrett
Thorpe, Stephen
Tornquist, Abbie
Trainor, MaryKate
Trammell, Pendrey
Vajda, Taylar
Vazquez, Irene
Vejar, Marcus
Verville, Casey
Vierheilig, Lindsay
Vogt, Thomas
Voorhees, Jason
Waghalter, Po
Ward, Sara
Warren, Christopher
Warren, Vera
Weber, Julie
Weidner, Krystin
White, Rebecca
Wickersham, Gillian
Wilkerson, Meagan
Wilkins, Keightley
Williams, Merrill
Williams, Zachary
Wilson, Gemma
Windham, Zachary
Wolfard, Rachel
Wolfe, Adam
Wolfe, Eric
Wolfe, Savannah
Wray, Jack
Yoklic, Max
Young, Seth
Ziegler, Brittany
Information dated 09/27/2019