July 2014 Oregon Bar Examination,
Pass/Fail Statistics
First Time
Applicants |
Applicants |
298 - 71%
13 - 23%
311 - 65%
121 - 29%
44 - 77%
165 - 35%
Official letters regarding passage or failure on the Oregon Bar Examination have been sent to all applicants by mail.
Please note that passage of the Oregon Bar Examination is only one of the requirements necessary for admission to practice law in Oregon. An applicant may not practice in Oregon until the applicant is sworn in as a member of the Oregon State Bar.
Successful exam applicants will be sent a detailed packet of information including information on the admission ceremony, bar membership, bar number, the New Lawyer Mentoring Program and other relevant information. Successful exam applicants who have completed the MPRE and are eligible for admission may attend the admissions ceremony to be held on Thursday, October 2 at 1:30 p.m. in Smith Auditorium on the Willamette University campus in Salem. Successful applicants who can not attend the ceremony may be sworn-in separately, though not before October 2.
(Willamette Campus Map) (Oath of Office) (Welcome Letter).
Please contact the office of the Board of Bar Examiners with any questions.
Acharya, Athul
Adams, Lee
Albrecht, Casondra
Allen, Charles
Allen-Sailer, Bonnie
Alley, KaLynn
Allin, Brett
Amir-Brownstein, Noam
Anderson, Taylor
Armstrong, Iain
Arthur, Adam
Atkinson, Raun
Barnett, Steven
Behrouzi, Maryam
Bellinger, Nathan
Benton, Samantha
Berg, Elizabeth
Berg, Melissa
Berne, Aaron
Berne, Cody
Bickler, Ryan
Blechman, Adam
Bleskan, Kerry
Bloom, Laura
Bly, Janae
Bowman, Blake
Brandon, David
Brenner, Alletta
Brickenstein, Eric
Bristol, Philip
Brouse, Kelly
Browning, Mae
Butler, Richard
Case, Heather
Cauthorn, Kristina
Cave, Kevin
Centeno, Evelyn
Champer, Samuel
Chandler, Matthew
Chase, Gabriel
Cheng, Ron
Clancy, Sean
Clark, Emily
Claycomb, Sally
Clifford, Jeremy
Coberly, Alex
Cole, Collin
Conway, Karianne
Corbett, Annyika
Cowgill, Scott
Cuatto, Emily
Culliney, Susan
Cummings, John
Dalton, Amanda
Darby, Matthew
Davidson, Stephanie
Davis, Bryson
De La Cruz, Sarah
Dean, Edward
Defilippis, Cara
Del Rosario, Cindy
Dennis, Jonathan
Dennis, Patrick
Dineen, Daniel
Dingeldein, George
Dittman, Lara
Domanico, Kevin
Driver, Devin
Du Clos, Stacy
Duffly, Zachary
Dundon, Anthony
Duty, Taylor
Eickelberg, Christian
Eitenmiller, Katherine
Enabnit, Cole
Evenson, Andrew
Everhart, Berit
Fang-Yen, David
Farmer, Lewis
Farset, Steven
Feenstra, Emily
Fitzgerald, Richard
Fleharty, Kelsey
Fryefield, Chris
Garcia, Adrienne
Garcia, Wesley
Gieringer, Francis
Giesbrecht-McKee, Janna
Godfrey, Michael
Gourlie, Donald
Gower, Nickolaus
Grehn, Mallorie
Gschwend, Neal
Guest, Joshua
Gulley, Katherine
Gustitus, Sandra
Hall, Katherine
Hamilton, Erika
Hammaker, Caitlin
Hanks, Bryce
Harpham, Nathan
Harrington, Connor
Hartley, Grant
Henry, James
Herman, Nicholas
Herrera, Eduardo
Hetherington, Kevin
Hicks, Michael
Hilbert, Jessica
Hileman, Ryan
Hill, Jennifer
Holbrook, Adam
Holderman, Erin
Hopp, Derek
Houston, Kristyn
Howard, Nicholas
Huggler, Hans
Hutchison, Samuel
Ilias, Halah
Iturbide, Alana
Iverson, Phillip
Janke, Joel
Jarrard, Jenny
Johnson, Brandon
Jones, Chelsea Lyn
Jones, John
Jones, Kelsey
Jordan, Kristin
Juettemeyer, Tricia
Karnes, Kyle
Karnitz, Scott
Katzaroff, James
Kearns, Zachary
Kelly, Sean
Kelly-Engle, Caitlin
Kernan, Brian
Kerr, Laura
Khachaturova, Sabina
Khosravi, Shirin
Kimbrell, Mark
King, Jaimee
Kirschnick, Margaret
Klein, Kaylie
Klonoski, James
Klym, Peter
Knight, Allison
Knudson, Eric
Kraus, Bradley
Krueger, Aram
Kuhns, Travis
Kulback, Ryan
La Brecque, Emily
Lawton, William
Leady, Matthew
Ledgerwood, Garrett
Lee, DeLon
Lenkowsky, Diane
Levenick, Erin
Lewallen, Shanti
Little, Alyssa
Lohman, Aaron
Lowen, Adam
MacDonald, Jackson
MacMillan, Christopher
Mahoney, Erin
Mallison, Stanley
Manary, David
Mancuso, Krista
Mao, Florence
Marin, Christopher
Martinsen, Dustin
Mastic, Alyssa
Matasar, Emily
McCabe, Shannon
McGuire, Megan
McLaren, William
McLean, Layla
Meacher, Robin
Medlin, Brittany
Mehrtens, Lauren
Mertens, Matthew
Miles, Cameron
Miller, Daniel
Mills, Derek
Mitchson, Jacqueline
Mogensen, Janette
Montanaro, Sydney
Moore, Carter
Moore, William
Morales, Nathan
Morgan, Rebecca
Murdock, Casey
Murray, Carrie
Murray, Heather
Nackerud, Erik
Nakashima, Kyle
Neilson, Jesse
Newbrough, Laura
Nguyen, Linhnam
Nichol, Jared
Nickerson, Seth
Niedrist, Fallon
Niemann-Ross, William
Nitschke, Jeffrey
Nweze, Nedu
O'Brien, Kevin
Olson, Nancy
Osteen, Ian
Overton, Alexandra
Peck, Courtney
Pelkey, Emma
Percin, Robert
Pezley, Jessica
Pfeiffer, Abigail
Phillips, Jonathan
Phillips, Marie
Pierson, Justin
Polay, Elizabeth
Provo, Kelsey
Punch, Michael
Quatier, Amanda
Quist, Jefferson
Rayburn, Samuel
Reed, Amber
Reichenberger, Aaron
Reid, Susan
Rennie, Scott
Reynolds, Lindsay
Rich, Vanessa
Rickett, Catherine
Rock, Chelsea
Rogerson, Amanda
Ropp, Keith
Rose, Michael
Rosenthal, Haley
Rossi, Dominique
Rowley, Altove
Russell, Craig
Russell, Kendra
Safley, Kenneth
Samuelson, Marisa
Sangston, Derek
Santos, Georgina
Scherman, Brian
Schloss, Derek
Schneider, Lea
Schoonover, Jordan
Schroeder, Alix
Schuyler, Stephanie
Schwartz-Gilbert, Rachel
Scott, Kennon
Sell, Scott
Shaver, Scott
Shin, Caitlin
Shoop, Matthew
Shores, Michael
Sitnick, Emily
Smith, Jessica
Smith, Nicholas
Smith, Sara
Sohler, Richard
Spansail, Joshua
Stabeno, Brendan
Stebbins, Jane
Stein, Peter
Strack, Louis
Surber, Justin
Sustaire, Josie
Swan, Kevin
Swift, Marcus
Tallon, Lindsay
Tang, Andrea
Thompson, Gage
Tinker, Alexander
Townsend, Margaret
Trottman, Catherine
Truitt, Hannah
Turk, Heather
Turner, Benjamin
Turrill, Lynn
Tweed, Eric
Uppal, Rajkirn
Vall-llobera, Daniel
Vernacchia, Giovonne
Vicharelli, Lauren
Vickery, Matthew
Viel, Anna
Vogel, Sarah
Walker, Marcus
Walsh, Timothy
Ward, Jered
Ward, Kristin
Watkins, Ashley
Watson, Nicole
Weber, Charles
Whittal, Claire
Willbanks, Simon
Williams, Elliott
Williams, Erin
Williams, Richard
Wilson, Stefanie
Wise, Matthew
Witt, Maria
Wolf, Braden
Wood, David
Ybarra, Olivia
Yeung, Angela
Youngblut, Michael
Zanetti, John
Zheng, Zhi
Zirschky, Alexandra
Information dated 09/19/2014