July 2013 Oregon Bar Examination,
Pass/Fail Statistics
First Time
Applicants |
Applicants |
331 - 81%
21 - 36%
352 - 75%
79 - 19%
37 - 64%
116 - 25%
410 - 100.0%
58 - 100.0%
468 - 100.0%
Official letters regarding passage or failure on the Oregon Bar Examination have been sent to all applicants by mail.
Please note that passage of the Oregon Bar Examination is only one of the requirements necessary for admission to practice law in Oregon. An applicant may not practice in Oregon until the applicant is sworn in as a member of the Oregon State Bar.
Successful exam applicants will be sent a detailed packet of information including information on the admission ceremony, bar membership, bar number, the New Lawyer Mentoring Program and other relevant information. Successful exam applicants who have completed the MPRE and are eligible for admission may attend the admissions ceremony to be held on Thursday, October 10 at 1:30 p.m. in Smith Auditorium on the Willamette University campus in Salem. Successful applicants who can not attend the ceremony may be sworn-in separately, though not before October 10.
(Willamette Campus Map) (Oath of Office) (Welcome Letter).
Please contact the office of the Board of Bar Examiners with any questions.
Aaby, Alyssa
Aaron, James
Aaron, Shannon
Adams, Bryce
Adams, John
Aehegma, Arrien
Albert, Hallie
Alvarez, Amanda
Anderson, Lolly
Apel, Emily
Apo, Elizabeth
Applegate, Brett
Asher, Jamee
Atwood, Marie
Back, Hannah
Baker, Julia
Baldino, Alexander
Ballon, Marie
Barnett, Alex
Bartholomew, James
Beale, Stephanie
Bechtold, David
Bendixsen, Cameron
Bentley, Jessica
Berndt, Jennifer
Berry, Matthew
Berzins, Eriks
Bettles, Diana
Blythe, Matthew
Bodnar, Alexandra
Bowen, Christopher
Bowyer, Wade
Bradford, Jeffery
Braker, Julia
Braun, Brandon
Braun, Peter
Brewster, Blake
Brooks, Kara
Brouhard, Kristen
Brown, Matthew
Brumfield, Olivia
Bruner, Aaron
Brunke, Max
Buchan, Waylon
Budd, Laura
Bunick, Jacquelyn
Burch-Rates, Tobi
Burkhead, Shannon
Burris, Kelly
Burt, Sean
Bush, Robert
Button, Whitney
Caldwell, Dana
Call, Thaddeus
Cambreleng, Rebecca
Cardenas, Robert
Castellano, Daniel
Chausova, Jane
Chavez, Juan
Chin-Perez, Adrienne
Chinske, Sara
Choi, Edward
Christensen, Andrew
Christison, Earl
Ciborowski, Sylvia
Claessens, Gregory
Claessens, Sara
Clark, Xavier
Clooten, Blaine
Cole, Grant
Compagno, Michael
Conley, Shannon
Connaughton, Katharine
Cook, Zori
Cooney, Christopher
Cordes, Nicholas
Cornett, Jesse
Coulter, Kelsey
Cox, Megan
Cox, Steven
Cramer, Benjamin
Cramer, Carl
Cunha, Jennifer
Cutter, Danielle
Daheim, Adam
Dale, Alan
Dallas, Triston
Damewood, Kelly
Dandurand, Sarah
Davis, Michael Thomas
Deisen, Matthew
DesJardins, Ryan
DeWeese, Andrew
Douglas, Melissa
Duckworth, John
Duncan, Erin
Dunn, Esther
Dunn, Lora
Dyal, Matthew
Eastman, Joshua
Elwood, Joseph
Engers, Taylor
Engrav, Grant
Eslava-Guadarrama, Denisse
Evans, John
Fahey, Maura
Famulary, Adam
Federico, Rachel
Fenley, Hannah
Ferguson, Kaiti
Ferguson, Sarah
Findley, Trevor
Fisher, Kimberly
Flaherty, Maura
Fleming, Kyle
Fonseca, Walter
Forsberg, Amelia
Forsgren, Jared
Fouts, Craig
Francis, Burton
Frazier, Pamela
Friedhoff, Anna
Frohman, Louis
Frolander, Rebecca
Fung, Caleb
Garcia, Marissa
Gavriilidis, Alexis
Gershenson, Jason
Ghan, Derek
Goddard, Gina
Godfrey, Mary
Gordon, Katherine
Gould, Jennifer
Graves, Christopher
Greenhalgh-Johnson, Nathaniel
Greenshields, Carolyn
Griffith, Mark
Grigsby, Scott
Gutierrez-Conroy, Kristen
Haagenson, Jeffrey
Hamilton, Robert
Hamilton, William
Hardy, Spencer
Harker, McKenzie
Harmon, Amanda
Hasenbank, Molly
Haverkost, Betsy
Hayes, Jameson
Hays, Sarah
Heilman, Kelsey
Hernandez, Tomas
Hiemstra, Cheryl
Hill, Alexander
Hindman, Richard
Hood, Jonathan
Houze, Jacob
Huedepohl, Kelly
Hunking, Joshua
Huntpalmer, Richard
Inayoshi, Elizabeth
Inhofe, Temojai
Ipson, Matthew
Jagger, Dawn
Jarry, Elizabeth
Jensen-Haxel, Peter
Johnson, Amanda
Johnson, Kristin
Johnson, Michel
Johnston, William
Jones, Jessica
Jones, Michael
Jordan, Andrew
Justman, Eli
Kahl, Katherine
Kapoor, Amit
Kartchner, Andrew
Kayes, David
Keane, John
Kelly, Julie
Kiang, Michelle
Krueger, Anaiah
Krueger, Eli
Kucirek, Jeffrey
Kuenzi, Sandra
Lakritz, Thomas
Landstrom, Lindsay
Larson, Kirsten
Laski, Louis
Lawson, Timothy
Lee, Stacey
Leibman, Adena
Lemley, Kane
Levenda, Kelly
Levinson, Aurora
Lewicki, Jessica
Liu, Kuangyi
Logan, Jennifer
Loupin-Bartlett, Amanda
Macy, Justin
Maher, Mark
Mainardi, Caterina
Makowski, Anna
Malbasa, Scott
Marquez, Efrain
Martinis, Elena
Mavuwa, Mkulisi
McCullough, Kimberly
McCune, Jamison
McKerlie, Stacy
McQuain, Martie
Meier, Karl
Meray, Jeffrey
Meyer, Andrea
Meyer, Catherine
Millar, John
Miller, Erica
Mishler, Timothy
Mitchell, David
Mlynski, Katarzyna Anne
Molinelli, Robert
Monstad, Joseph
Moody, Lisa
Morehead, Christopher
Morgan, Christopher
Musial, Melanie
Nakanishi, Rachel
Narus, Andrew
Naumes, Nicholas
Nelson, Ricky
Neth, Harold
Neumeier, Shain
Newgard, Alexander
Nguyen, Anne
Nichol, Chloe
O'Donnell, Benjamin
O'Halloran, Robert
O'Keeffe, Henry
O'Neal, Travis
Padgalskas, Vanessa
Pallegedara, Ksen
Paris, Dominic
Parker, Nathan
Parr, Daniel
Patel, Vittal
Pauley, Lina
Peirson, Charles
Pennell, Matthew
Pennington, Mathew
Perdue, Christopher
Perotti, Joseph
Perry, Megan
Petzing, MariRuth
Pinchin, Andrew
Pippel, Robert
Pippel, William
Pitts, Rebecca
Piucci, Joseph
Poklemba, Christine
Pollack, Andrew
Powers, Laura
Preusch, Matthew
Price, Meredith
Pyasetskyy, Chelsea
Quaranto, Lance
Rauch, Lauren
Redshaw, Darren
Reiner, Matthew
Rena-Dozier, Emily
Renner, Yasha
Rickert, Megan
Rogers, Shayna
Rohlfing, David
Rosenbaum, Ashley
Rosenberg, Rachel
Ross, Ian
Rowe, Allison
Salois, John
Salsbury-Thayer, Megan
Sandefur, Travis
Scheurer, Erin
Schlusser, Amelia
Scholz, Jack
Schulte-Hillen, Max
Schultz, Laura
Schultz, Nicholas
Schulz, Adam
Scott, Stephen
Seifert, Kallie
Severson, Elin
Shecter, Robb
Sheets, Brian
Sherman, Stephan
Shwartz, Jacob
Singh, Parakram
Sitton, Emily
Smith, William
Snyder, Jessica
Sondie, Luisa
Sorahan, Ryan
Sorenson, Alexander
Sosa, Mario
Soukonnikov, Mikita
Spinks, Alexander
Squires, Brandon
Steinman, Bradley
Stephenson, Garrett
Stern, Zachary
Stevens, Alyssa
Stiefel, Oliver
Strader, Erica
Styke, Dillon
Swindells, Adrian
Taylor, Drew
Thaisz, Melissa
Thede, Justine
Therrien, Marcus
Thiemann, Danny
Thomas, Jason
Thompson, Rebecca
Tierney, James
Todd, Spencer
Tonn, Michael
Torres, Alejandra
Torseth, Kyle
Tran, Peter
Trotter, Christopher
Tucker, Jane
Tucker, Wade
Turner, Corina
Van Wieren, Amanda
Wahl, Andrea
Walcott, Kareem
Walsh, Zachary
Walton, Samuel
Warden, Kathryn
Wasetis, Bryan
Washburn, Kelley
Welliver, Lucas
Whalen, Samuel
White, David
Wilhelms, Angela
Wilkinson, Ryan
Wintermute, Kirk
Wipperman, Alek
Witt, Jessica
Wong, Grace
Wyrostek, Christopher
Yancey, Katherine
Young, Jessie
Zager, Laura
Zahr, Candace
Zupancic, Christian
Information dated 09/20/2013