The following is a
list containing only the names of those
applicants who passed the examination. It
is provided by the Oregon Board of Bar Examiners
as an informational service only and is
not to be relied upon as an official list,
notification or record.
Please also note that passage of the Oregon Bar Examination is only one of the requirements necessary for admission to practice law in Oregon. An applicant may not practice in Oregon until the applicant is sworn in as a member of the Oregon State Bar.
Please contact the office
of the Board
of Bar Examiners with any questions.
Adams, Herbert Vincent
Adelman, Richard Jared
Aldassy, Kathryn Gina
Aliason, Jeremy Ryan
Allen, Shayleen Tiffany
Anders, Kristen Lynn
Armstrong, Sean Edward
Arnold, Craig Michael
Arnold, Jacy Farah
Atwell, Tonya Marie
Aubry, Paul Eric
Baessler, Joseph Edward
Baggio, Amy Margaret
Baker, Larry David
Balcom, Edmund Clarke
Baptista, Mary-Beth
Barker, Kurt Eric
Barkley, Matthew David
Barrett, James McClintock
Bates, Julie Anne
Baxter, Brandon John
Bean, David Ian
Belknap, John William
Bell, Brenna Benine
Bennard, Kristina Silja
Benson, Brandon Allen
Berglan, Laura Lynn
Biechele, Melanie Brook
Blaney, Rebecca Anne
Blumenberg, Amy Beth
Boell, Jessica
Bond, Pamela Ivy
Bowser, David Hunte
Bradshaw, James Craig
Bragg, Douglas McLain
Brandis, Kathleen Ann
Brandon Berndt, Melissa Danielle
Bridges, Jennifer Ann
Brooks, Hillary Anne
Brown, Courtney Louise
Brown, Deanna Ruth
Brown, Ian Timothy
Brown, Robert Townley
Buckmaster, Joseph Lance
Burdett, Dan Christopher
Burks, Joel Russell
Burton, Grant Richard
Bush Dutton, Jacqueline Marie
Cable, Brian R
Carey, Kristina Lee
Carpenter, Jessica Leigh
Cassidy, Maurice William
Cernitz, Dylan Michael
Chai, Engred Ann
Chakoian, Matthew Martin
Chamberlain, Asenath Rose
Chamberlain, Stacy Jean
Clabaugh, Richard William
Cobb, Thomas Dillon
Cochran, John Arthur
Colbach, Sarah Lynn
Collins, Sara Jeanne
Condon, Patricia Nation
Connolly, Christine Ada
Connolly, Michael Lawrence
Cook, Andrew Paul
Costantino, Christine Rhoda
Cousineau, Jessica Leona
Crabtree, Mark Allen
Crane, Peggy Lee
Creasman, Jason Charles
Crowder, Joanna Lee
Curley, Kieran John
Dalton, Steven Lynn
Davidson Wood, Deborah Darlene
Dean, Deborah L
Deichler, Clark Ludlow
Dirks, Lincoln S
Dissinger, Suzanne Marie
Doig, Amanda Sterling
Dormire, Kornelia Amanda
Dougherty, Thomas Alan
Dozier, William Keith
Edwards, Amy
Egan, Racheal Ann
Eike, Kevin Ambrose
Erickson, Christopher David
Estes, James Patrick
Evans, Ho Peter
Evans, Thomas Leon
Eyre, Brandon James
Fay, Wendy Sue
Ferguson, Gregory John
Fields, Mara Lue
Foster, Eric Reppun
Frick, Charles Alexander
Gabriel, Craig Joseph
Gardner, Jaymie Samantha
Gentry, Dianna Jean
Gerock, Henry Walker
Gindling, Stephen
Glassburner, Sarah Devin Duncan
Glassman, Dina
Goldstein, Daniel Timothy
Good, Moloy Kumar
Goorian, Bradley Jon
Gowder, Paul Anthony
Gray, Shanon Lee
Green, Douglas Adam
Guerricagoitia, Carmen May
Gumusogla, Jeanne O'Shea
Gunn, Jana Lei
Hagemann, Ryan James
Hager, Laurie Rebecca
Hallinan, Michael Brian
Hamilton, Robert Brian
Hamp, Vicki Marie
Hantke, Seth Werner
Harman, Rebecca Jo
Harrell, Charles Edward
Harsh, Brent Hunter
Hasson, Elon
Hawkins, Sarah Treacy
Hayes, Kevin Matthew
Haynes, Megan Mae
Heimbaugh, Brentley Steele
Helmy, Eric Karim
Hemphill, Brian Thomas
Hensley, Ann Veronica
Herrera, Tanya
Heshiki, May Akira
Hess, Jonathan David
Hillman, Linda Karen
Hindley, Michael George
Hinman, Jennifer Ann
Hodder, Broady Reynolds
Hodgess, Scott Alan
Hohengarten, Alison Gschwendtner
Holmes, Patrick David
Holtey, Nathan Christopher
Hong, Edward Young
Hop, Neil William
Horner, Clark Ralph Finnigan
Hoster, Christopher Drew
Howard, Elizabeth Elaine
Howsley, James Denver
Hughey, Sarah
Hunter, Amie Lynn
Ing, Michelle Lai Hing
Inouye-Matthews, Carol Ann
Ireland, Laura Joann
Irwin, Geoffrey Foster
Itel, Ryan Thomas
Jacobson, Jacqueline Mae
Jensen, Deanna Ballou
Jergovic, Nicole Marie
Johnson, Lance Michael
Johnson, Laurel Marie
Johnson, Lisa Carol
Johnson, Philip Alan
Joncus, Stephen J
Jones, James Brian
Jones, Jeffrey Ryan
Jones, Thomas Lee
Joyce, Anna Marie
Kalberer, Joel Daniel
Kaleta, Audra Nichole
Kaup, Monica Shetty
Kearney, Benjamin Michael
Keck, Heather Lynn
Keller, Andrew Nathan
Kelton, Zachary James
Kerr, Judith M
Kim, Helen Melodee
Kline, Philip George
Knight, Christopher Alan
Koch, Anne Elizabeth
Kocher, Scott Forrest
Koempel, David Albert
Koliner, Kevin Matthew
LaPoint, Kori Rae
Lacy, Peter Macnamara
Lance, Ian Charles
Lannet, Ernest Grant
Lawrence, David
LeBlanc, Andre Orlando
Lee, Grace Young-ey
Leinwand, Robert
Li, Jennifer Cheng-Ming
Lindberg, Jeffrey Thomas
Lipton, Jeremie
Logan, Paul Sandberg
Logerwell, Andrew Lyle
Lucchin, Franco Anthony
Macy, Robert Scott
Madigan, David John
Maki, Kimberly Jean
Mallery, Jill Read
Maloney, Paul T
Manning, Stephen William
Mapes, Kevin Scott
Mayhew, Amanda Lynnette
McCarthy, Daniel Timothy
McCauley, Jennifer Anne
McDonald, Shannon LaVaune
McEwen, Gail Ann
McFarland, Lee Janice
McFarland, Matthew Brent
McGhie, Matthew Daren
McGrath, Michael Thomas
Mender, Samantha Lynn
Mercer, Kathleen
Merfeld, Heather Leigh
Merrill, Edward Allen
Messecar, Jill Marie
Mhoon, Michelle Marie
Michali, Christopher Thomas
Michels, Abigail R
Miholer, Jeffrey Scott
Miller, Todd Elwood
Minkin, Ilya L
Mohr, Peter Day
Mooney, James Leo
Morrison, Adam Donald
Moses, Gerald Henry
Mosholder, Lisa Anne
Mossop, Timothy
Myers, Timothy Francis
Nadol, Vasiliki Athena
Nedwicke, Marlo Shelley
Nelson, Kristen Anne
Nelson, Philip Jon
Nerdin, Jeffrey Garth
Nguyen, Lan Duy
Nicholson, Pamela Ly
Nisle, Ryan Robert
Nolan, Shawn Amy
Nute, Ryan Christophe
O'Donnell, Ambyr M
O'Hanlon, George Benedict
O'Leary, John William
O'Neill, John Robert
Oberdorfer, Richard Erik
Orr, Michael Carleton
Ortiz, Araceli
Parrish, Jerry Wayne
Parrott, Brian Morgan
Pedigo, Philip Alexander
Perkins, Matthew William
Perry, Tracy Kocheva
Peterson, Alicia Marie
Peterson, Douglas Neal
Peterson, Kelly M
Petrilla, Jennifer Ann
Phillips, Susan Laurie
Porter, Katherine Moore
Powers, Steven Roaldo
Prichard, Tracy Jay
Rana, Dipendra
Rasche, Benjamin Lawrence
Rademacher, John Joseph
Raschio, Robert Samual
Ray, Scott Daniel
Redmond, Kevin John
Reese, David Charles
Reeves, Liani Jeanheh
Reimer, Robin Evelyn
Richmond, Jeffrey John
Riddell, Sean Joseph
Ridgway, Theresa Mason
Riedlinger, Meegan Liegh
Robles, Glenn Wallace
Rodger, Robert Charbonneau
Roggendorf, Kristian Spence
Rose, Ewan Whitney
Rule, Lauren Marie
Rupert, Wayne Wallace
Rutledge, Breanna Whitesel
Samples, Julie Rebekah
Sasaki, Valerie Hatsumi
Saulls, Scott Brien
Sawyer, Justin Clark
Saye, Sharon Marie
Schick, Jeffrey Jonathan
Schiefelbein, Scott Marshall
Schlafer, Wendy Dawn
Schwindt, Christopher Dobbs
Scully, Jason David
Seikel, David Paul
Self, Heather Renee
Shikany, James Brian
Shufeldt, Michael Kenneth
Sieminski, Jason Richard
Signer, Devorah
Silverman, David Leopold
Skelton, Jason Anthony
Skirvin, Julie Michelle
Skolnick, Kimberly Anne
Slauson, Michael James
Slottee, Christopher John
Smith, Bethany Anne
Smith, Cara Johns
Smith, Christina Marie
Smith, Jefferson Daniel Edward
Solomon, Andrew H
Soofi, Neda D
Spencer, Christine Elizabeth
Starr, Nichol Jeanette
Stauffer, Amity Juliet
Stewart, Steven Wayne
Stewart, Timothy William
Stinson, Jill Anita
Susac, John Lyle
Sydow, Travis Lane
Talmadge, Edward Howard
Taussig-Conaty, Ellen Diane
Thacker, Christina Lynn
Thein, Jay Edward
Thompson, Brandon Matthew
Thompson, Emma Claire
Thompson, Jason Edward
Throne, Justin
Tilden, Kelly Rae
Tingey, Christopher Mark
Tom, Lisa
Tomlinson, David Wayne
Tormala, Alyssa Eve Thirsk
Tourje, Erin Camille
Tourville, Heather Renee
Tracey, Christine Rae
Trask, Keri Elizabeth
Trinchero, Paul Henry
Turner, Lisa Marie
Tyler, Rebecca Hutchins
Vaillancourt, Kevin Armand
Van Horn, Amy Katherine
Van Loan, Jed L
Varney, Karen Sue
Vasquez, Nathan Truman
Verhoogen, Michael Emmett
Verotsky, Stephen E
Vierling, Amber Lorraine
Vinson, Bradford Allen
Wager, John Conrad
Walker, Victory Dawn
Walsh, William James
Watt, Robert Thaddeus
Webster, Ronald Francis
Weirnick, Darren Edmund
Wells, Jennifer Sue
Weyand, Jayson Michael
White, Kami Jo
Whitnah, Robert Warren
Williams, Caleb Andrew
Williams, Harry John
Williamson, Jennifer Ann
Williamson, Ross Michael
Wilson, Matthew Ross
Winget, Joy Mari
Wong, Caroline Maun Kee
Wood, Katherine Elizabeth
Wootton, Jon Eugene
Worland, Kelly Brooke
Wylie, Alexander Scott
Wyser-Pratte, Renee Christine
Yablonski, Judith
Yang, Hanling
York, Heidi Moldenhauer
York, Ryan James
Zastrow, Devon Jeanette
Zhao, Yuan
Zubi, Hisham Ali
Information dated 09/10/2001