The following is a
list containing only the names of those
applicants who passed the examination. It
is provided by the Oregon Board of Bar Examiners
as an informational service only and is
not to be relied upon as an official list,
notification or record.
Please also note that passage of the Oregon Bar Examination is only one of the requirements necessary for admission to practice law in Oregon. An applicant may not practice in Oregon until the applicant is sworn in as a member of the Oregon State Bar.
Please contact the office
of the Board
of Bar Examiners with any questions.
Abraham, Diane Lynn
Adams, Michael Elige
Aguilar, Elvia
Akimoto, Kimberlee Anne
Alan, Lisa Carey
Alpert, Joshua Adam
Aman, Kalley Rae
Anderson, Kyle Joseph
Anderson, Sally Ann
Anderson, Shawn Nicholas
Anna, Julie Kathryn
Appleton, Peter Madsen
Arkonovich, Nora Elizabeth
Ayres, Jason Marc
Bahrman, Thomas Eugene
Baker, Nathan James
Bardacke, Julie Marcia
Barker, Todd Elbert
Barnes, Hollis Eugene
Barzda, Mark Richard
Baughman, Laurie L
Baxter, Garrick Lynn
Becerra, Amy Lynnette
Bennett, Melissa Carie
Bernstein, Lloyd
Bial, Jon Steven
Bilyeu, Amy Elvira
Bittner, Brandon Craig
Blackford, Sheila Maloney
Blackwell, Michelle Annette
Blackwell, Pamela Taft
Bosley, Douglas Charles
Boyd, Kristen Elizabeth
Brady, Sean Thomas
Bridges, Rachel Daliah
Brinkman, Catherine Brandine
Brosnahan, Paula
Brown, Christopher Todd Lawson
Brownscombe, Brett Evan
Bucher, Erik Marcel
Buckman, Jennifer Thompson
Buel, Melinda Marie
Bunn, Shenandoah Michael
Burke, Steven Charles
Burns, Brooke Marie
Burns, James Dunn
Burns, Justin Joseph
Cable, Abraham John Benton
Cadonau, Cary Randall
Callahan, Cathleen B
Cannon, Clifton Lee
Carpenter, James Blair
Carpenter, Sarah Elizabeth
Chadwick, Cheryl Barbara
Chadwick, Wesley Todd
Church, Brian Fredrick
Churilla, Paul William
Clark, Heather Renae
Combs, Mariel Jean
Corella, Michael Joseph
Corwin, Brent Edwin
Cottrell, Kathryn Anne
Cummins, Marla Jean
Cunningham, Heather Anne
Cutler, Regina Marie
Dahl, Elizabeth Anne
Daly, Katherine Noreen
Damm, Jaqueline Marie
Dardis, Cameron Joseph
David, Kristen Suzanne
Day, Ross Alan
Dazer, Nicholas Leonard
Del Carlo, Hope Arlene
Ditton, Mark Andrew
Dixon, Roger Dale
Dobson, Kenneth Perrow
Doughman, David Failla
Dull, Kevin Bruce
Egan, Jon Michael
Egan, Patrick Spencer
Eggers, Rebecka Lee
Eidsen, Billie Jean
Ellis, Ted Daniel
Ernst, Noah Dickinson
Eudy, Jennifer Lisa
Faas, Eric Andrew
Farrell, Christine Gregorak
Farrell, Mark Christopher
Faught, Heather LaRee
Faulconer, Jay Rodney
Ferreira, Aaron Shyer
Fewel, Chance Austin
Fitzpatrick, Brian Casey
Fleming, Michael J
Foster, Todd Orren
France, Renee Marie
Franklin, Michael Blair
Friel, Mark Andrew
Galm, Paul Casey
Garcia, Victoria Elisabeth
Garrett, Jeffry Scott
Gerlach, Wendy Russell
Gibbon, Steven Charles
Gilfillan, Scott Louis
Gilland, Andrea Michelle Davis
Godfrey, Frank Joseph
Gonzalez, Rene Gabriel
Goodrich, Amy Elizabeth
Gordon, Sarah Jeanne
Gourley, William Charles
Gregg, Ragu-Jara
Griffin, Sharon Gayl
Haddad, Joseph James
Haendler, Jeffrey Brian
Hahn, Robert Lloyd
Hall, David Edward
Hall, Jeffrey David
Hall, Maiya Mae
Hart, David Anthony
Hartwell, Darius L
Hartwell, Shannon Rene
Hausafus, Karl Edward
Herkamp, Bruce Eric
Hilgenfeld, Christopher Lee
Hill, Gerald James
Hill, Stacey Lynne
Hirokawa, Keith Hisao
Hooste, David Andrew
Hotchkiss, Rebecca Marie
Howard, Daniel Wayne
Huffman, Kenneth Craig
Huffman, Stacy Christine
Hughes, Chad Michael
Humphreys-Chandler, AmyMichelle
Ifverson, Thomas Prince
Ireland, Robert J
Isbister, Susan Rae
Ivers, Kathryn Jean
Ives, Mari Christine
Jolin, MarcEdward
Jones, Kathryn Theresa
Kahn, Ryan Philip
Kamman, Sarah Elizabeth
Kanter, Paul Adam
Kearney, Erin Caitlin
Kelleigh, Melissa Lynn Budden
Klee, Laurie Morris
Kmetz, Heather Anne Marie
Knox, William Clarence
Kouris, Michael
Kunz, Christopher Trent
Kuzara, Byron Stanley
Kuzmich, James Arthur
Lagesen, Erin Courtney
Lane, Kristin Ayn
Latcu, Misty Marie
Lattal, Anna Rachel
League, Barbara Jane
Lee, Hosoon
Lee, Shelly Dawn
Leese, Spencer William
Levin, Matthew Abraham
Lewis, Amanda Beaufort
Lewis, Christopher John
Lewis, Dean Austin
Lorenz, RichardGeorge
Lowe, Matthew David
Mackey, Janice Lynn
Manning, Mark Andrew
Marikos, Joanna Anastasia
Markey, Nicole Bernadette
Marlowe, Steven William
Matheson, Kelly Ann
Mattson, Matthew James
McClellan, Amanda Kathleen
McCoy, Barbara Ann
McDonald, Louis Franklin
McEvoy, Niamh Mary
McGean, Michael Hugh
McGinnis, Mark Andrew
McKay, Leslie Megan
McKercher, Karin Lynn
McMahan, Christina Louise
McNamee, Heather Lynne
Medina, Orlando
Mesirow, Nicholas Alexander
Michaelson, Kerry Ellen
Micheletti, Jonathan Francis
Millikan, Kerri Michelle
Minoli, Kevin Scott
Moeller, Emilee Annine
Mohrman, Jennifer Lynn
Monson, Christy Lynn Kretschmer
Morey, Neil Charles
Morgan, Stephen Wayne
Morris, Emily Kathryn
Moser, Paul Duane
Munson, Steven John
Muraski, Robert Nicholas
Murphy, Timothy Lee
Neilson, Christopher-Robin John
Nguyen, Christiana Nien
Nicholes, Theodore William
O'Brien, Joseph Edward
O'Connor, Susan Lynn
O'Day, Sean Edward
O'Hara, Bridget Anne
O'Rourke, Michael P
Oldford, Angela Marie
Olson, Steven Duane
Onart, Esin
Otto, Stephan Kurt
Palladino, Kristen Ellen
Palmer, Mark Shriver
Parr, Tami Jeanne
Patterson, CharlesEvans
Paulson, Nicholas James
Perry, Tatiana Anotolievna
Petersen, Virginia Ann
Pettit, Holly Elizabeth
Phelps, Alan James
Phillips, Gordon Erik
Piampiano, Jeffrey Taylor
Pijanowski, Michael Adam
Pilorget, Debbie Lynn
Pintler, Jason Curtis
Pistacchio, Jason Michael
Porter, John Michael
Potter, Kristen Ann
Poutasse, Judith Woo
Powell, Suzanne Christa
Pratte, Victoria Ann
Preston, Kevin Dominic
Prestwich, Travis Shan
Price, Ellen Dianne
Proctor, Ellen Marie
Proebstel, KatyLea
Quinn, Jean Ann
Rasmussen, Caroline Elaine
Ratcliffe, Linda Ann
Reece, John Patterson
Rees, Michael A
Reynolds, Michael Joseph
Reynolds, Rose Marie
Rhodes, Carol Anne
Rice, Scott William
Richardson, Kathleen Cooper
Richter, Carrie Ann
Robbins, Jill Deering
Robertson, Daniel Carlton
Saad, Summer Remah
Sager-Kottre, Kristen Leigh
Salyer, Norma Jean
Sanchez, Joseph Raymond
Sanger, Irion August
Saporito, William Charles
Saturn, Rick Allen
Schroedel, JohnLee
Schwartz, David James
Scott, Inara Kirsten
Shapiro, Joel David
Sheely, Paul Edward
Sheets, Jason S
Shenker, Dana
Shiely, Charmin Bortz
Shiokawa, Masayuki
Short, Jason Glenn
Sieler, Kathleen Sue
Silverman, Stefanie
Simmons, Derek Dwayne
Sinks, Tahra
Slinde, Nicholas Johann
Smith, Donald Gerald
Smith, Michael David
Smith, Rob Roy
Smith, Tiffany Jill
Snyder, Adrian Douglas
Spector, George Louis
Spickerman, Anna Dell
Sprangle, Ingrid Sharphorn
Stapleton, Kymberlee Claire
Starnes, Sarah Elizabeth
Steele, Nathan Gabriel
Sterling, Kristin Heather
Stokes, Chad Michael
Stringer, Christian Howard
Strong, Geoffrey David
Strong, Shelly Marquette
Sugahara, Thomas Kenji
Sullivan, Timothy Michael
Sumner, Theodore Frederick
Svistunova, Natella Victorovna
Szczerbicki, Sandra Kathryn
Taylor, Daniel Emory
Templeton, Amy Marie
Thoman, Jay Louis
Thrash, Charles Edward
Trembath, Wallace Edmond
Tu, Trung Duc
Underwood, Tiffany Janine
Veley, Christopher Michael
Venskus, Sabrina Diane
Veverka, Barbara Ford
Veverka, David M
Victor, Michele Bo
Vu, Linh Thuy
Wallace, Ian Hamilton
Wand, Matthew Adam
Wandersee, Melissa Suzanne
Warr, Rebecca Suzanne
Watkins, Jennifer Cristina
Wawrzyn, Robert Marc
Weber, Jeremy Joseph
Westbrooke, Elissa Theo
Weston, Clifford David
Wichman, Stephanie Anne
Widawski, Jerry
Willis, Monte Allyn
Willoughby, Shannon Lyn
Wilson, John MacLean
Wirth, Justin Latsch
Wolf, Jason Edward
Woods-Eliot, Scot Jay
Xu, Xin
Yanov, Joshua David
Young, Aaron Michael
Young, Cory John
Zhu, Keliang
Zinn, Karen L
Zuercher, Christopher Wade
Information dated 09/11/2000