The following is a
list containing only the names of those
applicants who passed the examination. It
is provided by the Oregon Board of Bar Examiners
as an informational service only and is
not to be relied upon as an official list,
notification or record.
Please also note that passage of the Oregon Bar Examination is only one of the requirements necessary for admission to practice law in Oregon. An applicant may not practice in Oregon until the applicant is sworn in as a member of the Oregon State Bar.
Please contact the office
of the Board
of Bar Examiners with any questions.
Abercrombie, Robert Allen
Alderman, Karla Himes
Allaire, Bea Anne
Allen, Sara Lynn
Anderson, Leslie Jo
Andrea, Michael Gordon
Arlow, Allan Joseph
Asam, Moana
Baker, Steven Drew
Ballo, Nicole Louise Faith
Barker, Heidi Heim
Baumgart, Brenda Kay
Baxter, Justin Michael
Bean, Andrew James
Bedrick, David Mark
Belcher, Kathryn Marie
Bellia, Michelle Anne
Bitcon, Sharon Jean
Blankenship, Aaron Lee
Blaser, Dawn Heather
Boots, Stanley Richard
Bounds, Ryan Wesley
Brainerd, Stephanie Margaret
Brenneman, Aaron Lee
Brody, Alison Elizabeth
Broesder, Jason Coe
Brown, Brenda June
Brown, Sarah Louisa
Bunch, William Daniel
Burgess, Michael Douglas
Burnett, Christopher Steven
Burton, John Spencer
Butterfield, Mark Alan
Caley, Steven D
Calheim, Brandon Gary Wayne
Cannady, Alison
Carey, Heather Easterbrook
Carey, Matthew Dennis
Carlton, Marc Marshall
Carr, Christine Louise
Carr, Kathleen Mary
Carter, Julie Anne
Carty, Kim Renee
Casper, Ryan Paul
Cerutti, Stephen Robert
Childs, Willie Louis
Christiansen, Kevin Travis
Clarkson, Paige Elaine
Coate, Lara Elizabeth
Coberly, Elizabeth Anne
Collver, Geoffrey Kirk
Compton, Kayce Reed
Corbett, Sherrill Ann
Corcoran, Joel Christopher
Covington, Van Alexander
Cramer, David Vincent
Criss, Jennifer Carolyn
Davis, Jayne Tracy
Daywitt, Jason Harris
DeCristo, Joshua Sangre
DeSpain, Monique Jahree
Deavours, Carrie Alston
Decker, Heidi Theodora
Dorr, Christopher Charles
Doyle, Robert Paul
Dunkin, Julia Kay
Dunn, Alex Charles
Dunn, Lisa Jean
Elkanich, David John
Eraut, Allen Edward
Erdman, Laurie Ann
Erickson, Tessa Marie
Evans, Kelly Mitchell
Farmer, Cornelia Griffin
Feekes, Clinton John
Fifield, Andria Cheryl
Filiault, Robert James
Filippi, Shawn Marie Riffel
Fink, Marc David
Finnerty, Margaret Mary
Foltz, Andrew Christopher
Forsyth, Willard Lincoln
Foster, Brent Cooper
Frozena, Jennifer Lynne
Gabrielidis, Cristina
Gentili Armbrust, Julie Patrice
Gerber, Susan Robin
Gilbert, Karen Gehrkin
Giles, David Winston
Glascock, Andrew Douglas
Goldstein, William Ira
Golightly, Christine Renee
Goodwin, Paul Andrew
Gorecki, Maria
Grant, Amy Pierson
Gravatt, Ann English
Guse, James Lee
Haan, Pamela Lynn
Hagedorn, Andrew Bernhard
Hall, Brent Husayn
Hall, Michael Matthews
Hall, Michelle Elizabeth Louie
Hanchett, Todd Alohikeau
Harding, Tanya Marie
Haring, ChristinaLea
Harnish, Tyler Reid
Harrasser, Ian Michael
Hashizume, Kevin Junichi
Heintz, Ruth Dorothea
Herrmann, Annalie Mae
Hook, Laurel Parrish
Horan, Jennifer Erin
Howell, Scott Bradley
Huffman, Tristyne Marie
Hunt, Seton Blake
Huntington, Michael John
Husbands, Joshua Emiliano
Ikata, Scott Shigeo
Irwin, Georgia Marie
Iverson, Erik James
Jacob, Sheri Renee
Jarrett, Noah Benjamin
Jeffery, Kevin Lee
Jeffress, Bart Duncan
Johnson, Kristi Kay
Johnson, Rebecca Ann
Johnston, Todd Raymond
Jones, Kevin Lee
Kane, Brendan James
Kauffman, Andrew Kent
Keith, Corinne Elizabeth
Keller, Deborah Louise
Kelley, Alison Stone
Kelley, Erinn Layne
Kernutt, Kristin Elizabeth
Killgore, Emma Julia
Klosterman, Theresa Ann
Kneeland, Ann Barclay
Knight, Ethan Douglas
Kodachi, John Akira
Koehl, Krista Irene
Kolen, Trina Danielle
Konowalchuk, Thomas William
Kuerschner, Caroline Emma
Kusyk, Douglas Allen
Langlotz, Angela Valberg
Larson, Amy Lynn
Lata, Rohini
Lau, Gary Ho-Kong
LeFever, Lance Austin
Lee, Scott Wai
Lefere, Jennifer Louise
Legaard, BrennaKristine
Leitheiser, Ian Michael
Lentz, Jennifer
Levi, Ethan
Lightle, Drake Alexander
Litchfield, Elden Bradley
Lo, Jennifer Meitein
Lonborg, Katrina Margaret
Long, Jill Ruttan
Lowe, Jeffrey Michael
Lyman, Anne Devlan
Madden, Mario James
Maffei, Laura Cristiana
Markeson, Thomas A
Marquoit, James Jason
Marshman, Edward Wesley
McCafferty, Matthew J
McDonald, John Freeman
McKelvey, Lowell Peirce
McLaren, Elizabeth
Medford, Kimberly Anne
Melfi, John Charles
Miller, Tamara Elizabeth
Moeller, Emily Marie
Mooney, Jennifer Pascover
Moore, Judy Marlene
Moore, Sidney Earl
Moylan, Cadence Lynn
Munsey, Anne Kimiko Fujita
Muraski, Courtney Catherine
Myers, Jeffrey Lawrence
Mylander, Kirk Wayne
Newton, Kelly Marie
Norton, Ceola Kay
Norton, John Duane
O'Fallon, Shannon Kathleen
Ormsby, Donald Walter
Otto, Angela Marie
Paetsch, Erich M
Palmer, Amanda Nickole
Panarella, Liliuokalani Rebekah
Panoff, Christopher Vangel
Pappas, James Constantine
Park, Bik-Na
Parker, Joel Allen
Parker, Keith Edward
Pasternack, Alan Lewis
Pax-Shipley, Mary Elizabeth
Pearman, Beverly Carrigan
Penwell, Tonya Lynn
Petersen, James E
Pickett, Michelle Erica
Pirner, Deborah Lynn
Piumarta, Kenneth Michael
Postma, Eric Scott
Potter, Sheila H
Price, Anne Ruth
Prichard, James Clark
Rasche, Nyran Rose
Reinhardt, Katrina Loren
Rhoades, Nicole Marie
Richard, Shannon Leigh
Richards, John David
Ridler, Robyn Ellen
Roach, Dana Laura-Marie
Robertson, Melissa Masat
Rombach, Gary Wayne
Roof, Jennifer Joyce
Ruhnke, Lyndon Lee
Russell, Aubrey Allen
Sacks, Jeremy David
Sam, Corinne
Sampson, David Floyd
Sapina, Maryann
Schefski, Kenneth Charles
Schlenker-Goodrich, Erik
Schuck, David Arthur
Schulhof, Robert Paul
Scott, Kathleen June
Scott, Peter Guillum
Seber, Chad Patrick
Shafer, David Lyndon
Shih, Eva Ching-Yi
Shores, Kevin Michael
Siegel, Steven Michael
Sikes, Paul Anthony
Sinnott, Damien Joshua
Sinsel, Charles Arthur
Sloan, Claire-Elizabeth
Smith, Robin Amy
Sneed, Bradley Vincent
Snyder, Robin Michelle
Stanford, Darian Alexander
Steen, Jason Alan
Stein, Robyn Lynn
Steinberg, Daniel Lawrence
Stephens, Casey Ann
Stineman, Renee Rachelle
Strange, C Kalei Louise
Sugimoto, Lori Mie
Sullivan, Michael Grant
Sweet, Jeffrey Stephen
Swinburnson, Ryan Michael
Tanzosh, Brenna Ann
Tarbox, Mary Robertson
Taylor, Diana Rose
Taylor, Laura Cherise Caldera
Teed, Michelle Marlene
Terrell, Daniel Andrew
Tharp, Kenneth Michael
Theodorson, Ellen Marie
Thompson, Brian Michael
Thompson, Kate Anne
Thompson-Merrill, Cheryl
Tongue, Thomas Michael
Townsend, Cara Patricia
Trunnell, Tracy Dawn
Tufts, Cathern Elizabeth
Tuppan, Sharon Barton
Turner, Stephanie Lynn
Tuttle, Christopher Scott
VanTrease, Philip Dean
Vangelisti, Richard Jason
Vars, Fredrick Enoch
Vieux, Travis Jon
Volkman, Lori Lynn
von Ofenheim, A Jeanne Elizabeth
Wade, Theresa Marie
Ward, Melissa Jane
Warfield, Calliste Joplin
Watts, Anya Danielle
Waxler, Eric John
Weiner, Jason Bryce
Weiner, Jon Harris
Weisler, Faye Leslie
Wexler, Amie Thomson
Wiedmann, Alfred Karl
Wilcox-Jones, Peter Sinclair
Wilkinson, Robert William
Williams, Clinton Jon
Williams, James Peter
Wood, Nicholas Abraham
Wright, Aysia Harrison
Wuepper, Kyle Dean
Yonker, Kenna Louise
Yoon, Lisa M
Yorra, Andrew Charles
Yruegas, Jennifer Elaine
Zimmerman, Natasha Annika
Information dated 03/14/2000