July 2011 Oregon Bar Examination,
Pass/Fail Statistics
First Time
Applicants |
Second Time Applicants
(3X or >)
33.3% |
66.6% |
100.0% |
Official letters regarding passage or failure on the Oregon Bar Examination have been sent to all applicants by mail.
Please note that passage of the Oregon Bar Examination is only one of the requirements necessary for admission to practice law in Oregon. An applicant may not practice in Oregon until the applicant is sworn in as a member of the Oregon State Bar.
Successful exam applicants will be sent a detailed packet of information including information on the admission ceremony, bar membership, bar number, the New Lawyer Mentoring Program and other relevant information. Successful exam applicants who have completed the MPRE and are eligible for admission may attend the admissions ceremony to be held on May 10th at 1:30 p.m. in Smith Auditorium on the Willamette University campus in Salem. Successful applicants who can not attend the ceremony may be sworn-in separately, though not before May 10th. You may contact staff after April 30th for details.
(Willamette Campus Map) (Oath of Office) (Welcome Letter).
Please contact the office of the Board of Bar Examiners with any questions.
Anani, Dina
Anderly, Cameron
Anderson, David
Anderson, Erika
Aschenbrenner, Shelley
Baxter, Kachelle
Beckett, Jordan
Berman, Emma
Bistue, Sarah
Bostwick, Robin
Bousley, Denise
Brazo, Megan
Bruce, Suzanne
Burgess, Jesse
Bush, Jason
Buzzini, Anne
Calt, Shannon
Calvert, Kathryn
Campbell, Cristen
Campbell, Patricia
Cass, Erin
Crawley, Timothy
Daley, Kyle
Dawson, Aaron
Derrick, Randy
Deurmier, Danielle
Digman-McNassar, Veronica
Donnelly, Christopher
Doot, Erika
Doyle, Erin
Duncan, Christopher
Dunn, Scott
Ellis, Jaimie
Farbiarz, Tessan
Faricy, Kristina
Ferrari, Chandra
Flukinger, Ashley
Flukinger, Janel
Flynn, Julianne
Fox, Emily
Gaafar, Reem
Garber, Emily
Gibney, Alexandra
Gill, Leigh
Goldfried, David
Gray, Michel
Gujral, Aarti
Haan, Ryan
Harris, Daren
Herring, Lesley
Higgins, Daniel
Howk, Lindsay
Hsu, Sharlei
Hyde, Julia
Jeong, Mi Joo
Jones, Cynthia
Jones, Jason
Kannen, Mark
Kellems, Kristen
Kim, Dae
Kim, Jinhyo
Kincaid, Douglas
King, Anne
Ko, Gina
Koch, John
Kroll, Ryan
Kwon, Jennifer
LaGrange, Joshua
LaHatte, Gabrielle
Larson, Miranda
Le, Kim
Ledger, Laurie
Lee, Heather
Lee, Ki
Lester, Whitney
Louie, Derrick
Luk, Denise
MacKinnon, John
Man, Linda
Mandell, Laura
Manne, Erin
May, Lucas
McGinn, Jennifer
Millard, Rebekah
Miller, Amber
Mohr, Michael
Moody-Burks, Marcail
Morgan, Shawn
Mueller, Daniel
Murphy, Colin
Nagy, Sam
Namgyal, Phuntsok
Neel, Jodi
Nomie, Ashraf
Nunez, Megan
Page, Terisa
Pau, Angela
Paul, Daniel
Pedrazzi, Zachary
Perry, Jessica
Pierce, Jayme
Pirie, Benjamin
Plass, Elizabeth
Platt, Gordon
Poplawski, Lisa
Power, Karin
Preston, Patrick
Puckett, Holly
Pulmanova, Barbora
Puskas, Rebecca
Ramanujam, Madhusoodhan
Rider, Scott
Riley, Zeljka
Robbins, Meagan
Rodda, Kristi
Rodighiero, Ryan
Roose, Jeremy
Salmi Klotz, Jason
Sanchez, Samantha
Sander, Karyne
Sandhu, Jaskarn
Savitt, Melany
Schenker, Adam
Schermer, William
Schocket, Michael
Schumacher, Kyle
Sharp, Aleea
Shortt, Stephen
Smith, Travis
Sol, Jason
Stark, Anthony
Stewart, Alan
Tam, Siu-wah
Te, Christy
Thompson, Paul
Trause, Jonathan
Trick, Matthew
Tsai, Eric
Tullos, Clayton
Voegeli, Nathan
Washburn, Stephen
White, Evan
White, Lawrence
Yanchar, Nicholas
Yazicigil, Vanessa
Yi, Elliot
Zaerpoor, Shayda
Zamudio, Hilary
Zantello, Joshua
Information dated 04/27/2012