February 2006 Oregon Bar Examination, Pass/Fail Statistics
First Time
Takers |
The following is a
list containing only the names of those
applicants who passed the examination. It
is provided by the Oregon Board of Bar Examiners
as an informational service only and is
not to be relied upon as an official list,
notification or record.
Please also note that passage of the Oregon Bar Examination is only one of the requirements necessary for admission to practice law in Oregon. An applicant may not practice in Oregon until the applicant is sworn in as a member of the Oregon State Bar.
Please contact the office
of the Board
of Bar Examiners with any questions.
Absood, Nader Safwat
Acosta, Michelle Dalmas
Adamson, John David
Ahuna, Andre
Alizadeh, Sima
Ansari, Holly Adams
Arnot, Stephen Philip
Atwood, Amy Rae
Baldwin, Aubrey Elizabeth
Beckerman, Stacie Fatka
Bell, Daniel H
Bishop Frankel, Tamila F
Blechmann, Paul Joseph
Borgman, Stacey Lynn
Boyd, Shanelle Renae
Bradley, Brenda Michelle
Brisbois, Patricia Lea
Capossela, Peter Charles
Chafin, Nancy Ann
Chin, Elleanor Hsao-chuan
Chittick, Elizabeth Marie Sara
Chourey, Nikhil Thomas
Clark, Sara Marie
Clark, Shelby Lawrence
Clawson, Janie Mason
Cohen, Anne
Cook, Robert Grant
Criglow, Christopher Charles
Cullen, Pamela Sue
Day, Kirsten Janet
Dearinger, Bryan Scott
Dennis, William Van
Dickson, Bart Cheney
Donell, Matthew McKay
Dotts, Jason Lee
DuBois, Sean Paul
Duvall, Stephanie Elizabeth
Engstrom, Jared Scott
Epting, Rahna Moarefi
Farnham, Joele Kay
Finney, Kristan Kay
Fiscus, Thomas J
Fitzpatrick, Neil Michael
Forbess, Cassandra Dempsey
Forrester, James Neal
Gaffke, Suzanne Marie
Galpern, Daniel Matthew
Garcia, Tony Newell
Gavin, Emily Theresa
Gifford, Jenee Louise
Ginsler, Brace William
Glynn, Kevin Michael
Goldstein, Aaron David
Gonzales Rose, Jasmine Buffy
Goracke, Monica Anne
Gramson, Loren Andrew
Graver, Molly Lynne
Greenman, Joseph McKee
Griffith, Jay Kevin
Grudt, Kristopher Allen
Gustafson, Michael John
Haapala, John Edwin
Hagan, Melanie Carole
Hallas, Michael David
Halsted, Jesse Lyle
Han, Jina
Hantman, Jordan Stephen
Hawk, Christopher Elton
Hercher, Alicia Louise Gano
Hilligas, Aaron Jacob
Holmbeck, Kathi Darlene
Hong, Kari Elisabeth
Hudson, Jennifer Lynn
Hunt, Philip Reinhold Markwart
Huston, Whitney Bryn
Johnson, Dustin Andrew
Kalin, Kyann Christina
Karnosh, Michael James
Keddis, James Nabil
Kellogg, Robert Eamon
Kemper, Heather Louise
Kemper, Karen Kay
Klein, Laurie Rachele
Klein, Nathaniel Christopher
Koppers, Bettina
Kruse, Katherine Marie
Larson, Becky Lynn
Larson, Kimberly Ann
Lawrence, Maria Teresa
Lester, Lauren Jean
Lindsay, Joseph Alan
Lopez, Michael Anthony
Lukes, Connie Cecelia
Lyons, Genie
Mahr, Laura Dee
Malmstrom, Michael Steven
Manfredi, Christopher Joseph
Marston, Jennifer Lynn
Mast, Walter Daniel
Master, Valerie Jean
McGrew, Cheryl Lynn
McKean, Collin Clark
McLellan, Michael Fielding
McPhee, Christine Elizabeth
Merrill, Ian Gammons
Meshell, Jason David Castle
Miltenberger, Georgina Howells
Mistkawi, Alisa Mary
Mitchel, Caitlin Joy
Mohan, Sunjay Yedehalli
Molyneux, Erin
Morales, Mavel
Munn, Jason Paul
Myers, Robert Carl Brian
Myers, Stewart Brooks
Nadell, Elijah Christopher
Neumann, Michelle Anne
Newman, Senia Pickering
Nguyen, Dzuy T
O'Toole, Elaine Susan
Otto, Kylee Odette
Parise, Christine
Parker, Kristofer Conan
Pascual, Michael Ocampo
Patterson, Joseph W
Paul, Phaedra Elizabeth
Peck, Ryan Beattie
Pedden, Meghan Broughton
Pelletier, Janis Gail
Pendergrass, Jessica Lynn
Perez, Jennifer Lynn
Post, Carl Lee
Quinby, Joseph Paul
Rabbat, Robert Anthony
Rain, J Russell
Read, Andrew James
Read, Gale Lundgren
Rees, Amber Elizabeth
Rennie, Brandon Kay
Reordan Riazi, Rowshan Tiffany
Ridenour, Adele Jennifer
Riedel, Michael James
Rietman, Sonja Ashiya
Riley, Livia Ellen
Robinson, Erin Emily
Rogers, Amy Jean
Romain, Danelle Pavla
Rothenfluch, Anthony Eric
Saffell, Heather Jean
Sager, Kelly Joyce
Salyards, James Gregory
Schaeffer, James Aron
Schmid, John Kyle
Sellers, Matthew Bennett
Shea, Katie Helen
Sherer, Steven James
Skye, Lise Sapphire
Sloman, Lisa Karen
Smith, Annelisa Dawn
Smucker, Stuart Lanz
Soto, Michelle Marie
Soto, Theresa Ines
Spiegel, Ann
Sprague, Eli Aaron
Stanford, Rochelle Lisset
Stapleton, Christopher Jerome
Stiggins, Joseph Lester
Stutheit, Peter David
Thompson, Diedra Margaret
Thompson, Kristina Marie
Ticaric, Matthew David
Tiedge, John
Tobin, Rachel Zita
Tolleson, Sommer Elizabeth
Tran, Dong Phong Nhat
Tsohantaridis, Demetrius Hoffman
Van, Amanda Lynn
Villacorta, Javier Alejandro
Vitello, Jennifer Elizabeth
Wales, Jesse
Ward, Jonathan Michael
Wasson, Michele E
Weeks, Brian Keith
Welch, Elizabeth Elena
West, Kristen Claire Jorgensen
Widmer, Lindsey Rae
Wilmot, Matthew Robert
Wilson, Shannon Iris
Wilton, Stacey Ann
Winter, Sarah Ann
Wren, Daniel Jordan
Wylam, Holly Jean
Yun, Alexandra Sunhee
Zanotelli, Matthew Paul
Information dated 04/13/2006