The following is a
list containing only the names of those
applicants who passed the examination. It
is provided by the Oregon Board of Bar Examiners
as an informational service only and is
not to be relied upon as an official list,
notification or record.
Please also note that passage of the Oregon Bar Examination is only one of the requirements necessary for admission to practice law in Oregon. An applicant may not practice in Oregon until the applicant is sworn in as a member of the Oregon State Bar.
Please contact the office
of the Board
of Bar Examiners with any questions.
Allen, Jennifer Ann
Angeletti, Sara Elizabeth
Apenes, Mikal Jacob
Arms, Adam Scott
Ashton, David Peter
Ball, William Dean
Barker, Cristi Karren
Becker, Larry Edward
Bentley, Philip Samuel
Bird, Christie Marie
Bitner, Richard Hunter
Blubaugh, Timothy Allen
Blumberg, Rachel Ganz
Blyveis, Deborah Beth
Bosley, Mary Anne
Brattain, Doris Marion
Brennan, Allison O'Hagan
Brockett, Phillip Ray
Brown-Brenneman, Alana Marie
Buria, Cory Lee
Burkett, David Carl
Butler, John Francis
Camilleri, Jenine Marie
Carey Newman, Rachel Christie
Carpenter, Julie
Cerda, Coleen Erin
Ching, Timothy Wai
Cienfuegos, Jose
Clark, Dennis Gene
Clydesdale, William Larue
Collier, Tricia Laraine
Colvin, Andrew P
Coronado, Tina M
Costello, Peter Buchanan
Crispen, Stephen Jeffrey
Crutchley, Raymond D
Davidson, James B
Davis, Adrienne Susanne
Delehant, John William
Diehl, Jonathan Wilhite
Dolman, Brian Lee
Dougan, Rebecca
Duff Hanchett, Gina Marie
Dunbabin, Robert Allen
Dustin, Michael Garth
Edwards, Liva Jamala
Ellingson, Peter David
Ellis, Gregory Michael
Engel, Robert Glenn
Estensen, Lisa Jean
Evers, Erin Michele
Eyler, Nancy Caran
Faas, Cheryl McRae
Fahsbender, John Julius
Falk, Benjamin Orlo
Feutz, Cheryl Lee
Fitzsimmons, Eve Maria
Flagler, Brian Douglas
Fleener, Thomas Arthur
Fletcher, Michael William
Fluegel, Brett Dunnington
Fowler, Margo Shatz
Franco, Deanna Lee
Fruchtengarten, Zachary James
Gandy, Rebecca Lynn
Gaouette, Dudley Winthrop
Garnett, Pryor Andrew
Gasparovic, Shannon Lee
Gebhardt, Sharon Dawn
Giordano, Cheri Lee
Gorlinsky, Rita Smith
Green, Larry Steven
Greenfield, Julia Terese
Gregory, Julie Lynne
Greunke, Tamara Sue
Grover, Diane Lee
Haggerty, Patchen Marie
Hall, Michael Christopher
Hanches, John Nicolas
Hayes, James Ross
Hernandez, Roman David
Hews, Derek Daniel
Hill, Tricia Marie
Hossaini, Kelly Shafer
Hughes, Kelly Harlan
Hunter, Gary B
Hushek, Allison Janet
Idiart, Damian Michael
Jamieson, Eric William
Jeffries-Bowman, Andrea Marie
Jesperson, Gordon Oscar
Johnson, Misti Kathleen
Johnson, Thomas Russell
Karp, Adam Phillip
Kaufman, Eric Andrew
Keck, Richard Charles
Kim, Suk Yeon
Klammer, Lisa Marie
Kono, David Masaru
Korish, Kayla Elaine
Krider, Ellen Jonell
LaGrone, Dawn M
Lambert, Kristine Michelle
Lambird, Elizabeth Gard
Landers, MaryEloise
Lawrence, Dylan Russo
Levinson, Gregory William
Lewis, Kyle Cosgrave
Lifsey, Marjorie C
Linder, Larry Leroy
Lininger, Ann Maurece
MacEllven, Douglass Thornton
Machula, Laura Anne
Marsh, Steven Darrell
McCaffrey, Amy Lynn
McElroy, Thomas Patrick
Medeiros, Martin Francis
Meyer, Shawna Rene
Mionske, Elizabeth Farrell
Mionske, Robert Charles
Morgan, Amy Jo
Motley, Peter David
Newberry, Thomas William
Nicholson, Bradley James
Nishioka, Bruce Matsuo
Oppenheim, Shoshanah Elaina
Palmer, Douglas MacLean
Pancic, Vanesa
Penner, Shannon Noel
Peoples, Kim Eugene
Peters, Diane Marie
Petrowsky, Duane K
Potter, Ana Marie
Powell, David J
Radzom, Christine Marie
Randle-Ennis, Jennifer Elizabeth
Rickard, Shannon Noelle
Roloff, Shannon Renee
Rosenthal, Chantal Veronique
Scarbrough, Roger Dale
Schneider, Nicole Leigh
Schroder, Paul Steel
Silverman, Geoffrey Bartholomew
Simpson, Ian Ronald
Smith, Bryan Wilson
Spencer, Karen Yvette
Spens, Nancy Ellen
Starke, Cynthia JoAnne
Stich, Lori Jane
Thompson, Kirsten Ellen
Till, James Edward
Trieu, Jenny Le
Trost, Maria A I
Veljacic, Pamela Hui-ping Loh
Vincent, Richard Lee
Ward, Carrie
Ward, David Jonathan
Warnock, Luanne Marie
Watanabe, Anne Marie
Watson, Laura Elizabeth
Watson, Lillian Suelzle
Webb, Patricia Ann
Weiss, Walter William
Wellborn, Anne Hattery
Westerfield, William Weeks
Westlind, Dennis Erik
White, David F
Widenhofer, Christopher Allan
Wilson, Matthew Alexander
Winkler, Anita Mary Augusta
Wolf, Elizabeth Josephine
Wood, Sandra Elizabeth
Woolbright, Dana
Wyner, Alison Brooke
Ziskin, Linda Susan
Zleit, Michael Joseph
Information dated 04/10/2001